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Confused Pelosi botches Speaker speech: ‘I think I skipped a couple of pages. I’m not sure.’ (1 Viewer)


Educating the Ignorant
DP Veteran
Dec 19, 2008
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At the conclusion of her first speech to Congress after becoming House Speaker again, Nancy Pelosi realized she “skipped a couple pages” of her remarks.At the conclusion of her first speech to Congress after becoming House Speaker again, Nancy Pelosi realized she “skipped a couple pages” of her remarks.

Confused Pelosi botches Speaker speech: 'I think I skipped a couple of pages. I'm not sure.' - The American MirrorThe American Mirror

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

Sounds like something Trump would be accused of doing.

That sure ain't good.

Oh, did someone get the planks out of tRump's eyes so they could find the specks in Pelosi's? Nah, that wouldn't happen. Moving on.
Nancy is ready to kick some fat Republican Butt...and the ass kicking starts now

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

Like this....

Or perhaps you mean "slurred" in writing....


Sounds like something Trump would be accused of doing.

That sure ain't good.

It's not something to accuse him of doing, for slurring his remarks and exhibiting signs of dementia is something he's straight-up done, several times.
That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

Your desperation is showing.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

Posts 5 and 6 notwithstanding, yes, hopefully she doesn't too much exhibit either behavior.
This is going to be an entertaining 116th Congress.
Too much covfefe fumes?
At what point did she sound confused?

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

I agree. What a bunch of covfefe.

Oh, did someone get the planks out of tRump's eyes so they could find the specks in Pelosi's? Nah, that wouldn't happen. Moving on.

Oh my....is that a 'whataboutism'?
Like this....

Or perhaps you mean "slurred" in writing....


Another 'whataboutism'. I guess the other side can start keeping count now.
Another 'whataboutism'. I guess the other side can start keeping count now.

No, baby, no "whataboutism." Click here.

I'll admit that I omitted the question mark I intended to put at the end of my post, and by the time I noticed it, it was too late. That I did is the only reason I posted the content in post 8. "Whataboutism?" No. Try that line with someone else.
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Nancy is ready to kick some fat Republican Butt...and the ass kicking starts now

The ass kicking began a couple weeks ago at the meeting in the WH. Trump proudly claimed he would shut down the goverment for border wall funding. Trump took the bait hook, line, and sinker. Speaker Pelosi put very little effort into Trump backing himself into a corner. Pelosi walked out of that meeting with a smile on her face knowing Trumps mouth got the better of him. Now he fears looking like a fool, I say mission accomplished lol Pelosi made it look so easy and effortless. That folks is a master politician. Trump is way out of his depth, let the subpoenas fly, watch Trump flip flop like a dying fish on the pier.
No, baby, no "whataboutism." Click here.

I'll admit that I omitted the question mark I intended to put at the end of my post, and by the time I noticed it, it was too late. That I did is the only reason I posted the content in post 8. "Whataboutism?" No. Try that line with someone else.

Hey, you posted what you posted, later afterthoughts not withstanding. It is what it is. Own it.
No, it isn't.

It's a troll response to trollbait thread.

I guess everyone's mirrors are broken. What's the difference between that post and other's when Obama is compared? Just because the thread is created by someone you or others dislike, doesn't change the content of it.

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

Hey, you posted what you posted, later afterthoughts not withstanding. It is what it is. Own it.

Were it so that I had a "whataboutist" frame of mind when I created that post, I'd say so, but I'm not going to own that which isn't mine.

I would say so for several reasons, but as go my interactions here, the primary one is that I'm well aware that the only people to whom what DP members think of me are the DP members who think whatever they think of me.

I don't care what you think about me. I don't think about you at all.
-- Coco Chanel​

That’s not all she’s missing.

Senile Nancy... The Colonel Klink-like character running the Democrat show.

She’s going to be good entertainment.

Hopefully she doesn’t slur and slobber too much.

I'm old enough to remember when Trump threw a bunch of pages out of his speech live on TV. Was he crazy too?

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