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Cindy Sheehan (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 13, 2005
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Political Leaning
I wonder how her sex life is doing. Ususally when you become famous you get a lot more action. She looked pretty satisfied the last time I saw her on TV.
George_Washington said:
Uh, yeah right. I can't imagine a worse fate. Except for maybe the thousands of other ugly women in politics. :lol:

Put a bag over her head, cut a hole out for her mouth and another hole for her nose so she can breath and you would never know the difference.Cutting out a picture of Britney Spears face and pasting it on that bag would proably help.
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I heard some guy named dick asked to to go on a hunting date...lol...
Not for Old Glory....
That bitch got hit with an ugly stick... fell out of the ugly tree... hit every ugly branch on the way down, and then got run over by the ugly truck.

:lol: They should use that mug for basic training to prepare soldiers for the horrors of war....
I take the Earl Schibe approach "I'll **** anything for only $99."
The only woman uglier than Cindy Sheehan is that chick with the guitar in danarhea's avatar. :lol:
KCConservative said:
The only woman uglier than Cindy Sheehan is that chick with the guitar in danarhea's avatar. :lol:
That's a chick?...

I thought it was Weird Al...:2wave:

Did anyone see the pictures of her getting arrested in New York the other day (I think it may have been Monday). Her shirt was raised above her waistline and, um, well, the picture did not look good.

She could be decent looking if she wore make-up. That sounds superficial, but she looks so pale whenever I see her on TV. She is an articulate woman when she speaks. She could present herself better if she put some effort into her appearance. People take you more seriously when you look kempt. Well, that's my opinion.

Found the article: http://msnbc.msn.com/id/11706772/

I'm tryin to eat breakfast. :coffeepap

[pie]No Sheehan pie plesth.[/pie]
fooligan said:
Sick, man. I'd hit it.

Haha:rofl . That's just plain nasty. Even if you double bag that, there's a remote chance both bags will fall off, and If I saw her face, I would get massive stage freight!
So the fascists are perpetuating their demonizing ad hominems against those they don't feel are rightwing enough.

Yeah, sleezebag repugnican business as usual.
steen said:
So the fascists are perpetuating their demonizing ad hominems against those they don't feel are rightwing enough.

Yeah, sleezebag repugnican business as usual.
Linda Tripp?...

Katherine Harris?...

Harriet Miers?...

Works both ways....

Chew gum...It'll stop your ears from poppin' while you're so high on your pedestal...
cnredd said:
Linda Tripp?...

Katherine Harris?...

Harriet Miers?...

Works both ways....

Chew gum...It'll stop your ears from poppin' while you're so high on your pedestal...

Yes it works both ways and that is precisely why the US is not ready for a woman president.
Cindy needs more than just a bag over her head.She need a burlap sack to cover the rest of her body.

cnredd said:
Linda Tripp?...

Katherine Harris?...

Harriet Miers?...

Works both ways....

Chew gum...It'll stop your ears from poppin' while you're so high on your pedestal...
:think: No, still don't remember when I made a comment about their looks.
Inuyasha said:
Yes it works both ways and that is precisely why the US is not ready for a woman president.
Because of what women look like? Conservative claptrap.
steen said:
Because of what women look like? Conservative claptrap.

No because the male part of our society is still too macho living in the past and women are too down on female candidates to ever vote for one "en mass".
jamesrage said:
Cindy needs more than just a bag over her head.She need a burlap sack to cover the rest of her body.


Haha, yea. She looks like a ****ing beached-whale.
kal-el said:
Haha, yea. She looks like a ****ing beached-whale.

Hey dude... Built for comfort not for speed.
Inuyasha said:
Hey dude... Built for comfort not for speed.

Haha, nice slogan, could do well on a billboard, but I wouldn't touch that broad with a ten foot pole.
kal-el said:
Haha, nice slogan, could do well on a billboard, but I wouldn't touch that broad with a ten foot pole.

Ahh the wonders of youth.
I used to talk that way
but now that I am old and grey
I'll take anything, anyway

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