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Computer Programs to Recommend (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Feb 12, 2005
Reaction score
Political Leaning
We have a Thread to recommend books, so I thought I would start one for PC programs. One of my favorite programs is "Typeitin Pro".
http://www.wavget.com/typeitin.html If you have to type the same thing over and over and over, you can make a button to type it for you. Enter it once and that's it. If you use html codes just a click and it is [/b]
Excellent topic!

I use SpyBot on my windows box. It is free and cleans up spyware very nicely.

I also use ClamWin as my antivirus software. I use the linux port (which is was originally written) on my linux box. It is free as well.
I use spybot too. I haven't tried Clamwin. I use AVG for my anti-virus .
http://www.gristsoft.com/ I used to pay for Norton, but this is actually better and "free". I like it. :lol:
Nice topic;

I use Ad-Aware SE for getting those pesky Ads away.

I use AVG for virus protection.

Daemon Tools is pretty neat as well Here
OpenOffice is a great freeware program that is quite similiar to Microsoft Office. It has the equivalents to Word, Excel, PowerPoint,Draw, Database, exports to flash and .pdf, and so much more. Some options like exporting to .pdf is great since MSWord doesn't even come with that.

Firefox is definitely the preferred web browser. So many safety features to prevent pop-ups and spyware as well as interesting plug-ins which allow you to completely customize your surfing. Things like checking weather, stocks, news, there was even a "Terry Schiavo" plug-in that monitored her health.

Winamp is another freeware multi-media player. Organize your movies, music, and more. (DIVX is another cleaner free interface for video files).

And while not necessarily a complete download. Delicious is awesome! You set up a quick account and then add "post to delicious" to your favorites. Your account can be found at del.icio.us/(your user name) and can be accessed from any computer. My delicious website is del.icio.us/stpauler. It makes it really easy when you're away from your computer and want to go to a site, or just to show your friends and family great places they may never have seen before.
shuamort said:
And while not necessarily a complete download. Delicious is awesome! You set up a quick account and then add "post to delicious" to your favorites. Your account can be found at del.icio.us/(your user name) and can be accessed from any computer. My delicious website is del.icio.us/stpauler. It makes it really easy when you're away from your computer and want to go to a site, or just to show your friends and family great places they may never have seen before.
That does seem pretty cool!
I wonder if the blog parser would show the latest link added?

Edit: It does indeed.
I had to use this site today, so thought I would mention it. If you have an animation/avatar/picture that you would like to enlarge or add your name to, this site is very user friendly. Start with "file" then "file open" -- upload your picture, then go to edit. You can do loads of editing with it. The downside is it will only take *gif* pics.
Asked on another post:
(Hey Squawker, do you know how to resize those pics?)
If you have a picture that is too big to include in your post you can make it smaller. First save it to your desktop as a “gif” file. Most of the pictures on the web are already in that format, but if it isn’t select “save as”. Once you resize a picture, you need a place to store it, so you can link your image file. Open an account at http://photobucket.com/ or http://www.webshots.com/ Both places allow you to upload and share your pictures. Now that you have an account, go to http://www.gifworks.com/ follow the directions to resize, (see above post) and save it to your desktop. You will notice the new picture has some numbers after it, so make sure you upload the right picture to photobucket. Once it is in your album, right click on the picture, go to properties, copy and paste the url into your post, slap the
tags on it, and you are good to go. :lol:
I use Spybot S&D, and Adaware are a good combination, so what ever Spybot doesnt find, Adaware will, or vise/versa.
I just downloaded Google Earth for free. (If that link doesn't work, go to the mirror here.)

Super interactive and you can play with the earth like it's your toy. I just was able to count the cars in a parking lot in Santiago, Chile. Then fly up to Saint Paul MN and see the height of the buildings and the nearest eateries.
I too like to use

winamp pro and
avg antivirus

I also use
(both are free)

Nice progs gifworks an typeitin Squawker, thanks. :)
For those that prefer FireFox over Internet Explorer - the google Toolbar is now available for it.


Depending on your browser, it will d/l the correct one.
Depends what You want. For security You seriously need 1 non-freeware program like Norton Internet Security. But on that I recommend Spybot + Ad-Aware. Those 3 Progs make a good combination for security.
System maintenance: RegCleaner, Regseeker, CCleaner. (scandisk and defragment once/twice a month, depending how much You use Your comp) If You have little (256-512) RAM try FreeRAM XP pro.
Audio: XMPlay to play files. Audacity for multitrack recording unless You have external multitracker (I use both ways)
Graphics: CorelDraw Graphics Suite(commercial). Absolutely best freeware:photoFiltre, also use Pixia, + IrfanView.
Videomanipulation: VirtualDub or VirtualDubMod. Use Xvid and Divx Codecs and all the fancy plug-ins it supports (GNU)
Encoding: Besweet with BeLight GUI (lame 3.96.1), AudioGrabber.
Arch Enemy said:
Nice topic;

I use Ad-Aware SE for getting those pesky Ads away.

I use AVG for virus protection.

Daemon Tools is pretty neat as well Here

I use all of these +mozilla firefox for my browser, spybot s&d for added adware & spyware protection, & my wifi zone (beta version) to protect against wifi router intrusion. If you're going to use Ad-aware, don't be mistakenly get an imitation, as others use the same name.
shuamort my good friend thats is good,google earth,i am not going back to the dungeon ever again. I will behave myself, u guys try your best to
help your country i hope u succeed.

my kind regards to u.


Think of it as a laxitive and toilet roll, for the constipated prone Windows XP systems...

...That the CIA, MI5, FBI etc...like to smell and analyse.
Last edited:
I would recommend Opera as an alternative to Firefox. It is freeware now doesn't need all this plugins (because everything is already integrated) and is more frequently updated.

Another very useful program in particular on notebooks is RMClock.
I use it on a Intel Centrino Notebook with Dothan core and on a Desktop System with an Athlon 64 Clawhammer.
You can easily adjust the Voltage and Clockspeed. It optimizes C&Q for instance.
The AMD clawhammer with C&Q normally runs at 1.325 V /800 Mhz, runs now at 0.9V /800Mhz. The CPU Fan stopped and the CPU Temperature is pretty good - 90°F.
windows XP pro
a stolen program from apple
it comes bristling with the lastest cia secret codes that allow 24/7 monioring of the world
and was pushed on to us
and any other program that attempts to displace it are bombed by negative press
Msn :mrgreen:
DVD Shrink in conjunction with DVD Decrypter is great for backing up DVDs.

Apache, when used in conjunction with DYN DNS and DNSer, or something similar, to run your own low-traffic web site.

Along with that, it doesn't hurt to add Perl (which isn't bad to have even if you aren't running Apache.

You can also add fun things like War FTP, and you can run ssh as a service and get a complete command shell using Cygwin.

ID3 TagIt is good for fixing up your ID3 tags on bunches of MP3's at once.

Putty is a great telnet/ssh client, and Audacity is pretty cool recording software.

Soul Seek is the best filesharing program I've found, for music at least, and Peer Guardian doesn't hurt to run to help keep various agencies and governments off your back.
Canuck said:
windows XP pro
a stolen program from apple
it comes bristling with the lastest cia secret codes that allow 24/7 monioring of the world
and was pushed on to us
and any other program that attempts to displace it are bombed by negative press

Don't use a Mac, you'll never go back!
vauge said:
Excellent topic!

I use SpyBot on my windows box. It is free and cleans up spyware very nicely.

I also use ClamWin as my antivirus software. I use the linux port (which is was originally written) on my linux box. It is free as well.

Spybot takes care of most malware, but is short on active-x spyware. I run Spyware Blaster in tandem with Spybot to take care of those, along with BHO Demon to stop malicious browser helper objects from being installed. Also, I keep Spybot memory-resident, and also use their Teatimer, to proactively keep track of changes to my registry.

I run a dual-boot system with XP on one partition and Red Hat Linux on another. How good is ClamWin? Are the definitions frequently updated?

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