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Cindy Sheehan now dissing Hillary! (1 Viewer)

Stu Ghatze

Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
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She sure did, & says that Hillary should not be supported unless Hillary changes her views on the war in Iraq.

Cindy had damn well better be carefull, ..if she insists on calling out Hillary because Hillary does support the war effort moreso than her liberal friends;even though Hillary is disingenuine about it ...Cindy might as well consign herself to the trash heap of total irrelevance because the MEDIA will quickly abandon her.

There won't be ANY Hillary bashing on the mass medias watch! ;) :smile:
Stu Ghatze said:
She sure did, & says that Hillary should not be supported unless Hillary changes her views on the war in Iraq.

Cindy had damn well better be carefull, ..if she insists on calling out Hillary because Hillary does support the war effort moreso than her liberal friends;even though Hillary is disingenuine about it ...Cindy might as well consign herself to the trash heap of total irrelevance because the MEDIA will quickly abandon her.

There won't be ANY Hillary bashing on the mass medias watch! ;) :smile:

So first she does a 180 on her original views... Then when she's playing patty cake with MM, code pink and that lot she does a little 90 degree turn on them also. Give the woman another month or two and she'll be cheering bush and the military on again....:rofl :rofl
Stu Ghatze said:
Cindy might as well consign herself to the trash heap of total irrelevance because the MEDIA will quickly abandon her.
Or she might end up in Ft. Marcy Park...
Hillary is trying to play "Independent", but if Sheean insisted that she change her views, it could cost Hillary the election.
This is just one of the many examples of Sheehans extreme left views, and only adds to her growing list of unpopular comments. The majority of the democratic party was smart for not associating with her, and I highly doubt clinton will change any of her views for this radical.
Clinton will not change any of her views for Cindy Sheehan. Cindy is not the only one to of lost a loved one in the War in Iraq, and has used her grieving mother attitude to justify radical views. How can you take anyone seriously if their best solution to war is "Bring Them Home Now"?
For the record, she also called John McCain a "warmongerer"

Yea, shes a bright one.
Maybe Cindy will run for president in 2008...:lol:
stsburns said:
Hillary is trying to play "Independent", but if Sheean insisted that she change her views, it could cost Hillary the election.

First off, I dont think anything cindy sheehan says would be taken seriously to cost ANYONE an election! She is too radical!

Secondly, is Hilary even running? I havent heard her mention anything! Though, i think our society is not ready for a woman president, meaning that the general public would not want a woman as a president. Though, this does absolutely not reflect my view! I think if a woman is qualified and i like her ideology (Which clintons i dont so i wouldnt vote for her) i would vote for her! I just dont see america voting one in yet, IMHO!
Navy Pride said:
Maybe Cindy will run for president in 2008...:lol:

I'll be her running mate. :lol:

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