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Colin Powell for President? (1 Viewer)


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May 4, 2005
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Economic Refugee in Mexico
Do you think Colin Powell should run for President? What are your thoughts?

My personal opinion...I WISH HE WOULD RUN! I think his military background is just what we need to quash this Iraq thing...
No poll assocated, moved to US politics forum

I like Powell, but I do not think he has an interest. :confused:
I don't know what his views are on everything. If he's a good conservative, then maybe so. However, I already got my mind made up to support Bill Frist.
If he did run, I think he'd probably run as a democrat, possibly an independent. I don't know enough about his stances to really decide whether or not I'd support him, but I'd love to see him up against Hillary in the democratic primaries. THAT would be an interesting race.
I doubt Powell would run. I would love to see Condi Rice vs Hillary. Condi is not only extremely intelligent, but a very strong, honest, woman. Now that would be a race worth watching. :lol:
["That'd be a good race to watch"]..... Yeah to the fridge.

I don't like Military Backgrounds for Presidents, when you're in the Military you usually lose the ideals of what not to kill. It seems too much of a Fascist government to me.
Arch Enemy said:
I don't like Military Backgrounds for Presidents, when you're in the Military you usually lose the ideals of what not to kill. It seems too much of a Fascist government to me.
So you were against Kerry then?
Squawker said:
I would love to see Condi Rice vs Hillary.
If Hillary runs, so am I. I'm leaving the country until the election is over. I don't wanna see the mudslinging. Hillary's got the ability to just annoy people just by existing. I can't imagine what it'd be like if she's on the TV all the time.
shuamort said:
So you were against Kerry then?
I was against both, I'd rather see Kerry in the Presidency then Bush, the Republicans got one thing right... Kerry was a pansy.
pwo said:
I don't know what his views are on everything. If he's a good conservative, then maybe so. However, I already got my mind made up to support Bill Frist.


I can only pray that we're smart enough not to nominate Frist.
I can only pray that we're smart enough not to nominate Frist.
I agree, we would see a Dole rerun. :doh
Squawker said:
I agree, we would see a Dole rerun. :doh

We're going to keep the momentum through 06, and if we can win again in 08, it will be a dynasty. I don't think Frist can do that for us.
I don't see the end of the Republican road for quite sometime now.

Ralph Better win next election.
I think he should run. According to my research I did in college 3 years ago for my thesis over 2000 of 3500 people thought he would win. Over half of those who said yes also thought that he would be assassinated in office. Be at this time his wife said she WILL NOT ALLOW IT because she would fear for his life. SO its a tough call.
RightatNYU said:
We're going to keep the momentum through 06, and if we can win again in 08, it will be a dynasty. I don't think Frist can do that for us.

I agree. I don't see Frist delivering for the GOP in '08.

Powell is a moderate Republican, but he is not in it. I think his standing with the base is on shaky ground. Had this been 1992, GHWBush could have easily replaced Quayle with Powell, thus leading to a clear '96 run. But his wife Alma is his biggest concern--with good reason. Behind every good man stands an even better woman. Colin's shot for the White House was left at the front door in the 90s.
lheard said:
I think he should run. According to my research I did in college 3 years ago for my thesis over 2000 of 3500 people thought he would win. Over half of those who said yes also thought that he would be assassinated in office. Be at this time his wife said she WILL NOT ALLOW IT because she would fear for his life. SO its a tough call.

Just because someone says they think he will win doesn't mean they will vote for him.

And three years is an eon when it comes to political trends. I think Colin Powell's chances of becoming president, or even winning a nomination, are zero.

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