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City officials vote to keep Confederate statue standing — Hurricane Laura blows it down (1 Viewer)


Mod Conspiracy Theorist
DP Veteran
Mar 7, 2011
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A very blue state
Political Leaning
Damn, even the weather is an ultra leftist

In that hurricanes are incredibly destructive to lives, property and livelihoods, you’re probably right.
God doesn't like human trafficking.
In that hurricanes are incredibly destructive to lives, property and livelihoods, you’re probably right.

You Texans should go fire your precious guns at that uppity PC hurricane.

If any of you live, let us know how it went :lol:
You Texans should go fire your precious guns at that uppity PC hurricane.

If any of you live, let us know how it went :lol:

That you’re all giddy about destruction by a hurricane, like you think it really think it has taken your side is a good example of why I can’t take most lefties seriously.
That you’re all giddy about destruction by a hurricane, like you think it really think it has taken your side is a good example of why I can’t take most lefties seriously.

Its a joke, son.
“The citizens of Calcasieu Parish are aware that a monument on the grounds of the Historic Calcasieu Parish Courthouse has existed for many years. Dedicated on June 3, 1915, the South’s Defenders Monument, as it is formally named, was erected on the 50th anniversary of the end of the Civil War to honor the memory of Confederate veterans.”
That you’re all giddy about destruction by a hurricane, like you think it really think it has taken your side is a good example of why I can’t take most lefties seriously.

Given that conservatives are literally celebrating an act of domestic terrorism conducted by a seventeen year old thug, your posturing is totally meaningless. Keep crying bud, and hey, maybe the next hurricane will toss one of those statues to slavery you lot love so much into Donnie Draft Dodger’s lap :lamo
Given that conservatives are literally celebrating an act of domestic terrorism conducted by a seventeen year old thug, your posturing is totally meaningless. Keep crying bud, and hey, maybe the next hurricane will toss one of those statues to slavery you lot love so much into Donnie Draft Dodger’s lap :lamo

Yeah, never mind the sex offender was chasing the kid first and that another pointed a gun at him. It’s fun watching you all take the sides of sex offenders and hurricanes. Good grief, lefties have been less outraged by ISIS.
Yeah, never mind the sex offender was chasing the kid first and that another pointed a gun at him. It’s fun watching you all take the sides of sex offenders and hurricanes. Good grief, lefties have been less outraged by ISIS.

Case in ****ing point right there. He was only “being chased” after he’d already shot someone, at which point everyone else around him were “in fear for their lives”.

All this really shows is that every single BLM and Antifa member should start carrying firearms and be willing to use lethal force at a moment’s notice, since you never know when the next Trump supporter will start shooting.

It’s fun watching conservatives prove every negative thing said about them to be 100% true. Keep defending domestic terrorists and then crying “why oh why won’t most minorities vote for us” :lol:
Case in ****ing point right there. He was only “being chased” after he’d already shot someone, at which point everyone else around him were “in fear for their lives”.
Good grief, you don’t know what you’re talking about. He wasn’t even the first to fire a gun.

Even this veerrrryyyy anti Rittenhouse article has to admit that someone fired a shot first and Rittenhouse was chased before he shot anyone:

A video later in the evening showed him being chased by a group of Black and white protesters into a parking lot. Someone else fired a gun into the air, and Joseph Rosenbaum lunged at the armed teenager. Rittenhouse responded by firing four times, shooting Rosenbaum in the head and killing him.

The conservative defense of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse is nonsense.

There is plenty to condemn Rittenhouse for while still being honest about what actually happened.

All this really shows is that every single BLM and Antifa member should start carrying firearms and be willing to use lethal force at a moment’s notice, since you never know when the next Trump supporter will start shooting.

So you think guns are highly effective as self defense? What are you? Some kind of a gun nut?

It’s fun watching conservatives prove every negative thing said about them to be 100% true. Keep defending domestic terrorists and then crying “why oh why won’t most minorities vote for us” :lol:

When you condemn arson, looting, vandalism, cops getting assaulted and killed and store owners being assaulted with bats your hypocritical judgment might mean something.
Good grief, you don’t know what you’re talking about. He wasn’t even the first to fire a gun.

Even this veerrrryyyy anti Rittenhouse article has to admit that someone fired a shot first and Rittenhouse was chased before he shot anyone:

The conservative defense of Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse is nonsense.

There is plenty to condemn Rittenhouse for while still being honest about what actually happened.

So you think guns are highly effective as self defense? What are you? Some kind of a gun nut?

When you condemn arson, looting, vandalism, cops getting assaulted and killed and store owners being assaulted with bats your hypocritical judgment might mean something.

I think guns are the most effective means of killing commonly available, and nothing more than the threat of their own lives ending will prevent Trump cultists from murdering others.

And no amount of desperately trying to defend the right’s new favorite terrorist can change that.

Perhaps cops should stop murdering others if they don’t want to deal with “arson” and “vandalism”.

The conservative belief that property is far more important than human life is pretty pathetic.
Lmao, of course X Factor is in this thread trying to make liberals feel bad about what in his world view is an act of god, destroying a late 20th century homage to his beloved slave owners.


Thought had by person at the White House: If you can remember, man, woman, car, camera, TV, you are fit to lead a country and no one has anything to worry about
Now the south's defender can join his other defenders in the graveyard.

I like the new look. Very art deco, which of course was borrowed from the ancient world, albeit the pillar is a bit more Greco-Roman than the Egyptians. Okay, on second thought, let's call it art nouveau which I like better. So stark and chic and such a throwback. Whatever remains - at this moment - of this obscure monument reflects all that remains of the ancient world, the society, the luxury, the lives. So if it's symbolic of anything, it's probably symbolic of own demise, "our own" meaning everybody, even all the symbolists and superstitious contributors on this thread hoping to connect some omniscient wrath to metal falling over in the wind. But maybe these posters know more than me. Just out of curiosity, what does the future hold when the New York subway systems flood?? And uh, if a pigeon poops on your roof, any soothsayers ready to divulge what it means?? Thanks!!

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