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Cindy demands pull out (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 3, 2005
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Very Conservative
No this is not the wrong section for this thread

Amid the Miserable Failures on the Same Planet
A Message from Cindy Sheehan

"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power."


What idiocy
When's the last time this woman had a logical thought? Seriously, she needs so professional help. She could commit any crime and be found not guilty by reason on insanity without even be examined. With comments like that she's going to lose on credibility to her cause. :cuckoo: Our troops are occupying New Orleans?
Stinger said:
No this is not the wrong section for this thread

Amid the Miserable Failures on the Same Planet
A Message from Cindy Sheehan

"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power."


What idiocy

I feel for the woman for losing her son. I really do, but she really has some very, very, very ridiculous opinions some time. She is like the left's version of Ann Coulter, if Ann Coulter had actually lost a son or given anything in service of her country.
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What a wack job. Now we're occupying New Orleans? And of course, she is posted on the Michael Moore site. Isn't he the leftists champion? How much more must these people say before the left realize how far out in left field these self appointed "voices of morality" are and the depths to which they will stoop for attention? She will live out the rest of her life miserable and will never find peace after what she has done to the memory of her son. I have no sympathy for her.
Stinger said:
No this is not the wrong section for this thread

Amid the Miserable Failures on the Same Planet
A Message from Cindy Sheehan

"George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power."


What idiocy
This is the funniest line of the article...

The people in LA who were displaced have nice, if modest homes that are perfectly fine. I wonder why the government made them leave at great expense and uproot families who have been living in their communities for generations.

Apparently, Cindy hasn't been watching the news...
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cnredd said:
This is the funniest line of the article...

The people in LA who were displaced have nice, if modest homes that are perfectly fine. I wonder why the government made them leave at great expense and uproot families who have been living in their communities for generations.

Apparently, Cindy hasn't been watching the news...

I would think that she is showing herself in such a light that even some hard core leftists must be rolling their eyes. Just like many Democrats have seen Michael Moore for what he is and for what he stands for with every new manner in which he exploits, hopefully they are finally seeing Sheehan for the loon she is.

What is sad is that the Democrats have been parading around with these two on their shoulders as if they are their "voice" of morality and they can't ever deny it, despite what President Clinton tried to teach them.
GySgt said:
I would think that she is showing herself in such a light that even some hard core leftists must be rolling their eyes. Just like many Democrats have seen Michael Moore for what he is and for what he stands for with every new manner in which he exploits, hopefully they are finally seeing Sheehan for the loon she is.

What is sad is that the Democrats have been parading around with these two on their shoulders as if they are their "voice" of morality and they can't ever deny it, despite what President Clinton tried to teach them.

I always thought that she would be marginalized when someone in her group went off on a tangent and started spewing stuff that was over the top...

I'm a "little" surprised that she did it herself...didn't think she would show her true colors in such a blatent way...
Now that Sheehan is starting to talk about all kinds of issues, shes gonna be an easy target. And now that its on MichaelMoore.com, she is no longer just a mother grieving for her son. Her mistake.

Try and remember though that she lost her son when you post comments about her.
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FinnMacCool said:
Now that Sheehan is starting to talk about all kinds of issues, shes gonna be an easy target. And now that its on MichaelMoore.com, she is no longer just a mother grieving for her son. Her mistake.

Try and remember though that she lost her son when you post comments about her.
Why should we remember her son when she hasn't?

Actually, I think we all feel honor for him and remembering his spirit more than we do her...
Aw come on cnredd, the only reason most people know who he was is because his mother is doing this big protest.

Besides you just proved my point by taking a shot at her. When people start taking cheap shots at mothers of fallen soldiers then you know that this has gone to far. The best thing you can do for her now is simply to ignore her.

But of course Michael Moore won't do that cause he is an asshole. He's just going to make things worse.
SouthernDemocrat said:
I feel for the woman for losing her son. I really do, but she really has some very, very, very ridiculous opinions some time. She is like the left's version of Ann Coulter, if Ann Coulter had actually lost a son or given anything in service of her country.

FinnMacCool said:
Now that Sheehan is starting to talk about all kinds of issues, shes gonna be an easy target. And now that its on MichaelMoore.com, she is no longer just a mother grieving for her son. Her mistake.

Try and remember though that she lost her son when you post comments about her.

What's so special about her? There are plenty of mothers who have lost their sons. They simply choose not to exploit them.

The best thing we could do is ignore her? Wasn't it the Democratic left that chose to exploit her pain? Now we're supposed to "respectfully" ignore her?
If you reffering to Michael Moore or one of those liberal sites then that is laughable.

Besides, you know that the Iraq war brings up uncomfortable issues. The liberals might think her insane but they still wanted to grab a hold of her and the conservatives obviously were going to try and discredit her by calling her "crazy" etc. and she has just proved the cons right. It's really kinda rediculous now that I think about it.
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FinnMacCool said:
If you reffering to Michael Moore or one of those liberal sites then that is laughable.

Besides, you know that the Iraq war brings up uncomfortable issues. The liberals might think her insane but they still wanted to grab a hold of her and the conservatives obviously were going to try and discredit her by calling her "crazy" etc. and she has just proved the cons right. It's really kinda rediculous now that I think about it.

This is what happens often. People tend to rush to decisions based on half of the information (Katrina) given by reporters and simply panic Our politicians rely on that panic..

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