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Cindy Sheehan arrested........ (1 Viewer)

Navy Pride

DP Veteran
Jul 11, 2005
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
I just heard on CNN that Cindy Sheehan was just arrested.........

Stay tuned........
Navy Pride said:
I just heard on CNN that Cindy Sheehan was just arrested.........

Stay tuned........

You beat me to the punch I just heard it, it appears that a Democratic senator from California (why am I not suprised) gave her a guest pass, which is usually reserved for spouses and family members, to the State of the Union Address, that is simply unbelievable that anyone would give a nut case like Sheehan a guest pass to one of this nations most important events, never in U.S. history has this ceremony ever been interrupted and for that Senator to give Sheehan an invitation knowing full well what she would do is simply unconscionable. Sheehan unfolded an anti war banner in the middle of the Chamber for Christs sakes!!!!!!! They should arrest the senator who gave her the pass too!
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You beat me to the punch I just heard it, it appears that a Democratic senator from California (why am I not suprised) gave her a guest pass, which is usually reserved for spouses and family members, to the State of the Union Address, that is simply unbelievable that anyone would give a nut case like Sheehan a guest pass to one of this nations most important events, never in U.S. history has this ceremony ever been interrupted and for that Senator to give Sheehan an invitation knowing full well what she would do is simply unconscionable.

I just heard the nut case was unfurling and anti war banner....That is why she was arrested...........

How dippy can you get?
lol - I'll bet that's the most exciting thing of the night.
Navy Pride said:
I just heard the nut case was unfurling and anti war banner....That is why she was arrested...........

How dippy can you get?

Ya I edited my last post to add that too, I think they should arrest the Senator who gave her the pass too, this is un-fuc/king believable, this just goes to prove the respect the Democrats have for our nations institutions. It's just unbelievable this has never happened in our nations history it's ridiculous.
hipsterdufus said:
lol - I'll bet that's the most exciting thing of the night.

She is a great representative of your party hips.........
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
You beat me to the punch I just heard it, it appears that a Democratic senator from California (why am I not suprised) gave her a guest pass, which is usually reserved for spouses and family members, to the State of the Union Address, that is simply unbelievable that anyone would give a nut case like Sheehan a guest pass to one of this nations most important events, never in U.S. history has this ceremony ever been interrupted and for that Senator to give Sheehan an invitation knowing full well what she would do is simply unconscionable. Sheehan unfolded an anti war banner in the middle of the Chamber for Christs sakes!!!!!!! They should arrest the senator who gave her the pass too!
man, why do you get so pissed off when people do acts of protest? Cause I mean, yeah, it's in the senate, so what? No one got hurt, it didn't interupt anything, so why do you, a supposed libertarian, support the arrest of a woman who didn't hurt anyone in any way, and not only that, but want further arrests to be made for someone unveiling a sign. Unveiling a sign. I want you to repeat that to yourself everytime you try to tell yourself that you're a libertarian, "I called for multiple arrests over someone unveiling a sign".
galenrox said:
man, why do you get so pissed off when people do acts of protest? Cause I mean, yeah, it's in the senate, so what? No one got hurt, it didn't interupt anything, so why do you, a supposed libertarian, support the arrest of a woman who didn't hurt anyone in any way, and not only that, but want further arrests to be made for someone unveiling a sign. Unveiling a sign. I want you to repeat that to yourself everytime you try to tell yourself that you're a libertarian, "I called for multiple arrests over someone unveiling a sign".

Wow simply wow Galen, this isn't some pointless event this is hallowed tradition here, it's not the place for Partisanship the Democrats will have their response after the Address, that's how it is done that's how it has always been done, you don't have to respect the man but for Christ's sakes atleast respect the office and the traditition.
galenrox said:
man, why do you get so pissed off when people do acts of protest? Cause I mean, yeah, it's in the senate, so what? No one got hurt, it didn't interupt anything, so why do you, a supposed libertarian, support the arrest of a woman who didn't hurt anyone in any way, and not only that, but want further arrests to be made for someone unveiling a sign. Unveiling a sign. I want you to repeat that to yourself everytime you try to tell yourself that you're a libertarian, "I called for multiple arrests over someone unveiling a sign".

Come on Gal, you don't pull that **** at the state of the union........Give me a break.......
galenrox said:
man, why do you get so pissed off when people do acts of protest? Cause I mean, yeah, it's in the senate, so what? No one got hurt, it didn't interupt anything, so why do you, a supposed libertarian, support the arrest of a woman who didn't hurt anyone in any way, and not only that, but want further arrests to be made for someone unveiling a sign. Unveiling a sign. I want you to repeat that to yourself everytime you try to tell yourself that you're a libertarian, "I called for multiple arrests over someone unveiling a sign".

Come on Gal, you don't pull that **** at the state of the union........Give me a break.......You are way off base on this one..
Last edited:
Navy Pride said:
She is a great representative of your party hips.........

Did you ever lose a son to an unjust war?

Why don'y you guys come into the chat room?
Look, I think she's a kook. But even a kook can accept the guest pass if offered one. There has to be more to this than has been reported. I can't see any reason why she couldn't be the guest of someone who invited her. She must have made a threat of some kind, which wouldn't surprise me at all.
hipsterdufus said:
Did you ever lose a son to an unjust war?

Why don'y you guys come into the chat room?

That phoney excuse wore out a long time ago and you know it hips....

A lot of people have lost sons and you don't see them making and ass of themselves.....
KCConservative said:
Look, I think she's a kook. But even a kook can accept the guest pass if offered one. There has to be more to this than has been reported. I can't see any reason why she couldn't be the guest of someone who invited her. She must have made a threat of some kind, which wouldn't surprise me at all.

KCC, read the thread.........she was unfurling a anti war banner.......
Navy Pride said:
KCC, read the thread.........she was unfurling a anti war banner.......
Well there you go. She's a kook. The State of the Union is not the place.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Wow this speech is fantastic he's saying what I've been saying on this sight for the last year. Sh!t he even used my signature in his own words.
I had no doubt he would hit a homerun. Even the left side of the aisle is standing for many of the remarks.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Ya I edited my last post to add that too, I think they should arrest the Senator who gave her the pass too, this is un-fuc/king believable, this just goes to prove the respect the Democrats have for our nations institutions. It's just unbelievable this has never happened in our nations history it's ridiculous.

The Senator should at least be censured for partaking in the scheme. There is a time and place, this was totally disrepectful of the country and our elected officals.

But then more and more in the middle will lean more and more to the right because of these stunts.
Navy Pride said:
Come on Gal, you don't pull that **** at the state of the union........Give me a break.......
Why am I not surprised that you're coming out against freedom of speech again? OOOh.....an anti-war sign unfurled in the hallowed halls of Congress...what a slap in the balls for America.

I love the new dynamic duo in this thread....Navy Pride & Trajan...both preaching about the great respect for the system! Hah!

It's good to know that some people have so little confidence in our Constitution and our Republic that the mere unfurling of a banner results in another "hate Cindy Sheehan" thread...How many of these have you started Navy Pride?

I found at least TEN all with truly hate filled themes without even trying. How amazing is it that this woman can cause one member of this community to be obsessive compulsive about one anti-war protestor who happened to also make the ultimate sacrifice, the death of her son!

Here you go Navy....your laundry list of "Navy Hates Cindy" thread that you've created in less than 6 months....

1. Cindy Sheehan profits from her sons death

2. Insurgents in Iraq love Cindy Sheehan and the democrats that want to cut and run.

3. Cindy Sheehan arrested........

4. Inquiring minds want to know......

5. One thing I have never understood....

6. How sweet it is!!!!!

7. How appropriate....

8. You don't speak for me Cindy

9. Cindy Sheehan's speech at SF State Univ

10. Family of fallen Soldier pleads Please stop Cindy!!
Heard that she was not arrested but was detained for a violation of Senate chamber rules, presumably unfurling a banner in an area where such are not permitted.
Ya gotta luv what he is saying about energy independence and getting off the nozzle of ME oil. We already have over 5 million flex fuel vehicles on the roads; we know how to do that. Now we need more infrastructure to distribute those alternative fuels like cellulosic ethanol, methanol, etc.

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