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College mulls renaming building after pro-Hitler comments (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 4, 2017
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“I abominate Hitler’s general policies, but if I am correctly informed in regard to his campaign for sterilization of the unfit, I prophesy that Germany will do more for the uplift of her society in the next 50 years through sterilization, than we have done in 85 years through public education.”

The move comes as universities around the country are renaming buildings to remove names of people tied to slavery, segregation, white supremacy or the Confederacy."

I'd say they have to.
Yikes. Yeah that's pretty damning, particularly coming from an educator. It would be like a prosecutor saying "I think we need more vigilante street justice; vigilantes would be more effective than I am."
Eugenics was very popular back in the day. I do not believe the Supreme Court decision, Buck v Bell, allowing the state to sterile a woman against her will has ever been overturned.
Nothing like applying a 2022 lens to history and then invalidating contributions made by individuals for statements they made in a different time and era.
Which contribution did he make that is being invalidated? Perhaps you could cite a specific example, then describe how the school being renamed specifically invalidates that one contribution?
Which contribution did he make that is being invalidated? Perhaps you could cite a specific example, then describe how the school being renamed specifically invalidates that one contribution?
Basically starting their school? But hey...he said something once that in 2022 is inappropriate...so take his name off the building of the school he started.

Seems so appropriately 2022.

Lynn Banks McMullen was born in 1875 by Arcadia, Indiana. While growing up he was known as one of the best tennis players in Indiana. McMullen completed his bachelor of science degree from DePauw University and a master’s and doctorates degree from the Teachers College at Columbia University.

Dr. McMullen, often known as “prexy” or “Dr. Mac” was a light in the age of the Depression. He was creative in the way he was able to equip students frugally while keeping high standards. He believed that normal schools should prepare students with rural roots to be able to teach those communities using whatever materials available.

Students often spent their time outdoors collecting plants and rocks they could later use in their own classrooms. In 1931, McMullen started an environmental-studies course near Red Lodge to study botany, geology and entomology.

To round out students’ education, McMullen encouraged them to learn how to put on a play and to paint and draw. He also saw the importance of community service so he assembled groups of students with rakes and shovels for community cleanups.

As an advocate of learning by doing, he had at least one-third of the students working with teachers in Billings’ classrooms at any given time to give students irreplaceable experience but he also solved a problem for space at Eastern.

The first building on campus was constructed and completed eight years after the school opened in 1927, and of course was named after Dr. McMullen.
Margaret Sanger supported the same thing and the leftist progs absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her
Many people of all political persuasions love Ms. Sanger.

Thanks to her efforts, women could decide whether or not they wanted some little darlings -- and how many.

She is my hero No. 1. (No. 2 is that guy in New York City who shot four troublemakers on the subway in 1984.)

“I abominate Hitler’s general policies, but if I am correctly informed in regard to his campaign for sterilization of the unfit, I prophesy that Germany will do more for the uplift of her society in the next 50 years through sterilization, than we have done in 85 years through public education.”

The move comes as universities around the country are renaming buildings to remove names of people tied to slavery, segregation, white supremacy or the Confederacy."

I'd say they have to.
Eugenics was the scientific rage of the day.
Margaret Sanger supported the same thing and the leftist progs absolutely LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE her
Funny how there can be good and bad things about people. I guess progressives just understand that better than most.
Sshhhhh. Let her t
Which contribution did he make that is being invalidated? Perhaps you could cite a specific example, then describe how the school being renamed specifically invalidates that one contribution?
Shhhhh. Let her talk.
Funny how there can be good and bad things about people. I guess progressives just understand that better than most.
I guess its because Sanger's plan targeted African-American women is why Dims worship her.
Maybe they should mull shutting the college down completely given all the positive statements their first college president made in favor of higher education.

What a stupid crock of senseless leftist inanity.
I guess its because Sanger's plan targeted African-American women is why Dims worship her.

Why shouldn't African-American women have had access to birth control?
Maybe they should mull shutting the college down completely given all the positive statements their first college president made in favor of higher education.

What a stupid crock of senseless leftist inanity.
I started this thread to see who would say about what you just said.

Hitler got the idea from progressives, of course:

Progressives saw sterilization as having natural advantages over traditional methods of helping the poor, such as charity. Sterilization was "scientific" -- its rationale could be found in the writings of Charles Darwin's cousin Francis Galton, the father of eugenics, who mused that superior people, like superior crops and farm animals, were the product of good breeding. The term "gene" had not yet been coined -- among the surprises in Bruinius' book is that the science and the word "genetics" were born of the pseudoscience eugenics, and not vice versa -- but any well-read person could understand that if you wanted to rid the world of inferior people, you ought to stop them from passing on their characteristics to future generations. Whereas charity only prolonged and deepened the problem of poverty by allowing the "unfit" among us to survive and procreate, sterilization presented what you might call a permanent, final solution.
Basically starting their school? But hey...he said something once that in 2022 is inappropriate...so take his name off the building of the school he started.

Seems so appropriately 2022.
It's going too far. I hate this part of the left mindset. It's just plain ignorant and potentially dangerous.
It's going too far. I hate this part of the left mindset. It's just plain ignorant and potentially dangerous.
Especially considering he condemned Hitler.
Science has evolved. Society has evolved.

This concept of viewing history from current lenses and applying those lenses to statements and actions by individuals in history baffles me.

This guy wasn’t a Nazi. He wasn’t pro-Hitler. He wasn’t a Confederate leader.

He helped rural Americans build a college from literally nothing.

But 🤷‍♀️
It's going too far. I hate this part of the left mindset. It's just plain ignorant and potentially dangerous.

Who's to say officials at Montana State University-Billings are leftists?
I guess its because Sanger's plan targeted African-American women is why Dims worship her.
I guess you know little.
Eugenics was very popular back in the day. I do not believe the Supreme Court decision, Buck v Bell, allowing the state to sterile a woman against her will has ever been overturned.

That decision was written by progressive hero Oliver Wendell Holmes, and his reasoning holds up perfectly well with how modern leftists think:

We have seen more than once that the public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength of the State for these lesser sacrifices, often not felt to be such by those concerned, in order to prevent our being swamped with incompetence. It is better for all the world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerate offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind. The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U. S. 11, 25 S. Ct. 358, 49 L. Ed. 643, 3 Ann. Cas. 765. Three generations of imbeciles are enough.

This is pure collectivism: the state must violate individual rights for the common good.

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