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Computer Help please Geeks where are you?! (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 8, 2005
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Political Leaning
OK, so something strange happened. I entered this videogame website and my keys started to not work properly. Well I ended up figuring out that one of the Fn keys was turned on that was changing my keys so when I typed it would not work correctly. However, I ran my anti virus program and it took 40mins for just 6%. So I figured something it wrong and I deleted my anti-virus program. Now I am trying to install a new anti virus program and it won't let me.
OK, so something strange happened. I entered this videogame website and my keys started to not work properly. Well I ended up figuring out that one of the Fn keys was turned on that was changing my keys so when I typed it would not work correctly. However, I ran my anti virus program and it took 40mins for just 6%. So I figured something it wrong and I deleted my anti-virus program. Now I am trying to install a new anti virus program and it won't let me.

Sounds to me like you might have some kind of malware that is blocking you from installing the antivirus altogether. You should restart your computer. My usual fix for this is to restart the computer and then restore it to a point from a few days before this all started happening. Then run your virus scan just to make sure.
Sounds to me like you might have some kind of malware that is blocking you from installing the antivirus altogether. You should restart your computer. My usual fix for this is to restart the computer and then restore it to a point from a few days before this all started happening. Then run your virus scan just to make sure.

What Jallman said first. If that doesn't work. Run this ComboFix | freeware and then try installing the antivirus.
Yo know, gray, if you gave us the exact error message you are getting when you try to install the antivirus, we can probably more accurately diagnose the specific problem. Anything else strange that's happening like pop-ups on the task bar or web pages navigating somewhere else without being directed?
Another trick is to rename the antivirus install file to explorer.exe and try installing it. If it installs, its pretty much proof that you have an infection as a virus tends to blacklist certain file names.
Try rebooting into safe mode* and installing the antivirus from there. And then running it from there too.

*usually that's done by rebooting your computer and hitting the F8 key as it's booting (press and hold the key or tap it repeatedly). This should bring you to a selection screen that looks something like this:


Select Safe Mode. This loads a very limited set of applications and processes and often prevents the virus/malware from loading. If you prevent it from loading, you prevent it from stopping you from installing antivirus software.

Also, I'd suggest this:

Malwarebytes They have a free version. It has worked wonders for my sis and parents computers numerous times.
Maleware bytes.

then sdfix.

You gotta run em fast though before the malware starts running.
Yo know, gray, if you gave us the exact error message you are getting when you try to install the antivirus, we can probably more accurately diagnose the specific problem. Anything else strange that's happening like pop-ups on the task bar or web pages navigating somewhere else without being directed?
man, I had wished I had waited. Because I tried to restore and now my computer won't start:(. Every time I turn it on, it goes into this error and it says that the computer won't start. Not even in safe mode. I used hijack this and sort of "fixed" some programs just three random ones and like I said above. It won't start anymore.
Any suggestions? I am on my sisters apple, and I cannot use mine for anything.
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man, I had wished I had waited. Because I tried to restore and now my computer won't start:(. Every time I turn it on, it goes into this error and it says that the computer won't start. Not even in safe mode.

My suggestion is to either remove the hard drive, stick it in another computer, grab your personal file, and then put the hard drive back and reinstall windows or to boot with a linux livecd, grab your files, and reinstall.

Either one takes more than basic knowledge though (and though sticking the drive in another computer is probably the easier one). Sorry.
man, I had wished I had waited. Because I tried to restore and now my computer won't start:(. Every time I turn it on, it goes into this error and it says that the computer won't start. Not even in safe mode.

Then that actually sounds more like bad sectors on your hard drive and something you would have run into eventually, anyway.

You can try creating a boot disk but, honestly, from what you are telling me, you need a new hard drive and to install an OS on it entirely.

You can also try sticking the hard drive in the freezer for a little bit and then reconnecting it and firing up. If it starts up, you KNOW its the hard drive but expect it to crash out as soon as it heats back up.
man, I had wished I had waited. Because I tried to restore and now my computer won't start:(. Every time I turn it on, it goes into this error and it says that the computer won't start. Not even in safe mode. I used hijack this and sort of "fixed" some programs just three random ones and like I said above. It won't start anymore.
Any suggestions? I am on my sisters apple, and I cannot use mine for anything.

What error does it give, exactly?
What error does it give, exactly?

I will tell you this. The computer goes into startup repair and it is checking for problems. Right now it is scanning.
I will tell you this. The computer goes into startup repair and it is checking for problems. Right now it is scanning.

Good, that means scandisk is running. Let it run, however, if it starts complaining about bad sectors as jallman mentioned is a possibility, I would go ahead and throw your files onto a USB stick and start shopping for a new drive.
It says this :The instruction at 0x745f989e referenced memory at 0x000000000. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program.
It says this :The instruction at 0x745f989e referenced memory at 0x000000000. The memory could not be read. Click on OK to terminate the program.

Click ok. Does it do that often?
and then it goes into this: You must log in to access System Recovery Options. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact your computer adminstrator for assistance. Click OK to restart the computer.
is the laptop kaput?
You can go here and download a memory test that can run on a bootable CD

Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool

This will test your RAM - which are removable and replaceable components. But, if you can't get it working, I wouldn't say it's "kaput", but just may need someone else to look at it who has tools you don't have.
Did scandisk report any errors?
Ok. I had my parents buy me a new laptop. :D Now I have another question. This one keeps asking me: Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX and other pulg ins to continue? How do I get rid of that box from popping up every new website I click on?
Ok. I had my parents buy me a new laptop. :D Now I have another question. This one keeps asking me: Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX and other pulg ins to continue? How do I get rid of that box from popping up every new website I click on?

What site are you going to that they ask you to install activeX??????

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