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Cocaine and pain pills: Inside secret drug culture at West Point (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Former West Point cadet Chris Monge was thrown out of school and into military prison for dealing and using cocaine, Xanax and opiates at the country’s foremost military academy in 2017.

Army prosecutors called him a drug “kingpin” at the US Military Academy in Orange County, NY.

Monge, now, 27, was so hooked on opiates that even when he returned to the campus in disgrace to meet with his lawyer and prep for his court martial, he was using.
This guy has a problem.
I can't get over the headlines, as if West Point kids are any better than any other school.

Classic classism.
I can't get over the headlines, as if West Point kids are any better than any other school.

Classic classism.
Believe that the people there have their heads up their donkeys about this place's optics. After this story I will be skeptical about their honor code.
Believe that the people there have their heads up their donkeys about this place's optics. After this story I will be skeptical about their honor code.

I always new it was phoopy.
Lots of pressure on the kids at West Point.. But lots of pressure on kids in medical school too.. And I'm sure they have the same drug problems..

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