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Climate scientist tells Joe Rogan he refuses to debate dissenters on climate change (1 Viewer)


Minister of Love
DP Veteran
Feb 24, 2014
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I dont listen to Rogan, but this article brings up a very good point: there are indeed a lot of scientists who disagree with the current climate alarmist narrative, and these same alarmists refuse to debate them.

Why? It's clear they want to shut down contrarian viewpoints, while insisting the science is "settled."

Well there's only one problem: science is never "settled." Science relies on new studies and findings. It's clear the alarmists are deliberately censoring those who disagree with them, even though there's plenty of studies that contradict that climate change is man-made.
About 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. ... but not so much about other deep scientific subjects.
That also works in reverse. Proficient climate scientists would never debate an Astrophysicist. (Although some may have such a large ego that might allow them to)
Being an Astronomer, I would never debate a Climate scientist. As someone once said "A man's got to know his limitations"
I might come-up with a few points but No..Just No.
About 97 percent
A serious statement... I don't think it's true.
Maybe you wanted to say 97% of climate scientists in the US are from the Democratic Party?

I dont listen to Rogan, but this article brings up a very good point: there are indeed a lot of scientists who disagree with the current climate alarmist narrative, and these same alarmists refuse to debate them.

Why? It's clear they want to shut down contrarian viewpoints, while insisting the science is "settled."

Well there's only one problem: science is never "settled." Science relies on new studies and findings. It's clear the alarmists are deliberately censoring those who disagree with them, even though there's plenty of studies that contradict that climate change is man-made.
Should he waste time debating flat earthers, young earth creationists, anti-vaxxers and QAnon lizard people conspiracy theorists as well?

All the climate change deniers have to do is publish their evidence that climate change is fake and not happening and have it peer reviewed. Debating on talk shows or in private is not how science is settled.
That was shown to be completely untrue several years ago .A rigged so called statistic .
Standard Fake News .
You are in error. That study put meteorologists in the same box as professional climate scientists.
There are trombone players that play in high school orchestras and trombone players that work for/in the Londen Symphony orchestra.
Big difference. Most of the normal weather people do not have the skills regarding climate scientists.
I see big oil has programmed you. Congratulations.
Good side-stepping Mr. Republican. Trump does that type of thing...
You might as well call me a communist... the fact that I laugh with Democrats doesn't make me a Republican.
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I dont listen to Rogan, but this article brings up a very good point: there are indeed a lot of scientists who disagree with the current climate alarmist narrative, and these same alarmists refuse to debate them.

Why? It's clear they want to shut down contrarian viewpoints, while insisting the science is "settled."

Well there's only one problem: science is never "settled." Science relies on new studies and findings. It's clear the alarmists are deliberately censoring those who disagree with them, even though there's plenty of studies that contradict that climate change is man-made.

Science is not "debated" on podcasts or TV shows... Science is "debated" through publishing and peer review.. That a REAL scientist doesn't want to play along with some idiots playing the contrarian is hardly. Surprising... PUBLISH their data and face peer review or shut the hell up...

It is very revealing that Fox News is publishing a story about a comment made to Joe Rogan about this as some kind of big story... The ignorant quoting the ignorant so the ignorant can feel validated...
A quick reading of the article says why he will no longer debate skeptical scientists.
During the interview, Rogan asked his guest if he had ever "debated anyone" over climate change.
Dessler stated he did debate a climate skeptic, scientist Richard Lindzen over a decade ago,
but it was "terrible" and he vowed he would never do it again.
No surprise, Lindzen likely tore his "facts" to pieces for all to see.
Well there's only one problem: science is never "settled." Science relies on new studies and findings. It's clear the alarmists are deliberately censoring those who disagree with them, even though there's plenty of studies that contradict that climate change is man-made.

There are "scientists" who question basic evolutionary biology, think the Earth is flat, and think metastatic cancer should be treated with herbal tea. There are always a handful of kooks and charlatans in every profession. These are no revolutionaries worthy of debate. The true revolutionaries do their work in peer reviewed journals and scientific conferences, not through demagoguery of the scientifically illiterate masses.
About 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. ... but not so much about other deep scientific subjects.
That also works in reverse. Proficient climate scientists would never debate an Astrophysicist. (Although some may have such a large ego that might allow them to)
Being an Astronomer, I would never debate a Climate scientist. As someone once said "A man's got to know his limitations"
I might come-up with a few points but No..Just No.
LOL BS. The so-called 97% is an alarmist myth.

Should he waste time debating flat earthers, young earth creationists, anti-vaxxers and QAnon lizard people conspiracy theorists as well?

All the climate change deniers have to do is publish their evidence that climate change is fake and not happening and have it peer reviewed. Debating on talk shows or in private is not how science is settled.
They have published m,any of their studies that contradict the alarmists. There's plenty of them out there, but the MSM will never tell you about them because they have conspired with the alarmists not to give them any air time.

Science is not "debated" on podcasts or TV shows... Science is "debated" through publishing and peer review.. That a REAL scientist doesn't want to play along with some idiots playing the contrarian is hardly. Surprising... PUBLISH their data and face peer review or shut the hell up...

It is very revealing that Fox News is publishing a story about a comment made to Joe Rogan about this as some kind of big story... The ignorant quoting the ignorant so the ignorant can feel validated...

If your science is true and you believe it, then there's nothing wrong with debating your peer with a contrarian viewpoint.

The fact that they dont simply means... their claims are weak.

There are "scientists" who question basic evolutionary biology, think the Earth is flat, and think metastatic cancer should be treated with herbal tea. There are always a handful of kooks and charlatans in every profession.

Then prove them wrong in a debate then. Why would your climate alamists be so scared about? There's plenty of climate scientists who disagree with the climate cultists, and they are real bonafide scientists. It's no different than peer reviews.
A serious statement... I don't think it's true.
Maybe you wanted to say 97% of climate scientists in the US are from the Democratic Party?
No that is worldwide
There are "scientists" who question basic evolutionary biology, think the Earth is flat, and think metastatic cancer should be treated with herbal tea. There are always a handful of kooks and charlatans in every profession. These are no revolutionaries worthy of debate. The true revolutionaries do their work in peer reviewed journals and scientific conferences, not through demagoguery of the scientifically illiterate masses.
And they should not be given a stage for their nonsense
LOL BS. The so-called 97% is an alarmist myth.

They have published m,any of their studies that contradict the alarmists. There's plenty of them out there, but the MSM will never tell you about them because they have conspired with the alarmists not to give them any air time.

If your science is true and you believe it, then there's nothing wrong with debating your peer with a contrarian viewpoint.

The fact that they dont simply means... their claims are weak.

Then prove them wrong in a debate then. Why would your climate alamists be so scared about? There's plenty of climate scientists who disagree with the climate cultists, and they are real bonafide scientists. It's no different than peer reviews.
Flat earthers, along with climate change deniers have been proven wrong time and time again. Nobody owes you anything. If you want to buck the science, you need to do it with your own science. No, the scientific consensus is not determined by the MSM, that was a stupid comment.
About 97 percent of climate scientists agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change. ... but not so much about other deep scientific subjects.
That also works in reverse. Proficient climate scientists would never debate an Astrophysicist. (Although some may have such a large ego that might allow them to)
Being an Astronomer, I would never debate a Climate scientist. As someone once said "A man's got to know his limitations"
I might come-up with a few points but No..Just No.
Debunked a million times but the narrative continues.
If your science is true and you believe it, then there's nothing wrong with debating your peer with a contrarian viewpoint.

The fact that they dont simply means... their claims are weak.

Bullshit... There are THOUSANDS of scientists who publish every year and do not desire nor see the need to turn their work into a TV show. The ideas that their claims are weak because they choose to conduct their science in respected journals just displays the ignorance of those who bought into the premise of this Fox News article. But then again, there seems to a strong correlation between those who buy into that argument and those who believed a reality TV star would make a great president.
LOL Bullshit.

This link alone cites 500 studies that contradict it.

Your link is a joke. Who are you trying to fool? You are trying WAAAY too hard. The only question is: why?

"One of our favorite rituals this time of year is to marvel at the collection of papers Kenneth Richard posts on NoTricksZone, claiming they represent a mortal blow to the consensus that burning fossil fuels causes climate change. This year, it’s “over 400” studies that supposedly “support a skeptical position on climate alarm,” and like every year, that’s a stretch, and even if it weren’t, it’d still be insufficient to call the basics into question.

climate deniers aren't Galilio. They're just cranks.
By Climate Denier Roundup

But if you’re unfamiliar with NoTricksZone, and are wondering if perhaps this list of studies is being published by a scientific organization as some sort of literature review, here’s a quick refresher. Past posts from the blog include scobby-doo-esque anti-renewable and alien planet conspiracy theories. It’s the sort of place where losing a bet about warming only increases your conviction. It’s the sort of place that claims the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown didn’t reduce pollution levels in Europe based on a map of pollution levels… in 2015. It’s also the sort of place where, if you’re Dr. Willie Soon, you can accuse scientists talking about 2014 being the hottest year (at the time) of “prostituting science.” Ironic, because just two months later the New York Times reported Soon took a million dollars from the fossil fuel industry in exchange for his talents.

This is just the latest in a series of annual posts collecting supposed consensus-killers. For example, 2016’s list (published in early 2017) was a more robust 500 papers long, and even then was clearly using the same classic tactics of prior years: misrepresenting findings, overplaying potential conclusions, focusing on minutiae and cherry-picking quotes. All the usual cheap tricks. Even if they were all accurate though, as we pointed out then, the 500 papers carefully curated over the course of the year are just a drop in the bucket of the full body of science – just two days into 2017, there were already 3,550 “climate change” studies."
The only question is: WHY are you doing this? WHY do you propogate misinformation, ignore so many legitimate sources, and glom on to these cheap, questionable sites to just support a foregone conclusion never really based on facts? What you hate your grandkids or something and want them to have a miserable life?
Have some more Kool-Aid. I believe their serving strawberry this morning. Yummy! LMAO

Unfortunately you got to it first, and there is none left!

Why don't you go spend your time looking for Obama's secret birth certificate some more? I hear you're not gonna believe what Trump's top people are finding on it. When you're done with that you can then go hire the Cyber Ninjas to look for more stolen elections in all sorts of states. Oh and don't forget Hillary's pedophilia ring operating out of that DC pizza joint and Hunter Biden's laptop. I'm sure that's a better use of your time than this nonsense.
Unfortunately you got to it first, and there is none left!

Why don't you go spend your time looking for Obama's secret birth certificate some more? I hear you're not gonna believe what Trump's top people are finding on it. When you're done with that you can then go hire the Cyber Ninjas to look for more stolen elections in all sorts of states. Oh and don't forget Hillary's pedophilia ring operating out of that DC pizza joint and Hunter Biden's laptop. I'm sure that's a better use of your time than this nonsense.

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