I found a Bible that AFAIK has almost everything I want except the Hebrew calendar.
- Enhanced, updated, and with new content added throughout
- Full text of the accurate, readable, and clear New International Version (NIV)
- Over 10,000 Life Application notes and other features
- Over 100 personality profiles
- Introductions and overviews for each book of the Bible
- In-text maps, charts, and diagrams
- Dictionary/concordance
- More than 500 maps and charts placed for quick reference
- Extensive side-column cross-reference system to facilitate deeper study
- Subject index to notes, charts, maps, and profiles
- Words of Jesus in red
- Refreshed design with a second color for visual clarity
- Christian Worker’s Resource, a special supplement to enhance the reader’s ministry effectiveness
- 16 pages of full-color maps
- Single-column format
- Presentation page
- Two ribbon markers
- Bonded leather cover lays flat when open
- Thumb indexed to make finding books of the Bible easier
- 10.8-point type size
The only reason I have not ordered it yet is the last line: all letters are actually
small print. This is what it looks like on the screen, but that may not be the same on paper:
View attachment 67386578View attachment 67386579
I am able to read small print better on the screen but font size is only accurate on paper. I have over $100 of Amazon gift credit, so it would be wrong for me to waste $35 ordering an ebook just to increase the font size. Obviously I can't go back in time to when glasses would be sufficient. I do have glasses, but they don't help me read all font sizes. I would still need a magnifying glass while looking at the maps, timelines, charts, character profiles, tables, notes, and cross references.