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Coffee, whats the problem (1 Viewer)



I hear everyone talk about how bad coffee is for you, why? I love coffee and everything about coffee.
Caffeine's not good for you, so I hear.

Doesn't stop my from loving it, though. :mrgreen:

All the "ine"s don't seem to be good for ya, have you noticed that? Caffeine, nicotine... that'll be my new diet book. "Say No to Ines". I'll make millions...

Just wanted an excuse to use the smilie. lol

I am not a coffee drinker. Can't stand the smell of it either.
This makes it tuff going to Starbucks with the wife when I need to score points.

How is coffee supposed to be 'bad' for you?
I don't know, but everyone tells me don't drink so much coffee, it isn't good for you, I found this while looking for why it is bad for you:



1. You don't have to put cream in your coffee to make it taste good.
2. Coffee doesn't complain when you put whipped cream in it.
3. A cup of coffee looks good in the morning.
4. You won't fall asleep after a cup of coffee.
5. You can always warm coffee up.
6. Coffee comes with endless refills.
7. Coffee is cheaper.
8. You won't get arrested for ordering coffee at 3 AM.
9. Coffee never runs out.
10. Coffee is out of your system by tomorrow morning.
11. You can take black coffee home to meet your parents.
12. You can make coffee as sweet as you want.
13. You can smoke while drinking coffee.
14. You can put out a cigarette in a cup of coffee.
15. Coffee smells and tastes good.
16. You don't have to put vinegar in your coffee.
17. If your coffee pot leaks, you can use a regular paper towel.
18. You can always get fresh coffee.
19. You can turn the pot on, leave the room, and it'll be hot when you get
20. They sell coffee at police stations.
21. You can always ditch a bad cup of coffee.
22. Coffee goes down easier.
23. If you put chocolate in your coffee, it doesn't put on weight.
24. No matter how ugly you are, you can always get a cup of coffee.
25. A big cup or small cup? It doesn't matter.
26. Your coffee doesn't talk to you.
27. Coffee smells good in the morning.
28. Coffee is good when it's cold too.
29. Coffee stains are easier to remove.
30. Coffee doesn't care when you dunk things in it.
31. Coffee doesn't care what kind of mood you're in.
32. Coffee doesn't shed.
33. Coffee is ready in 15 minutes or less.
34. You can't get a cup of coffee pregnant by putting cream in it.
35. Coffee doesn't mind being ground.
36. No matter how bad coffee is, you can always make it better.
37. Coffee doesn't have a time of the month...it's good all the time.
38. When coffee gets old, you can throw it away.
39. When you have a coffee, you don't end up with a pube in the back of your
40. Coffee doesn't take up half your bed.
41. Coffee doesn't mind if you wake up at 3 AM and decide to have a cup.
43. You can have an intelligent conversation with coffee.
44. It can take up to 2 weeks for coffee to grow mold.
45. Your coffee won't be jealous of a larger cup.

Are there long-term health risks associated with caffeine consumption?
In 1958 the U.S. Food and Drug Administration rated caffeine as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) and reaffirmed in 1987 that caffeine poses no significant health risks. Caffeine has not been shown to be associated with development of cancer, and even though it leads to mild increases in blood pressure, it is not a known cause of heart disease or high blood pressure. However, persons prone to arrythmias (irregular beating patterns of the heart) may notice that these occur with caffeine consumption. Psychological conditions may also be affected by caffeine use. Symptoms of panic and anxiety disorders and PMS may worsen with caffeine intake, and caffeine use has been associated with depression. Both the American Medical Association and the American Cancer Society have issued statements stressing the safety of caffeine consumption in moderate amounts.

OK... maybe there IS nothing wrong with coffee, as long as your not freebasing it. :mrgreen:

Drink up!!
Yeah coffee for all! And vague, how could you not like the smell of coffee, I can understand not liking the taste, but the smell is...delectible.
The way I see it, if you like it, it's legal, and hurts no one else, do it. Frankly everything is good and bad for you in some way, shape, or form and even air is lethal in the long run(oxidation of cells, same principle as rust). I like George Carlin's idea for a diet book "eat healthy, live right, excercise, die anyway".
or Louis Black's little joke here- "first doctors said eggs are good for you, then they said they were bad, then they were good again, then bad, next doctors said the whites were good for you but not the yellows...make up your mind, it's breakfast, i've gotta eat.".
"eat healthy, live right, excercise, die anyway".

I like that.

BTW, does no one think that the coffee vs. women list was funny except for me? Come on...
Actually I'd seen something in National Geographic a month or so back that did studies on coffee drinkers. Turns out your body eventually becomes dependant on the caffeine and certain parts of the brain stop functioning to full capacity when a "coffee addict" doesn't drink any. Intresting stuff.

Aawww, you ruined it for everyone. Everyone else said that it was okay, but here you come with your "logic"...

However, I do know something about caffeine addicts. I know lots of people who start to get headaches if they don't get their soda for the day, that's not healthy.
HTColeman said:
However, I do know something about caffeine addicts. I know lots of people who start to get headaches if they don't get their soda for the day, that's not healthy.

Yep, I am one of those people. Gotta have my Dr. Pepper or headaches and slum sets in.
vauge said:
Yep, I am one of those people. Gotta have my Dr. Pepper or headaches and slum sets in.
Yup, I usually wake up to can of "pop" as we usually call in in Minnesota.

As for coffee issues. There have been some links to teeth discoloration, hypertension, and heart disease.

Here are some more issues:

In fact, even if you drink only one cup early in the day, caffeine is still at work on your system hours later. A recent study at the Duke University Medical Center, found that levels of adrenalin and noradrenaline remained elevated at night even when subjects had slurped their last cup of coffee at lunchtime - in effect, mimicking 24-hour stress.

Even more sinister links have been made between coffee and ill health. Various studies have concluded that avid coffee drinkers are more at risk of miscarriage and birth defects, osteoporosis, arthritis and heart disease. So, is our daily cup doing more harm than good?

'In my mind, the evidence against coffee drinking is poor, unless you're talking about an exceptionally high consumption. In moderation, coffee doesn't appear to cause health problems.'

This was the same conclusion as the authors of the Nurses' Health Study, an epic 25-year study of disease and women's health and lifestyle habits.

Then there's also this:
Coffee Lowers Women's Risk of Gallbladder Problems
Women who drink four cups of regular coffee daily have a lower risk of getting gallstone disease than non-coffee drinkers.

Although the lowered risk associated with frequent coffee drinking was significant, the study's lead author hastens to add that he's not promoting coffee drinking as a way to maintain gallbladder health.

And, umm, this...

Coffee Enemas
Coffee Enemas have been used for over a hundred years as a generalized detoxification procedure. Despite rumors to the contrary, coffee enemas are perfectly safe when done as directed. Coffee enemas stimulate the liver and gallbladder to release stored toxins and wastes and liver function is enhanced.
HTColeman said:
I like that.

BTW, does no one think that the coffee vs. women list was funny except for me? Come on...
Yeah, that was a good list.
Coffee enemas, mmmm mmm. Just make sure you don't mix the enema liquids with the remaining coffee, whew, I can tell you firsthand how bad that is. :mrgreen:
V.I. Lenin said:
Coffee enemas, mmmm mmm. Just make sure you don't mix the enema liquids with the remaining coffee, whew, I can tell you firsthand how bad that is. :mrgreen:
Hope you had a real strong mint after that experience!:rofl
My thoughts exactly, but when I ate the mint I found out it was a suppository.
V.I. Lenin said:
Actually I'd seen something in National Geographic a month or so back that did studies on coffee drinkers. Turns out your body eventually becomes dependant on the caffeine and certain parts of the brain stop functioning to full capacity when a "coffee addict" doesn't drink any. Intresting stuff.


Haha you know. I think I would believe... that... theory...

of course, i am a recovering coffee addict.. I used to have at least 5 speciality coffee drinks a day. Now i am to 'a few'.. or something close:shock:

without it though, i shut down. nothing like the boost of espresso.


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