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CO Republican busted on video copying sensitive voter information (1 Viewer)

What is it that keeps being said? Every Republican accusation is a admission.

Given how our SoS has been trying to get election officials all over the state to illegally delete voter records, I'd say this guy was doing a good thing.
Oh look, more republican voter fraud...in Maricopa County.

More evidence supporting voter ID and in-person Election Day voting.

I'd support a paid federal election holiday and retire President's Day or Lincoln's Birthday.
The episode is among eight known attempts to gain unauthorized access to voting systems in five U.S. states since the 2020 election. All involved local Republican officeholders or party activists who have advanced Trump’s stolen-election falsehoods or conspiracy theories about rigged voting machines.

"If the conspiracy isn't true, by God, we'll make it true!" From GOP treasurer: Michael Richards
/sarcasm on
Some in the GOP is still trying to figure out how their plan to steal the election to ensure Trump a win failed.
ALEC issues information that provides the tools to break the laws.....

ALEC is the GOP............ the former GOP is dead.

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