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CIA Didnt fund Bin laden (cus they say so) (1 Viewer)


Oct 19, 2005
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Political Leaning
"No. Numerous comments in the media recently have reiterated a widely circulated but incorrect notion that the CIA once had a relationship with Usama Bin Laden. For the record, you should know that the CIA never employed, paid, or maintained any relationship whatsoever with Bin Laden."


Guess everybody else is wrong then...
God damn I remember watching a documentary about 9/11 on TV and they talked a little about Osama (btw why do they say Usama?) and they mentioned that he actually thanked someone for bringing the US to help fight the Soviets. talk about irony eh? Bah its the same way the cia said that they didn't support General Pinochet. Its all bullshit. Maybe in 20 years they'll declassify some **** and we'll know the truth.
CIA didn't fund Osoma, they trained him? You can't put a price on training? Unless your the news!? :mrgreen:
The CIA funded Pakistan's intel service who helped Aghanis. The "Afghan Arabs" received funding from elsewhere. There were quite a number of coutnries who supported the Anti-Soviet resistance.

Certainly some of the funds and arms got intermingled as they flowed downstream, but neither UbL nor the CIA say they had dealings w/ one another.

Please provide thesources where they say the CIA funded UbL. Perhaps you're reading more into them than is there.
The CIA funded Pakistan's intel service who helped Aghanis. The "Afghan Arabs" received funding from elsewhere. There were quite a number of coutnries who supported the Anti-Soviet resistance.

Certainly some of the funds and arms got intermingled as they flowed downstream, but neither UbL nor the CIA say they had dealings w/ one another.

Please provide thesources where they say the CIA funded UbL. Perhaps you're reading more into them than is there.
Your probably right there but still the way the CIA denied is still kinda funny. cause I'm sure he did use US weapons if he was fighting against the soviets.
Herophant said:
"No. Numerous comments in the media recently have reiterated a widely circulated but incorrect notion that the CIA once had a relationship with Usama Bin Laden. For the record, you should know that the CIA never employed, paid, or maintained any relationship whatsoever with Bin Laden."


Guess everybody else is wrong then...


Oh the CIA said it, so it must be true! Please tell me their was a hint of sarcasm in that post! LOL.

Did you ever see the public news broadcast in the USA with Ronald
Regan at a speach where he was surrounded with Afgani Mujahadeen standing at his podium shaking hands with all of them? It is a documentated undebatable fact that the US supported and funded the Mujahadeen freedom fighters, led by Osama Bin Laden, in the Afgan war against the Soviets. The remaing remnants Mujahadeen are what are today called Al Queda, which literally translates into "the database". The phrase coined by the CIA because OBL's computer had a database (Al Queda) with the members of the Mujahadeen.
So if the CIA claims they did not fund OBL, it is merely spin and perhaps they funded them through various networks where it technically did not come directly from the CIA. But there is no doubt that the US taxpayer funded the Mujahadeen, which is now the boogeyman "Al Queda" and still likely under CIA control, if they still even exsist in a cohesive unit.
RealityCheck said:

Oh the CIA said it, so it must be true! Please tell me their was a hint of sarcasm in that post! LOL.

Did you ever see the public news broadcast in the USA with Ronald
Regan at a speach where he was surrounded with Afgani Mujahadeen standing at his podium shaking hands with all of them? It is a documentated undebatable fact that the US supported and funded the Mujahadeen freedom fighters, led by Osama Bin Laden, in the Afgan war against the Soviets. The remaing remnants Mujahadeen are what are today called Al Queda, which literally translates into "the database". The phrase coined by the CIA because OBL's computer had a database (Al Queda) with the members of the Mujahadeen.
So if the CIA claims they did not fund OBL, it is merely spin and perhaps they funded them through various networks where it technically did not come directly from the CIA. But there is no doubt that the US taxpayer funded the Mujahadeen, which is now the boogeyman "Al Queda" and still likely under CIA control, if they still even exsist in a cohesive unit.

So you would take Saddam ruled Kuwait, over training Usoma? Can't you think about someone other than yourself for just one moment? What about the Kuwaities?
RealityCheck said:
Did you ever see the public news broadcast in the USA with Ronald
Regan at a speach where he was surrounded with Afgani Mujahadeen standing at his podium shaking hands with all of them? It is a documentated undebatable fact that the US supported and funded the Mujahadeen freedom fighters, led by Osama Bin Laden ...
Please provide the documentation for the fact that UbL was in charge of the anti-Soviet Afghanis. I thought he merely had a brigade of folks who came to be caled the "Arab Afghans."

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