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CIA Bombshell: The Sussmann data was "user created" (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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The plot thickens. In full disclosure I don’t expect Durham to get any big fish. The useful idiots will take the heat but it’s clear.

Schummer was right.

The Intel agencies can get you every which way from Sunday

How prophetic


Finally, I leave you with some questions to consider. Start asking why Sussmann and Joffe were so desperate to provide the FBI and CIA with dirt purportedly linking Trump and Russia. Sussmann himself provided false statements to federal officials, and it’s becoming more and more likely that someone potentially fabricated this evidence. Sussmann and Joffe risked charges - and thus jeopardized their lucrative careers - to tie Trump to Russia.

Considering the personal costs to both men, are we to believe that this was only about politics?

Or maybe this all leads back to the DNC hack…

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This is the sort of thing that many people were expecting to come up. It's simply down to being a certain period of time before someone screws up, in trying to attack Trump. Or at the very least screws up far more than they normally do when trying to do that.
The plot thickens. In full disclosure I don’t expect Durham to get any big fish. The useful idiots will take the heat but it’s clear.

Schummer was right.

The Intel agencies can get you every which way from Sunday

How prophetic


Finally, I leave you with some questions to consider. Start asking why Sussmann and Joffe were so desperate to provide the FBI and CIA with dirt purportedly linking Trump and Russia. Sussmann himself provided false statements to federal officials, and it’s becoming more and more likely that someone potentially fabricated this evidence. Sussmann and Joffe risked charges - and thus jeopardized their lucrative careers - to tie Trump to Russia.

Considering the personal costs to both men, are we to believe that this was only about politics?

Or maybe this all leads back to the DNC hack…

So...some of this stuff was happening in April 2016. Well, guess what else was happening around that time...the intelligence community, along with Five Eyes, running operations against Papa-D. This was a CIA/FBI operation involving Mifsud, an Australian, a Russian honeypot and others. And guess who was in charge of all that...Clapper, Brennan and Comey.

Will Durham dig into that? Will he bring charges? **** NO!! HE WON'T!!

So I don't want to hear about these small fry. I want to see the BIG FISH on the grill.
Bombshell after bombshell. I'm surprised the whole country isn't flat by now.

Convictions: 0
Have they convicted Gaetz yet?
Nice to know The Federalist is still hanging its fingernails off the cliff edge. There was not a single bit of verifiable credible attributable reporting relevant to whatever point the OP is trying to make in that ;linked piece of yellow journalism.
How many millions of tax payer dollars is this clown Durham scammed?

I heard he found that some assistant to the assistant to Hillary’s dog groomer didn’t report the 50 cents he found on the sidewalk.

Time to put up or go away.
How many millions of tax payer dollars is this clown Durham scammed?

I heard he found that some assistant to the assistant to Hillary’s dog groomer didn’t report the 50 cents he found on the sidewalk.

Time to put up or go away.
This is where Biden and Garland are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they shut him down, Trumpers scream partisan BS. If they let him keep up his next to nothing investigation, he wastes time and DOJ resources.

I recall when Trump fired a US prosecutor for just a whiff of an investigation into himself, after he promised to keep him on. Biden won't do that. So we wait.

This is just my opinion, but considering Barr appointed him to 'Investigate The Investigators', Durham should have been gone Jan. 20th 2021.
This is where Biden and Garland are stuck between a rock and a hard place. If they shut him down, Trumpers scream partisan BS. If they let him keep up his next to nothing investigation, he wastes time and DOJ resources.

I recall when Trump fired a US prosecutor for just a whiff of an investigation into himself. Biden won't do that. So we wait.
This is where Garland steps in and says that Durham has had 3 years to find ample evidence. Since he has found nothing of substance, he has 90 days to write his report.
How many millions of tax payer dollars is this clown Durham scammed?

I heard he found that some assistant to the assistant to Hillary’s dog groomer didn’t report the 50 cents he found on the sidewalk.

Time to put up or go away.
Those damn groomers!!! They're into everything nowadays.

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