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CNN reporter deserved it (1 Viewer)



The CNN reporter deserved to be fired because he trashed the US by saying we were killing our own TV reporters and he did not even say sorry for saying such a horrible lie and he wont admit that it was a lie. The The people already hate us and all they need is another rumor to trash us even more.
mee said:
The CNN reporter deserved to be fired because he trashed the US by saying we were killing our own TV reporters and he did not even say sorry for saying such a horrible lie and he wont admit that it was a lie. The The people already hate us and all they need is another rumor to trash us even more.
Here are some links about the story.
Please note some inaccuracies about your claim:
1)It wasn't just our TV reporters. Unless you consider Al-Jazeera part of the US media.
2) Jordan (the CNN "reporter") was actually a news executive and not a journalist.
3)According to the following, Jordan didn't say it was just US troops doing this, but troops "from both sides":
Though no transcript of Jordan's remarks at Davos on Jan. 27 has been released, the panel's moderator, David Gergen, editor at large of U.S. News & World Report, said in an interview on Friday night that Jordan initially spoke of soldiers "on both sides" who he believed had been "targeting" some of the more than five dozen journalists who had been killed in Iraq.

But almost immediately after making that assertion, Jordan, whose title at CNN had been executive vice president and chief news executive, "quickly walked that back to make it clear that there was no policy on the part of the U.S. government to target or injure journalists," Gergen said. Jordan was then challenged by U.S. Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, who was in the audience, and Jordan said he had intended to say only that some journalists had been killed by U.S. troops who did not know they were aiming at journalists.
4)So without a transcript of this forum to go by, the problem of taking the quote by Jordan out of context is easy to manipulate.On top of that, we don't have an exact quote of what he actually did say.
5)I'm not defending his actions, just trying to make sure that before we start burning him at the stake, we check to make sure he's a witch first ("He turned me into a newt" doesn't count)
What about floating on water? Or weighing less than a duck?

sorry - had to :)
shuamort said:
Here are some links about the story.
Please note some inaccuracies about your claim:
1)It wasn't just our TV reporters. Unless you consider Al-Jazeera part of the US media.
2) Jordan (the CNN "reporter") was actually a news executive and not a journalist.
3)According to the following, Jordan didn't say it was just US troops doing this, but troops "from both sides":

4)So without a transcript of this forum to go by, the problem of taking the quote by Jordan out of context is easy to manipulate.On top of that, we don't have an exact quote of what he actually did say.
5)I'm not defending his actions, just trying to make sure that before we start burning him at the stake, we check to make sure he's a witch first ("He turned me into a newt" doesn't count)

Well, regarding the transcript... best take that up with Jordan. You do know that he is preventing the video tape of his little speech from being released?

Let us not forget, Jordan himself admitted a few years ago in the NYT to covering up atrocities committed by Saddam as well.

Nor let us forget about the little gift exchange between Jordan and Kim Jong-il as well....
USNavyman said:
Well, regarding the transcript... best take that up with Jordan. You do know that he is preventing the video tape of his little speech from being released?
Well, I didn't know that. Do you have a cite that states that? The only thing I could find would refute your statement:
It troubles me that Davos policy prohibits attendees from citing specific quotations from its sessions and yet the proceedings are videotaped. What do they do with the videotapes of the "not for quotation" session after recording?

USNavyman said:
Let us not forget, Jordan himself admitted a few years ago in the NYT to covering up atrocities committed by Saddam as well.

Nor let us forget about the little gift exchange between Jordan and Kim Jong-il as well....
Of course he also say this (from the same source cited above):
November 2004 Guardian story, in which Jordan teasingly tip-toes up to the Davos line, saying:

Actions speak louder than words. The reality is that at least 10 journalists have been killed by the US military, and according to reports I believe to be true journalists have been arrested and tortured by US forces

The more I read about this cat, the more I think he's a jackass. If he said this in November and then pretty much repeated it in February 2005, this issue should be brought more to the forefront if it's true and the guy should be smacked if he's making it up. I find it highly dubious that it's true but I'll give him some slack to get out there and prove his claims or hang himself.
This is all very troubling. One thing that can be said is that anymore it's getting harder for stuff like this to be swept under the rug. With all the bloggers and forums out there someone bound to latch onto this and not let it die. But that leads to worries as well. Can rumors be circulated to the point that they then become part of the historical record? Getting good, solid, factual info. is almost a crap shoot.
shuamort said:
Well, I didn't know that. Do you have a cite that states that? The only thing I could find would refute your statement:

Of course he also say this (from the same source cited above):

The more I read about this cat, the more I think he's a jackass. If he said this in November and then pretty much repeated it in February 2005, this issue should be brought more to the forefront if it's true and the guy should be smacked if he's making it up. I find it highly dubious that it's true but I'll give him some slack to get out there and prove his claims or hang himself.

Well, Glenn Reynolds of Slate has a good article where he points out that it is within Jordan's power to release the tape, that if it had anything exonerating it would already be available.

The tape had to be a disaster. But what kind? When Jordan and others at CNN looked at it, they must have seen a man making statements that went beyond what the network had been able to prove in its news reporting. He had wandered into the territory of assertion, some hearsay, and of things you feel you know are true even though you can't get anyone on the record to say it.

From PressThink, apparently CNN has the footage in their possession.

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