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Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history (1 Viewer)


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Dec 27, 2017
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Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.
Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.
Wait a minute. My "spidey sense" is tingling a little.

I might be wrong (as usual), but the article doesn't say when the photo was taken. It might have been taken at some kind of gathering before Walker announced his candidacy. That would make a big difference, I think.

Walker could still use it, of course (but I hope he got Thomas' permission first).
I don't think SC Justices should give interviews or speeches, let alone have their photo taken with anyone. Proceedings of the court should be the only time they appear in the public eye.

Media politicizes everything.
Not more than a couple months ago I chided Kavenaugh and Barrett for not even being able to stick to the correct form for questioning in oral argument either intellectually incapable or ideologically possessed to the point where they just could not help themselves. At that time I posted that even Thomas could stick to the correct form for questioning during oral argument. Then Thomas just goes straight off the cliff edge with this nonsense. As it turns out, he and his dizzy wife do appear to be the best of friends and birds of a feather.
I don't think SC Justices should give interviews or speeches, let alone have their photo taken with anyone. Proceedings of the court should be the only time they appear in the public eye.

Media politicizes everything.
This isn't the media. This is Clarence Thomas.
This isn't the media. This is Clarence Thomas.

My comments apply to all the Justices. Nobody should know or care what they like to eat, if they're married or divorced, or really anything "personal".
I might be wrong (as usual), but the article doesn't say when the photo was taken. It might have been taken at some kind of gathering before Walker announced his candidacy. That would make a big difference, I think.

The video of Lawrence O'Donnell has him report the photo was taken 'last week'.
The video of Lawrence O'Donnell has him report the photo was taken 'last week'.

The background is distinctive. Is that the inside of the Court?

I looked at a few hundred images and the answer seems to be No.
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Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.

I hope it's a mistake. Thomas should not be posing with a candidate.
I don't think SC Justices should give interviews or speeches, let alone have their photo taken with anyone. Proceedings of the court should be the only time they appear in the public eye.

Media politicizes everything.

I agree, Spirit. It even makes me uncomfortable when I see one of them grant a reporter an interview.

I guess it makes me fear that they might be susceptible to public opinion instead of to the law.
Yes, but in context of what a moron the candidate is, and the fact the Thomas wife is deeply involved in the insurrection and Thomas other issues.... And them you have a rather large problem with one USSC judge.
Stop lying
Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.
Do you think that is because he's a conservative or because he's black?

I'm sure Thomas has some celebrity worship also, and Herschel Walker is a fairly famous entity for sports folks of that age.
So was it for politics or was it just him wanting memorabilia?
The media will tell you which, just follow the one of your bias.
Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.
Why do you hate black people?
I guess it makes me fear that they might be susceptible to public opinion instead of to the law.

Emily, no offense, but IMO you're naive about that. That ship sailed with the huge corruption of our judicial system as the Federalist Society and right-wing dark money groom an army of ideologically corrupt judicial candidates who Republicans put into office - they're already as corrupted as you worry. There is no 'becoming' corrupted from interviews. The only risk there is that they're exposed for what they are, that people see more and the 'veil is lifted'.
I'm not the one who made a bogus claim about Trump, co-signers and a bank.
Nice link to get the context of why one incident of thousands of reported stories affects his credibility as you claim.
Clarence Thomas is the only Supreme Court justice to take a photo with a political candidate in history: MSNBC host

The current supreme court is hopelessly compromised and virtually without credibility.
Because RawStory says so?

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