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CNN poll says Alito should be confirmed...... (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
In the latest CNN poll (hardly a bastion for conservatism) 54 percent of the people polled said Judge Alito should be confirmed to the SCOTUS......

Monday, January 23, 2006; Posted: 7:02 p.m. EST (00:02 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A majority of Americans said the Senate should confirm federal appellate judge Samuel Alito's nomination to the Supreme Court, with just 30 percent opposing his confirmation, according to a poll released Monday.

Only 38 percent of respondents said they think a filibuster by Democratic senators would be justified, and about a third said they believe Alito would vote to overturn the 1973 Supreme Court decision that struck down state laws against abortion.

The CNN/USA Today/Gallup survey of 1,006 U.S. adults was conducted Friday through Sunday and had a sampling error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.

Support for Alito's confirmation grew after widely televised confirmation hearings, the poll found. Before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings, held January 11-13, 49 percent of respondents backed his nomination. In the poll released Monday, 54 percent expressed support.


I knew you were a liberal in drag NP!

LOL... and I love it!
A liberal in drag, :rofl

Based on what I've read I think Alito is a good choice.
KidRocks said:


I knew you were a liberal in drag NP!

LOL... and I love it!

Unlike liberals I read what my enemy is saying....;)
Navy Pride said:
Unlike liberals I read what my enemy is saying....;)

So does George Bush, he just loves those polls!

Turned into a couple of poll-lovers you two have, haven't you?

Here's another poll on what your enemy is saying. Read it and weep!


George W. Bush's overall job approval rating returns to its record low as Americans once again become less optimistic about the national economy. Details from the nationwide survey conducted January 19-22 are available at The National Economy.

Planned holiday spending for 2005 is $942, down from $1,004 in 2004. 59% of Americans say they have started their holiday shopping and they plan to spend an average of $1,131, up 7% from 2004. 75% of Americans say they will wait for sales before making holiday gift purchases, the highest percentage in the 20-year history of the survey. Details are available at 2005 Holiday Shopping.
KidRocks said:
So does George Bush, he just loves those polls!

Turned into a couple of poll-lovers you two have, haven't you?

Here's another poll on what your enemy is saying. Read it and weep!


George W. Bush's overall job approval rating returns to its record low as Americans once again become less optimistic about the national economy. Details from the nationwide survey conducted January 19-22 are available at The National Economy.

Planned holiday spending for 2005 is $942, down from $1,004 in 2004. 59% of Americans say they have started their holiday shopping and they plan to spend an average of $1,131, up 7% from 2004. 75% of Americans say they will wait for sales before making holiday gift purchases, the highest percentage in the 20-year history of the survey. Details are available at 2005 Holiday Shopping.

The Communist News Network (CNN) wouldn't lie would they?

Hey I saw in the newspaper the other day that the holiday spending was the best in 10 years so I guess its who you believe isn't it......

And I could care less what GWBs approval rating is.........He can't run again........You liberals better worry about what McCains, Juliani, or Allens approval rating............One of them is going to kick your liberal butts in 2008.......
Navy Pride said:
The Communist News Network (CNN) wouldn't lie would they?

Hey I saw in the newspaper the other day that the holiday spending was the best in 10 years so I guess its who you believe isn't it......

Glad to see you came out of the closet and outed yourself as a CNN poll-lover! It's ok. :2wave: One step at a time.

What's next?

Will you be quoting the NY Times soon?

Pro-Choice is not that bad, is it? Try to think for yourself now.

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