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Combat mission continues as U.S.-Iraqi raid kills 7 in Fallujah (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Mar 21, 2005
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New York, NY
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Slightly Conservative
Combat mission continues as U.S.-Iraqi raid kills 7 in Fallujah | McClatchy

U.S. and Iraqi forces raided a neighborhood in the longtime Sunni Muslim insurgent stronghold of Fallujah early Wednesday, Iraqi officials said, killing seven people in the deadliest joint operation since President Barack Obama announced the end of the American combat mission in Iraq two weeks ago.

The incident underscored how American forces remain engaged in offensive operations despite Obama's declaration that the fewer than 50,000 remaining U.S. troops would focus on advising and training the Iraqi military and police.

Iraqi police officials said that the raid, which also wounded three people, began when the U.S.-Iraqi team set off explosives around 1:30 a.m. in the Jubail neighborhood of Fallujah, about 40 miles west of Baghdad. American military helicopters supported the joint operation, according to residents.

In what alternate universe does this not count as combat operations? Don't believe the hype.
Great Job Obama!

Combat mission continues as U.S.-Iraqi raid kills 7 in Fallujah | McClatchy

In what alternate universe does this not count as combat operations? Don't believe the hype.

Doesn't necessarily mean our army actually participated. They could have acted as military advisers, the same way they did in N korea.

The relationship between our army and Iraq was clearly evident when we trusted their army to usher our army trucks all the way to Kuwait. Proof of their effectiveness was not one incident

Doesn't necessarily mean our army actually participated. They could have acted as military advisers, the same way they did in N korea.

"Iraqi police officials said that the raid, which also wounded three people, began when the U.S.-Iraqi team set off explosives around 1:30 a.m. in the Jubail neighborhood of Fallujah, about 40 miles west of Baghdad. American military helicopters supported the joint operation, according to residents."
"Iraqi police officials said that the raid, which also wounded three people, began when the U.S.-Iraqi team set off explosives around 1:30 a.m. in the Jubail neighborhood of Fallujah, about 40 miles west of Baghdad. American military helicopters supported the joint operation, according to residents."

I'm still not convinced we were part of the surge.

What better way to advise and support than by overhead choppers...

Besides, I should think that 10,000 trained iraqi soldiers could pretty well hold their own against what little resistance the Sunni could muster.

From what I read, Iraq has a mobilized army of over 250,000 now, more than enough to handle scattered insurgent attacks by themselves.

I'm still not convinced we were part of the surge.

What better way to advise and support than by overhead choppers...

Besides, I should think that 10,000 trained iraqi soldiers could pretty well hold their own against what little resistance the Sunni could muster.

From what I read, Iraq has a mobilized army of over 250,000 now, more than enough to handle scattered insurgent attacks by themselves.


I dunno have you ever been on the recieving end of a "chopper"?
At least Bush made the same phony claim in style. He landed a jet and had a cool media spot. Obama just sat at a desk looking unconvincing.

Make no mistake, the War in Iraq is ongoing and your tax dollars are funding it.

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