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Clinton-Gorelick wall and the Clinton coverup (1 Viewer)

Trajan Octavian Titus

DP Veteran
Aug 17, 2005
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We can't stop here this is bat country!
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Unless you have been living under a rock for the last month or so you have heard the story of the able danger operation that is said to have identified five of the nineteen 9-11 hijackers (including the supposed ringleader Mohammad Atta) nearly a year before that fateful day of 2001. Furthermore, this information was blocked from being shared with the F.B.I. because of the wall that existed b/w that organization and the intelligent community as a result of the Clinton-Gorelick wall which was proposed by former deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. So why would such an obviously idiotic policy be enacted in the first place? It is my contention that it was a direct result of Clinton attempting to block any serious investigation into the illegal campaign contributions given to him by agents of Red China (9-11 can be said to have been collateral damage in the Clinton ass saving campaign). So why was it that this information was not presented in the 9-11 commission report? Very simple because Jamie Gorelick was (as a member of the 911 commission) in an excellent position to block such inquiries. If you recall the 9-11 commission was a totally bi-partisan body, however, each party was able to select its own representatives in the commission. So why would the Democrats have selected Gorelick as a member of the commission knowing full well that she would be a major focus of any investigation of possible wrong doing by the Clinton administration? . . . can you say cover up any one? I knew that you could.
If you will examine the record, in particular the 9-11 commission''s report, you'll see that "the wall" is not what it's reported to be by some hyperbolizers in the popular media. Rather than preventing sharing, it was misunderstandings of "the wall" that prevented sharing.

Given this, the rest of your theory falls.
Yes, but why would such a wall exist in the first place? Either it was intended as use for a coverup since day one or it was complete
incompetence. I mean, to force all info. to go directly through the president first would have helped serve to create the information overload which resulted in pertinent intel from going unnoticed amongst the back log of information. And you don't have to know the 9-11 commission report backwards to forwards to understand what the Clinton-Gorelick wall actually is all you have to do is read the Gorelick memo I'll look for a link.
Simon W. Moon said:
Given this, the rest of your theory falls.

To bad that's not a given here's the Gorelick memo in its entirety pay special attention to section three.



Oh and Hunter S. Thompson kicks f****n ass nice avatar just figured I'd say that.

when the going gets weird the weird turn pro-Thompson

an apple a day keeps the Dr. away . . . s**t I am the Dr. - Thompson
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Sorry guys but they ALL droppppped the ball on 9/11.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last month or so you have heard the story of the able danger operation that is said to have identified five of the nineteen 9-11 hijackers (including the supposed ringleader Mohammad Atta) nearly a year before that fateful day of 2001. Furthermore, this information was blocked from being shared with the F.B.I. because of the wall that existed b/w that organization and the intelligent community as a result of the Clinton-Gorelick wall which was proposed by former deputy attorney general Jamie Gorelick. So why would such an obviously idiotic policy be enacted in the first place? It is my contention that it was a direct result of Clinton attempting to block any serious investigation into the illegal campaign contributions given to him by agents of Red China (9-11 can be said to have been collateral damage in the Clinton ass saving campaign). So why was it that this information was not presented in the 9-11 commission report? Very simple because Jamie Gorelick was (as a member of the 911 commission) in an excellent position to block such inquiries. If you recall the 9-11 commission was a totally bi-partisan body, however, each party was able to select its own representatives in the commission. So why would the Democrats have selected Gorelick as a member of the commission knowing full well that she would be a major focus of any investigation of possible wrong doing by the Clinton administration? . . . can you say cover up any one? I knew that you could.

Yes, you are totally right, the clinton administration was building a "wall" to prevent intelligance from preventing 9/11.

Some people have too much time on their hands.
The only way this is going to be cleared up is to reconvene the 9/11 Commission and call in all the participants of the "Able Danger" group to give public testimony. What we are hearing flies directly in the face of such luminaries as Richard Clarke and other people blaming this on Bush or "intelligence" failures. This was not an intelligence failure. It was a political failure; specifically political corrrectness that has virtually brought common sense to a halt in this country for the past two decades. If you don't follow the official "party line" your head will be sawed off in a NY second (figuratively speaking of course.)
sargasm said:
Yes, you are totally right, the clinton administration was building a "wall" to prevent intelligance from preventing 9/11.

Some people have too much time on their hands.

I didn't say it was to prevent info from being shared on 9-11 it had to do with the illegal campaign contributions from agents of Red China.

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