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Cindy You're Hereby Divorced! (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
North Carolina
Political Leaning
Slightly Conservative
CNN said:
The husband of Cindy Sheehan, the mother camped outside President Bush's Texas ranch to protest the death of a son in the Iraq war, has filed for divorce, according to court documents.


CNN said:
Patrick Sheehan filed the divorce petition Friday in Solano County court, northeast of San Francisco. His lawyer did not immediately return a call seeking comment Monday.


Now she's just embarrassing us Liberals...
She isn't embarrassing me. Senator Frist came to speak where I was vacationing and I went to go hear him talk and asked him two very, um, pointed questions as my way of welcoming him to the island. There is no shame in what she is doing right now and I would probably want to join her if I got word that Vance had been killed over in Iraq. It is a personal struggle and people can choose to deal with that in any way they want, either through prayer, reflection, mourning, hatred, protest, etc. She chose the last path and I admire her for it.

The president could just make the whole mess go away by meeting with her for 5 minutes, but his advisors are too afraid. It is all rather humerous. Frankly, I wouldn't meet her either if I were president, but it is fun to say he should, isn't it?
Other Presidents have met with protesters with no ill effects. Bush is a complete coward with regard to coming face to face with people who disagree with him.
I don't think that is completely fair. He is following what his advisors tell him. That doesn't make him a coward. And trust me, we don't know protests until we hear "Hey, Hey, G-Dub-B, How many boys you kill today?!"
ShamMol said:
She isn't embarrassing me. Senator Frist came to speak where I was vacationing and I went to go hear him talk and asked him two very, um, pointed questions as my way of welcoming him to the island. There is no shame in what she is doing right now and I would probably want to join her if I got word that Vance had been killed over in Iraq. It is a personal struggle and people can choose to deal with that in any way they want, either through prayer, reflection, mourning, hatred, protest, etc. She chose the last path and I admire her for it.

The president could just make the whole mess go away by meeting with her for 5 minutes, but his advisors are too afraid. It is all rather humerous. Frankly, I wouldn't meet her either if I were president, but it is fun to say he should, isn't it?

Yes It wouldn't be so bad if the media didn't jump all over it, in the more recent clips.. she sounds like she has totally lost it. One reason why Bush might not meet with her is because it may send out the message "if you want to speak with the President, then camp out at his house".
Right on, I believe that since he's the leader of the Armed Forces he should be responsible for every single person killed in combat. But he didn't force her son to join the military, he's just stupid enough to. He could very well have been one of those who sign onto the military just reaping the benefits.
Even if Bush speaks with her, she won't leave. She'll say "Bush wasn't honest, he's just using lines provided by his advisors" which is absolutely true.

I wouldn't join her, she's going through the point of denial in her life. My mum has seen cases where the patient was suffering through terrible depression, but it comes out as aggression and the looking for the Truth. I believe that's what she's going through, as an American I support her decision to protest this god-awful war.

I'm sure if her husband actually loved her and his son, he'd have been there with her.
ShamMol said:
She isn't embarrassing me. Senator Frist came to speak where I was vacationing and I went to go hear him talk and asked him two very, um, pointed questions as my way of welcoming him to the island. There is no shame in what she is doing right now and I would probably want to join her if I got word that Vance had been killed over in Iraq. It is a personal struggle and people can choose to deal with that in any way they want, either through prayer, reflection, mourning, hatred, protest, etc. She chose the last path and I admire her for it.

The president could just make the whole mess go away by meeting with her for 5 minutes, but his advisors are too afraid. It is all rather humerous. Frankly, I wouldn't meet her either if I were president, but it is fun to say he should, isn't it?

He met with her before she was brainwashed by the likes of Moore and moveon.org and she praised him........It would serve no purpose to meet her again except to watch the left gloat...........It ain't gonna happen......

Go home Cindy your giving aid and comfort to the enemy...
I was completely shocked at the way Chris Matthews handled two interviews with the mothers of soldiers who had died in Iraq. He handled Mrs Sheenan, or shall I say miss, with kid gloves, it was more like softball. Then when the mother who was defending the war answered his pointed questions, he became quick with her, and cut her off more then once. I was just so angry with that obvious bias, but I really don't know why I was so shocked, as it happens so often on his show.

As for this divorce, wow, when I heard this, I was truly shocked. I had heard that persons in her family did not agree with her, but her own husband filing for divorce.:shock:

I would tell her to go home, but it sounds like she has no home to go home to.:(
Something tells me there's probably more than meets the eye in this particular situation, and that he's not divorcing her solely due to the protest. I'd have to assume that there was something else going on, and that their marriage wasn't completely politically based.

I think she deserves a talk with Bush, and I can't see how anyone could possibly justify him not talking to her. He's her ****ing employee, and her son died in the war that HE started, so at the very least he owes her an explanation.
galenrox said:
Something tells me there's probably more than meets the eye in this particular situation, and that he's not divorcing her solely due to the protest. I'd have to assume that there was something else going on, and that their marriage wasn't completely politically based.

I think she deserves a talk with Bush, and I can't see how anyone could possibly justify him not talking to her. He's her ****ing employee, and her son died in the war that HE started, so at the very least he owes her an explanation.

She got one, some mothers have not had the first meeting, why should she get two?:confused:
ShamMol said:
She isn't embarrassing me. Senator Frist came to speak where I was vacationing and I went to go hear him talk and asked him two very, um, pointed questions as my way of welcoming him to the island. There is no shame in what she is doing right now and I would probably want to join her if I got word that Vance had been killed over in Iraq. It is a personal struggle and people can choose to deal with that in any way they want, either through prayer, reflection, mourning, hatred, protest, etc. She chose the last path and I admire her for it.

The president could just make the whole mess go away by meeting with her for 5 minutes, but his advisors are too afraid. It is all rather humerous. Frankly, I wouldn't meet her either if I were president, but it is fun to say he should, isn't it?

Although I am sorry for her lost. I think she's making a mokery of her sons death. She seems to be puppeting a little bit also. I am sorry if I don't feel the president needs to meet with every family member of every soldier that is killed or injured in Iraq. I belive I heard has met with some 250 families so far. She's making demands on the President of the United States, and I for one see no reason for it.
Yes It wouldn't be so bad if the media didn't jump all over it, in the more recent clips.. she sounds like she has totally lost it.

Funny you should say that, since you apparently jumped at the opportunity to post about her getting divorced.

She is getting divorced, so what?
I jumped at the oppurtunity because its an update on the Cindy story. I was just going to see if her getting divorced will waver her standing there holding up a sign in front of Dubya's house.
vandree said:
Funny you should say that, since you apparently jumped at the opportunity to post about her getting divorced.

She is getting divorced, so what?

If she is going to put herself in the spotlight for 15 minutes. Then she is going ot have to take the attacks along with the sympathy. Your going to open your life so people will feel bad for you. Be prepared when they start poking around the dusty little corners also
Giving comfort to the enemy Navy Pride? Alright, if that is how you want to portray it, that is your right, but honestly, we have been over that before and I at least know it not to be true.

I consider it to be patriotic to dissent, but hey, for another opinion, we go to navy pride with his extreme patriotism.
I heard that the devorce was in the process before she went on her protest/hippie rally.
Tetracide said:
I heard that the devorce was in the process before she went on her protest/hippie rally.

The death of a child can often times lead to blame, which leads to anger, which leads to arguments, which lead to divorce. I don't know if this is the scenario that these two fell in to, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if that was the case. This woman is obviously in pain, but I just don't think this is helping her, or her family, or the country for that matter, just my humble opinion.:(
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ShamMol said:
Giving comfort to the enemy Navy Pride? Alright, if that is how you want to portray it, that is your right, but honestly, we have been over that before and I at least know it not to be true.

I consider it to be patriotic to dissent, but hey, for another opinion, we go to navy pride with his extreme patriotism.

Always found it curious when people say it's patriotic to dissent.


It is your right to dissent
It is your right to free speech
It is your right to question the government

But to call complaining patriotic just doesn't work. If what you do is patriotic what do you call the service a soldier performs? Sorry I see nothing patriotic about protesting. I know it is your right and I know for a fact that at times it is a nessecity. But I can't ever see it as patriotic.
Deegan said:
I was completely shocked at the way Chris Matthews handled two interviews with the mothers of soldiers who had died in Iraq. He handled Mrs Sheenan, or shall I say miss, with kid gloves, it was more like softball. Then when the mother who was defending the war answered his pointed questions, he became quick with her, and cut her off more then once. I was just so angry with that obvious bias, but I really don't know why I was so shocked, as it happens so often on his show.

As for this divorce, wow, when I heard this, I was truly shocked. I had heard that persons in her family did not agree with her, but her own husband filing for divorce.:shock:

I would tell her to go home, but it sounds like she has no home to go home to.:(

You should not be surprised about Matthews, he trys to pretend like he is impartial but he is still a Liberal...........I was shocked wehn he said he voted for President Bush.........
Calm2Chaos said:
Always found it curious when people say it's patriotic to dissent.


It is your right to dissent
It is your right to free speech
It is your right to question the government

But to call complaining patriotic just doesn't work. If what you do is patriotic what do you call the service a soldier performs? Sorry I see nothing patriotic about protesting. I know it is your right and I know for a fact that at times it is a nessecity. But I can't ever see it as patriotic.

Yeah she has the right to protest because the very soldiers she is putting down our dying to give her that right..........How ironic is that?

I heard she does even stay out there at night but that moveon.org foots the bill for her to stay in a moterl..........
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ShamMol said:
Giving comfort to the enemy Navy Pride? Alright, if that is how you want to portray it, that is your right, but honestly, we have been over that before and I at least know it not to be true.

I consider it to be patriotic to dissent, but hey, for another opinion, we go to navy pride with his extreme patriotism.

You have no clue..........The terrorists in Iraq see these protests.......They no people like you have no stomach to fight terrorism and if they just hold out public opinion will turn and we will cut and run just like we did in Nam.......

Well you on the left are wrong this time because unlike Clinton this prsident does not run his office base on polls..........So no matter how much you whine and complain we will be ther until we finish the job...........
Navy Pride said:
You have no clue..........The terrorists in Iraq see these protests.......They no people like you have no stomach to fight terrorism and if they just hold out public opinion will turn and we will cut and run just like we did in Nam.......

Well you on the left are wrong this time because unlike Clinton this prsident does not run his office base on polls..........So no matter how much you whine and complain we will be ther until we finish the job...........
And have you seen my posts that say that I don't want an immediate withdrawl? No? You instead choose to ignore them? Oh, then by all means sir, please do. End sarcasm. LBJ said he did not run his office on polls either, but aren't his numbers almost identical to this president's right now...both in support and support for the war, guess he is lucky he isn't running for reelection otherwise he would be listening to the polls for sure, but I am sure you disagree.

You may find this shocking, but we support the troops, but not the war. Omg, its true, its true, its damn true to quote a well-known wrestler. We will not cut and run. We will take the two to three years necessary to train those troops and then we are out, period. Got it?
Navy Pride said:
You have no clue..........The terrorists in Iraq see these protests.......They no people like you have no stomach to fight terrorism and if they just hold out public opinion will turn and we will cut and run just like we did in Nam.......

Well you on the left are wrong this time because unlike Clinton this prsident does not run his office base on polls..........So no matter how much you whine and complain we will be ther until we finish the job...........

Between protestors calling the pressident Stalin and our own senators calling him hitler. I think the terrorist are getting exactly what they want. They are turning SOME americans against the president. Thats what they wanted that's what they got. Soon as some turned the dems got scared and started playing the popularity game. So they started slamming the president with the always fun hitler lable and the soldiers were nazis. Calling our soldiers nazi's is how there supported? These were the same kind of people protesting vietnam..................Then they spit on our soldiers when they came home.

So ya in that regaurd the the terrorist are winning. They succeded in turning this into a popularity contest. And there is nothing protesters like more then saying the right thing. look at all the hollywood types, that fat a ss crack moore ect ect ect. libs are lovin it. Poor ole terrorist aren't being treated well.. What a crying shame
ShamMol said:
And have you seen my posts that say that I don't want an immediate withdrawl? No? You instead choose to ignore them? Oh, then by all means sir, please do. End sarcasm. LBJ said he did not run his office on polls either, but aren't his numbers almost identical to this president's right now...both in support and support for the war, guess he is lucky he isn't running for reelection otherwise he would be listening to the polls for sure, but I am sure you disagree.

You may find this shocking, but we support the troops, but not the war. Omg, its true, its true, its damn true to quote a well-known wrestler. We will not cut and run. We will take the two to three years necessary to train those troops and then we are out, period. Got it?

I think you support the troops as long as the troops are kept in there barracks like a dog in a cage. If the troops are out doing what there trained for I think you support something else. what that is exactly I don't know. Supporting something during the good, fun and happy times is easy.
Calm2Chaos said:
Although I am sorry for her lost. I think she's making a mokery of her sons death. She seems to be puppeting a little bit also. I am sorry if I don't feel the president needs to meet with every family member of every soldier that is killed or injured in Iraq. I belive I heard has met with some 250 families so far. She's making demands on the President of the United States, and I for one see no reason for it.

He lead the war using lies, he owes every mother of every person killed in Iraq an explanation. He needs to come out publicly and admit that he and his crooked administration were wrong. Cindy Sheenan has every right to expect this. Being president does not place Bush above anyone.
alex said:
He lead the war using lies, he owes every mother of every person killed in Iraq an explanation. He needs to come out publicly and admit that he and his crooked administration were wrong. Cindy Sheenan has every right to expect this. Being president does not place Bush above anyone.

He owes every AMERICAN an answer, not just the mothers(I notice you don't say a word about "fathers"....nice way to keep the sympathy vote)

BTW - He DOES answer to all Americans...

Iraq is the latest battlefield in this war. Many terrorists who kill innocent men, women, and children on the streets of Baghdad are followers of the same murderous ideology that took the lives of our citizens in New York, in Washington, and Pennsylvania. There is only one course of action against them: to defeat them abroad before they attack us at home. The commander in charge of coalition operations in Iraq -- who is also senior commander at this base -- General John Vines, put it well the other day. He said: "We either deal with terrorism and this extremism abroad, or we deal with it when it comes to us."

Our mission in Iraq is clear. We're hunting down the terrorists. We're helping Iraqis build a free nation that is an ally in the war on terror. We're advancing freedom in the broader Middle East. We are removing a source of violence and instability, and laying the foundation of peace for our children and our grandchildren.

The work in Iraq is difficult and it is dangerous. Like most Americans, I see the images of violence and bloodshed. Every picture is horrifying, and the suffering is real. Amid all this violence, I know Americans ask the question: Is the sacrifice worth it? It is worth it, and it is vital to the future security of our country. And tonight I will explain the reasons why.

Read on for details...Unless you don't want to so you can continue the charade...


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