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CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 6, 2012
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Sarasota, Florida
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CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics | TheHill
CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics

The Media Pushes Back As CNN Destroys A Trump Lie With An Onscreen Fact Check………Finally the media has decided it is not to distribute “talking points”…..but seems to have remembered they report the news and challenge lies and false claims…….. That sure is going to put a damper on the Donald's free wheeling lying..........

Now that’s a new development…….


People Donald Trump
CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics | TheHill
CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics

The Media Pushes Back As CNN Destroys A Trump Lie With An Onscreen Fact Check………Finally the media has decided it is not to distribute “talking points”…..but seems to have remembered they report the news and challenge lies and false claims…….. That sure is going to put a damper on the Donald's free wheeling lying..........

Now that’s a new development…….


People Donald Trump

Trump is charming in a way, brainstorming things in public as he does. It is daring too, admitting how little he knows about the job he is applying for.
to be fair he is 70, he might have just forgot he said it
Now that’s a new development…….

lol - CNN? No, it's a complete waste of time. Nothing "new" about it. Same old same old. They've been pulling this same crap since they first got on the air, misquoting people and then commentating on their misquotes.

CNN is in no position to fact-check anyone.
They need to start doing that with all presidential candidates...
CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics | TheHill
CNN fact-checks Trump in on-screen graphics

The Media Pushes Back As CNN Destroys A Trump Lie With An Onscreen Fact Check………Finally the media has decided it is not to distribute “talking points”…..but seems to have remembered they report the news and challenge lies and false claims…….. That sure is going to put a damper on the Donald's free wheeling lying..........

Now that’s a new development…….


People Donald Trump
Saying that they "may be better off" defending themselves - "even with nukes", is not saying that he "wants" them to have nukes.
CNN through their reporter lies to the public again.

CNN should really slam their reporter hard for lying like this.
Saying that they "may be better off" defending themselves - "even with nukes", is not saying that he "wants" them to have nukes.
CNN through their reporter lies to the public again.

CNN should really slam their reporter hard for lying like this.

Considering Trump doesn't have any actual formal foreign policy positions what other choice do we have other than to criticize him on what he says? This is part of Trump's strategy. As long as he changes his positions every time he steps in front of a camera, nobody can nail him down on an actual position to criticize. He absolutely, positively has said that nuclear proliferation is a good thing and that more countries should do it to protect themselves. You may find that a good or a bad thing, but that's definitely what he said.
Politican caught in a lie! OMG! Say it isnt so
lol - CNN? No, it's a complete waste of time. Nothing "new" about it. Same old same old. They've been pulling this same crap since they first got on the air, misquoting people and then commentating on their misquotes.

CNN is in no position to fact-check anyone.

Based upon fact........or what all the Faux Noise-type site proclaim as a requirement for all "true conservatives" must believe to call themselves conservative?


n the day a conservative was judged so by fidelity to a set of values and principles...............and not holding a uniform set of position/beliefs on issues and set forth as "conservative" beliefs ......

Therefore if you do not hold/believe so..........

..then you are judged to not being a conservative
Saying that they "may be better off" defending themselves - "even with nukes", is not saying that he "wants" them to have nukes.
CNN through their reporter lies to the public again.

CNN should really slam their reporter hard for lying like this.

Have you any idea of what we are talking about here?
Considering Trump doesn't have any actual formal foreign policy positions what other choice do we have other than to criticize him on what he says? This is part of Trump's strategy. As long as he changes his positions every time he steps in front of a camera, nobody can nail him down on an actual position to criticize. He absolutely, positively has said that nuclear proliferation is a good thing and that more countries should do it to protect themselves. You may find that a good or a bad thing, but that's definitely what he said.

You could always choose to be honest about your criticism. I didn't hear Trump say he wants Japan to have nukes, he simply said they might be better off if they did. Personally, I don't see why Japan having nukes would be a bad thing anyway. Do you?
Considering Trump doesn't have any actual formal foreign policy positions what other choice do we have other than to criticize him on what he says?
Try actually criticizing on what he says , not on make believe bs like this.

He absolutely, positively has said that nuclear proliferation is a good thing and that more countries should do it to protect themselves. You may find that a good or a bad thing, but that's definitely what he said.
Wrong. That is your make-believe bs.
You could always choose to be honest about your criticism. I didn't hear Trump say he wants Japan to have nukes, he simply said they might be better off if they did. Personally, I don't see why Japan having nukes would be a bad thing anyway. Do you?

Parsing words changes nothing...............No he never said so using the words you choose............but his meaning was clear............

Why..as you put it....... is it a "bad" thing?

Because it would change the 70 years of the US policy on non-proliferation.......

And to do so would be a violation of "The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT, is an international treaty whose objective is to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons and weapons technology, to promote cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy......."


Is that a good enough reason for you?
CNN fact-checking is an oxymoron. What's next? MSNBC fact-checking?

I would like to see an independent entity "fact-checking" and hold all of them accountable.

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