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CNN Award Winner Outed as Fake News Journalist (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 1, 2014
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The German news magazine Der Spiegel has been plunged into chaos after revealing that one of its top reporters had falsified stories over several years.

The media world was stunned by the revelations that the award-winning journalist Claas Relotius had, according to the weekly, “made up stories and invented protagonists” in at least 14 out of 60 articles that appeared in its print and online editions, warning that other outlets could also be affected.

Relotius, 33, resigned after admitting to the scam. He had written for the magazine for seven years and won numerous awards for his investigative journalism, including CNN Journalist of the Year in 2014.

Earlier this month, he won Germany’s Reporterpreis (Reporter of the Year) for his story about a young Syrian boy, which the jurors praised for its “lightness, poetry and relevance”. It has since emerged that all the sources for his reportage were at best hazy, and much of what he wrote was made up.

The falsification came to light after a colleague who worked with him on a story along the US-Mexican border raised suspicions about some of the details in Relotius’s reporting, having harboured doubts about him for some time.

The colleague, Juan Moreno, eventually tracked down two alleged sources quoted extensively by Relotius in the article, which was published in November. Both said they had never met Relotius. Relotius had also lied about seeing a hand-painted sign that read “Mexicans keep out”, a subsequent investigation found.

Other fraudulent stories included one about a Yemeni prisoner in Guantanamo Bay, and one about the American football star Colin Kaepernick.


Der Spiegel is considered a moderate liberal newspaper in Germany.

A European journalist writing fake news about the USA. Well, I thought only RT and Sputnik did such things, according to liberals. It turns out that liberals can write fake news stories in order to score points, and win highly sought CNN awards for journalism. Wonders never cease.
Der Spiegel is considered a moderate liberal newspaper in Germany.

A European journalist writing fake news about the USA. Well, I thought only RT and Sputnik did such things, according to liberals. It turns out that liberals can write fake news stories in order to score points, and win highly sought CNN awards for journalism. Wonders never cease.

The parts of the article you neglected to mention are worthy of note.

"Earlier this month, he won Germany’s Reporterpreis (Reporter of the Year) for his story about a young Syrian boy, which the jurors praised for its “lightness, poetry and relevance”. It has since emerged that all the sources for his reportage were at best hazy, and much of what he wrote was made up...

The Hamburg-based magazine, which was founded in 1947 and is renowned for its in-depth investigative pieces, said Relotius had committed journalistic fraud “on a grand scale”. It described the episode as “a low point in Spiegel’s 70-year history”. An in-house commission has been set up to examine all of Relotius’ work for the weekly.

The reporter also wrote for a string of other well-known outlets, including the German newspapers taz, Welt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine’s Sunday edition. Die Welt tweeted on Wednesday: “He abused his talent”...

The magazine, which is one of Germany’s most prominent news organisations, is now trying to rescue its reputation amid fears a magazine already challenged by the problems in the German newspaper industry will struggle to recover..."
Der Spiegel is considered a moderate liberal newspaper in Germany.

A European journalist writing fake news about the USA. Well, I thought only RT and Sputnik did such things, according to liberals. It turns out that liberals can write fake news stories in order to score points, and win highly sought CNN awards for journalism. Wonders never cease.

This is big.

This really sucks.

We have to do better than this.
Der Spiegel is considered a moderate liberal newspaper in Germany.

A European journalist writing fake news about the USA. Well, I thought only RT and Sputnik did such things, according to liberals. It turns out that liberals can write fake news stories in order to score points, and win highly sought CNN awards for journalism. Wonders never cease.

You're a hardcore Trump and Fox News supporter, so don't pretend you value honesty. They lie and produce fake news without retraction, unlike the Spiegel who forced him to resign. You have absolutely no credibility in this area.

I oppose all fake news, not just when it has the wrong political lean. When's the last time you've called for a Fox News journalist to be fired for making up fake news?
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Comparing Der Spiegel to RT and Sputnik is probably the most stupid statement of the month.
Comparing Der Spiegel to RT and Sputnik is probably the most stupid statement of the month.
Months not over...

Sent from my Honor 8X using Tapatalk
The magazine, which is one of Germany’s most prominent news organisations, is now trying to rescue its reputation amid fears a magazine already challenged by the problems in the German newspaper industry will struggle to recover..."

Not to worry

Both the New York Times (boo!) and the Washington Post (boo!) have had infamous cases of "journalists" who fabricated stories.

(Sorry, I cannot go into specifics. You can find details on the Web.)

Well, those two alleged "newspapers" have successfully "rescued their reputations" and are stronger than ever -- as members of the Resistance in good standing.

So Der Spiegel will rebound, too.
Not to worry

Both the New York Times (boo!) and the Washington Post (boo!) have had infamous cases of "journalists" who fabricated stories.

(Sorry, I cannot go into specifics. You can find details on the Web.)

Well, those two alleged "newspapers" have successfully "rescued their reputations" and are stronger than ever -- as members of the Resistance in good standing.

So Der Spiegel will rebound, too.

Don't worry. Trumpers can always find succor with RT, Sputnik, and TASS.
The parts of the article you neglected to mention are worthy of note.

"Earlier this month, he won Germany’s Reporterpreis (Reporter of the Year) for his story about a young Syrian boy, which the jurors praised for its “lightness, poetry and relevance”. It has since emerged that all the sources for his reportage were at best hazy, and much of what he wrote was made up...

The Hamburg-based magazine, which was founded in 1947 and is renowned for its in-depth investigative pieces, said Relotius had committed journalistic fraud “on a grand scale”. It described the episode as “a low point in Spiegel’s 70-year history”. An in-house commission has been set up to examine all of Relotius’ work for the weekly.

The reporter also wrote for a string of other well-known outlets, including the German newspapers taz, Welt and the Frankfurter Allgemeine’s Sunday edition. Die Welt tweeted on Wednesday: “He abused his talent”...

The magazine, which is one of Germany’s most prominent news organisations, is now trying to rescue its reputation amid fears a magazine already challenged by the problems in the German newspaper industry will struggle to recover..."

So what point does this prove?
You're a hardcore Trump and Fox News supporter, so don't pretend you value honesty. They lie and produce fake news without retraction, unlike the Spiegel who forced him to resign. You have absolutely no credibility in this area.

I oppose all fake news, not just when it has the wrong political lean. When's the last time you've called for a Fox News journalist to be fired for making up fake news?

- I'm not a devout follower of fox, although I do watch clips of Tucker Carlson's show.
- I've criticized Sean Hannity's lack of morals on many occasions
- Don't come to my threads if you're going to accuse me of something you have no proof of. It's such a lazy thing to do, when you assume I'm a Fox news devotee who should be made to apologize for whatever you're personal gripe is with them.
Claas Relotius? Who?

From CNN:
"Relotius was not associated with CNN, he never worked for the company and never had anything published on CNN platforms."​

Is the "CNN Journalist of the Year" award a non-US thing? I can only find information about it in German.

CNN put out a statement full of spin attempt. They loved Claas Relotius' work when he fabricated anti-Mexican signs at the border, and fictitious interviews with Syrians. Now they want to pretend not to know him.
CNN put out a statement full of spin attempt. They loved Claas Relotius' work when he fabricated anti-Mexican signs at the border, and fictitious interviews with Syrians. Now they want to pretend not to know him.
I guess CNN awarded Claas because they recognized what they saw in common with his work?
That the OP implying any of this was CNN's responsibility is bogus.

I would have posted this in Bias in the Media if my only intention was to kick dirt at CNN. It would have drawn more views there.
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Claas Relotius is/was a Der Spiegel reporter. Not CNN.

If Der Spiegel itself wasn't aware of Relotius's false reporting, how was CNN supposed to know?

BS thread just looking to smear CNN.
Claas Relotius is/was a Der Spiegel reporter. Not CNN.

If Der Spiegel itself wasn't aware of Relotius's false reporting, how was CNN supposed to know?

BS thread just looking to smear CNN.

You must be bummed about not being able to cite Claas' work anymore :lamo:lol: :lamo
Der Spiegel is considered a moderate liberal newspaper in Germany.

A European journalist writing fake news about the USA. Well, I thought only RT and Sputnik did such things, according to liberals. It turns out that liberals can write fake news stories in order to score points, and win highly sought CNN awards for journalism. Wonders never cease.

Wow! A news story about a fake in a thread with a fake title

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