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CNN on the Attack Against Progressive Candidates (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 14, 2012
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Libertarian - Left
Seriously, can they be any more transparent? They were notorious for going after Bernie during the 2016 race, attacked him recently for the sexual misconduct of others on his campaign, went after Warren’s candidacy by saying ‘we can do better,’ and now attacking Gabbard not even 48 hours after declaring her candidacy for her opinion of homosexuality... from decades ago. It is one thing to report and have a candidate clarify their position, but looking at the body of CNN’s report on progressives it is clear they are no friend of the progressive left.
Wait... What?
Wait... What?

Probably this story:


CNN)Rep. Tulsi Gabbard in the early 2000s touted working for her father's anti-gay organization, which mobilized to pass a measure against same-sex marriage in Hawaii and promoted controversial conversion therapy.

Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii, said Friday in an interview with CNN's Van Jones that she will seek her party's nomination for president in 2020. Her past views and activism in opposition to LGBT rights in the late 90s and early 2000s, which put her out of step with most of the Democratic Party at the time, have come under more intense scrutiny since her announcement.

Although Gabbard's positions on LGBT rights have shifted dramatically in more recent years (she signed a 2013 amicus brief supporting Edith Windsor's challenge to the Defense of Marriage Act), the extent of Gabbard's past anti-gay activism has already drawn criticism from prominent Democrats and will likely be a major issue for her as she seeks the party's nomination.

IMO, might as well get this out there, because she'll have to deal with it during the campaign. Guess what - when you run for President, past anti-LGBT rights positions that she proudly proclaimed are fair game. She says she's changed her views, which is reasonable enough. We can see in the polls that 10s of millions of Americans have changed views on LGBT rights, SSM and more. But she'll have to make the case.
Probably this story:


IMO, might as well get this out there, because she'll have to deal with it during the campaign. Guess what - when you run for President, past anti-LGBT rights positions that she proudly proclaimed are fair game. She says she's changed her views, which is reasonable enough. We can see in the polls that 10s of millions of Americans have changed views on LGBT rights, SSM and more. But she'll have to make the case.

Fair enough, and I did touch on this. But do you really think CNN is reporting on this to help her clear the air or derail her campaign? Did we see this sort of digging into past misdeeds with Clinton by CNN? Honest question.
Why are you confused?

You guys need to huddle up and figure this out. Is the basic argument that CNN leans left but not left enough?
The extreme Left is infamous for eating it's own. We've been down this path before. Some people never learn.
Seriously, can they be any more transparent? They were notorious for going after Bernie during the 2016 race, attacked him recently for the sexual misconduct of others on his campaign, went after Warren’s candidacy by saying ‘we can do better,’ and now attacking Gabbard not even 48 hours after declaring her candidacy for her opinion of homosexuality... from decades ago. It is one thing to report and have a candidate clarify their position, but looking at the body of CNN’s report on progressives it is clear they are no friend of the progressive left.

Agreed. CNN seems to be one of the main perpetrators of the "both sides" BS.
You guys need to huddle up and figure this out. Is the basic argument that CNN leans left but not left enough?

Who is ‘you guys?’ CNN is declared leftist by Trumpists who get their ‘news’ from Drudge and Rushbo. Are you saying I’m a Trumpist?
Seriously, can they be any more transparent? They were notorious for going after Bernie during the 2016 race, attacked him recently for the sexual misconduct of others on his campaign, went after Warren’s candidacy by saying ‘we can do better,’ and now attacking Gabbard not even 48 hours after declaring her candidacy for her opinion of homosexuality... from decades ago. It is one thing to report and have a candidate clarify their position, but looking at the body of CNN’s report on progressives it is clear they are no friend of the progressive left.

I found it interesting that the accusations against Bernie just happened to pop up right as the 2020 campaigns were about to start. Who is it, do you think, that CNN is hoping to see gets the nomination?
The extreme Left is infamous for eating it's own. We've been down this path before. Some people never learn.

The idea of CNN being extreme left is laughable.
It is one thing to report and have a candidate clarify their position, but looking at the body of CNN’s report on progressives it is clear they are no friend of the progressive left.

You guys need to huddle up and figure this out. Is the basic argument that CNN leans left but not left enough?

Who is ‘you guys?’ CNN is declared leftist by Trumpists who get their ‘news’ from Drudge and Rushbo. Are you saying I’m a Trumpist?

These are your posts, and my response as well. So which is it, is CNN not left enough or not left?
The idea of CNN being extreme left is laughable.

You didn't provide a link. Is it CNN, a single reporter, an opinion piece? Eating their own is the MO of the extreme Left. I read "you're not liberal enough, PC enough, etc all over such forums. Further dragging up old footage and taking it out of context is also a common tactic of them as well.

But without a link...
Fair enough, and I did touch on this. But do you really think CNN is reporting on this to help her clear the air or derail her campaign? Did we see this sort of digging into past misdeeds with Clinton by CNN? Honest question.

I have no idea what motivated CNN, or the author of the stories you're talking about. My opinion is someone's pretty strident opposition to LGBT rights and SSM up through I think 2012, when that person is running for the Democratic nomination for President, is fair game. The article I cited pointed out a number of her comments in recent years, her record in Congress (which is good on that issue) why she changed positions and more.

As to CNN's coverage of Clinton - pass. Clinton isn't running AFAIK.
I found it interesting that the accusations against Bernie just happened to pop up right as the 2020 campaigns were about to start. Who is it, do you think, that CNN is hoping to see gets the nomination?

It is no coincidence, for sure. I don’t know if CNN knows who to crown yet. You can bet they’d want someone who is moderate establishment. Fairly liberal on social issues, but moderate-conservative on economic issues. I’m sure Biden is in their sights.
CNN on the Attack Against Progressive Candidates

It's amazing that some people call the reporting of information and thoughtful analysis an attack. It isn't; it's sharing information and analysis of that information.
You didn't provide a link. Is it CNN, a single reporter, an opinion piece? Eating their own is the MO of the extreme Left. I read "you're not liberal enough, PC enough, etc all over such forums. Further dragging up old footage and taking it out of context is also a common tactic of them as well.

But without a link...

What does this have to do with what you quoted? CNN isn’t extreme left. ‘Extreme left’ would be communists, anarchist, and some socialists. If you really want a link to what I am talking about then kindly ask for one... or Google it.
It's amazing that some people call the reporting of information and thoughtful analysis an attack. It isn't; it's sharing information and analysis of that information.

I’ve already addressed this.
It is no coincidence, for sure. I don’t know if CNN knows who to crown yet. You can bet they’d want someone who is moderate establishment. Fairly liberal on social issues, but moderate-conservative on economic issues. I’m sure Biden is in their sights.

Does CNN even announce what candidate it supports? Newspapers do. Off the top of my head, I can't recall TV (OTA or cable) news networks doing so.
It's amazing that some people call the reporting of information and thoughtful analysis an attack. It isn't; it's sharing information and analysis of that information.
I’ve already addressed this.

Which of your posts in this thread do you think addresses the point I noted?
What does this have to do with what you quoted? CNN isn’t extreme left. ‘Extreme left’ would be communists, anarchist, and some socialists. If you really want a link to what I am talking about then kindly ask for one... or Google it.

It's pretty standard to include a link when you start a thread... No one should have to ask for one. Otherwise, the assumption is that you're making stuff up.

What does it have to do with my post? Without a link, I don't know if it's a single talking heads opinion, or the "official" position of CNN. If it's a single talking head, then that person could very well be part of the extreme left. If it's CNN, that's a whole other kettle of fish.

The extreme left are not communist or anarchist . That in itself is an extreme opinion.

The extreme left are the PC obsessed Social justice warriors, who spend their days doxing anyone who doesn't conform to their ideology.

These are the people who endlessly talk in terms of oppression Olympics and identity politics.
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Fair enough, and I did touch on this. But do you really think CNN is reporting on this to help her clear the air or derail her campaign? Did we see this sort of digging into past misdeeds with Clinton by CNN? Honest question.

That woman's life has been essentially an "open book" since sometime in the 1980s. What would have CNN do? Rehash all their existing Hillary Clinton reporting from the prior 20+ years? I have news for you: that information isn't new; thus it's not news. It's called "history" and one can obtain it from myriad archived sources, CNN among them. For example:
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CNN is a corporation. Since when have corporations been left-wing?
CNN is a corporation. Since when have corporations been left-wing?

That's basically my position as well. The idea of an actually "liberal" mainstream media is kind of funny. They're about as "liberal" as a NYC hedge fund manager for the most part, which might be socially liberal, but definitely otherwise 'moderate' at best on the things people with money and power actually CARE about. That's not a surprise since CNN is owned by AT&T which is #10 on the Fortune 500 list, and therefore answers to shareholders and a Board of other powerful Fortune 500 types.
Does CNN even announce what candidate it supports? Newspapers do. Off the top of my head, I can't recall TV (OTA or cable) news networks doing so.

I don’t mean they would crown anyone publicly. Supporting a candidate once primary dust settles is one thing. Trying to bring down candidates before their campaigns get rolling is another thing.

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