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Christian Family caught making Bombs!! (1 Viewer)

Mar 6, 2006
Reaction score
Among the White US Terrorists
Political Leaning

Right in the heart of the midwest:
Marvin Dale Yahnke, 48; his wife, Shirley Melanie Yahnke, 49; and their 19-year-old son, Daniel — were charged Thursday with possessing explosives and conspiracy. The couple's 15-year-old son, whom authorities did not identify because he is a minor, faces juvenile charges
Gormley said that when authorities went to the Yahnke home Tuesday afternoon to search it and make the arrests, they found the family reading Bibles.
Did you read it wasn't the Koran!
There was nothing anti-government or anything like that," he said. "It was probably a religious family, just (gauging) by their manners and stuff like that. They had the Bibles there when we were there."
Wow. I thought you had to have ties to some organized related cult or terrorist group to be motivated to make bombs? The media must be lying. If not, I'm sure mainstream news will cover this and follow it tightly; especially FOX news.
Some bombs did destroy property in the area. Isn't this amazing this isn't some fringe Christian group member or even muslim at all? What are the odds if this was a Muslim family just reading the Koran when arrested on the headlines: MUSLIM FAMILY PLANS TERRORISM? Your dang right.
What is your point? Christians can be insane criminals too. It doesn't matter their religious faith. Tim McVeigh proved that.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:

Right in the heart of the midwest:
Did you read it wasn't the Koran!
Wow. I thought you had to have ties to some organized related cult or terrorist group to be motivated to make bombs? The media must be lying.
Some bombs did destroy property in the area. Isn't this amazing this isn't some fringe Christian group member or even muslim at all? What are the odds if this was a Muslim family just reading the Koran when arrested on the headlines: MUSLIM FAMILY PLANS TERRORISM? Your dang right.

You should stop before people get mad...:| or annoyed by you....I think half the people get that you're pissed off about the media's use of the words muslim and terrorist (ex : Anytime a muslim kills somebody it must be cause he's a terrorist).
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Can't you read, let me put it into simpler words for you: MUSLIMS don't have a monopoly on Terrorism--go tell your media that and tell them to start reporting it if you want it equal.

I agree with you. No one has the corner on terror. As I said earlier, McVeigh certainly proves that. However, inverting the argument and trying to paint Christians as terrorists is overly general.....even with the case you cited.

Oh, and thanks for the "simpler words." That's a great help. :roll:
This thread is just another weak attempt by the whacko left to bash Christians......Nothing more nothing less.........
Navy Pride said:
This thread is just another weak attempt by the whacko left to bash Christians......Nothing more nothing less.........

I would say that your post is a generalization. beyondtherim55008 is definitely far from a spokesman for the "left". An individual creating a pointless thread to express their specific opinion doesn't mean the group they are affiliated with feels the same way.

I agree the KC on this topic. Insanity knows no boundaries, religious or political.

I would also say just because a few Christians are found making bombs doesn't know mean they are even close to the same level as Islamic radicals when it comes to extreme activities such as terrorism.
beyondtherim said:
MUSLIMS don't have a monopoly on Terrorism--go tell your media that and tell them to start reporting it if you want it equal.
Maybe the ratio of "Christian" bomb makers to "Muslim" bomb makers has something to do with why the media appears to be not "equal" in this case.
Gibberish said:
I would say that your post is a generalization. beyondtherim55008 is definitely far from a spokesman for the "left". An individual creating a pointless thread to express their specific opinion doesn't mean the group they are affiliated with feels the same way.

I agree the KC on this topic. Insanity knows no boundaries, religious or political.

I would also say just because a few Christians are found making bombs doesn't know mean they are even close to the same level as Islamic radicals when it comes to extreme activities such as terrorism.

So what is the point?
Gibberish said:
It's an obvious attack towards the "right" by the initial poster.

Mark down the day and time............we agree...One might even consider it flaming.........:roll:
Navy Pride said:
Mark down the day and time............we agree...One might even consider it flaming.........:roll:

haha, rare but it happens. :cheers:

This same topic could have been presented in a way that would have produced relevant discussion but it seems blind hate produces otherwise. This is seen quite frequently lately from both sides.
Thanks for the entertainment. Isn't it interesting on how no one expressed thanks to the authorites or were upset at this Christian family plotting bombing? I guess it's just a normal activity and wasn't terrorism in the making. LOL Playing it down and acting like it was all political. Strange, people are getting all excited about the Hezbollah smuggle thread here in the Todays News section.

Maybe the ratio of "Christian" bomb makers to "Muslim" bomb makers
Your saying the bombs dropped on Iraq aren't made here in the US? Where you been? Munitions and Bombs are made in plants, did you actually think some Christian family of 4 is making bombs dropped by B-52's? DUH?

It's an obvious attack towards the "right" by the initial poster.
So any muslim terror report is an attack towards the Left? Agreed. Strange, not seeing this in the mainstream press. What's up with the holy media anyway on that?

beyondtherim55008 is definitely far from a spokesman for the "left".
Never voted GOP or DEM in my lift. Stop the stereotypes; bigots only believe in them.

This same topic could have been presented in a way that would have produced relevant discussion
LOL. Not with these posters it won't. Admit it, no one even wanted this type of thread even presented in any way shape or form--it goes against that rosy comfort zone of beliefs and values that are fragile and weak--in which you get mad at for anyone challenging them--as you have shown. Thank you all.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Thanks for the entertainment. Isn't it interesting on how no one expressed thanks to the authorites or were upset at this Christian family plotting bombing? I guess it's just a normal activity and wasn't terrorism in the making. LOL Playing it down and acting like it was all political. Strange, people are getting all excited about the Hezbollah smuggle thread here in the Todays News section.

Your saying the bombs dropped on Iraq aren't made here in the US? Where you been? Munitions and Bombs are made in plants, did you actually think some Christian family of 4 is making bombs dropped by B-52's? DUH?

So any muslim terror report is an attack towards the Left? Agreed. Strange, not seeing this in the mainstream press. What's up with the holy media anyway on that?

Never voted GOP or DEM in my lift. Stop the stereotypes; bigots only believe in them.

LOL. Not with these posters it won't. Admit it, no one even wanted this type of thread even presented in any way shape or form--it goes against that rosy comfort zone of beliefs and values that are fragile and weak--in which you get mad at for anyone challenging them--as you have shown. Thank you all.

You want a challenge how about this. Any group be it Muslim family plotting bombings or Christian family plotting bombings deserve one thing
A round thru the head!

What started all this byw? .

Frost is a town of about 250 people and 100 miles southwest of St. Paul. The arrests came after authorities in Albert Lea and Freeborn County investigated a series of small explosions that caused property damage in Albert Lea and rural parts of the county.

So it wasn’t a suicide bombing? Huh….
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Thanks for the entertainment. Isn't it interesting on how no one expressed thanks to the authorites or were upset at this Christian family plotting bombing? I guess it's just a normal activity and wasn't terrorism in the making. LOL Playing it down and acting like it was all political. Strange, people are getting all excited about the Hezbollah smuggle thread here in the Todays News section.

LOL. Not with these posters it won't. Admit it, no one even wanted this type of thread even presented in any way shape or form--it goes against that rosy comfort zone of beliefs and values that are fragile and weak--in which you get mad at for anyone challenging them--as you have shown. Thank you all.

:roll: I am definately starting to see a theme in your posts. With every "contribution" you merely seem to be on a crusade to continually defend Islam while attacking Christianity. One should recognize where we are, in today's world. Nobody has said that "Muslims have a monopoly on terrorism."

When a "Christian Family gets caught making Bombs!!," millions of Americans and fellow Christians do not cheer for the damage this family would inflict. There will not be a population of Christian Radicals claiming "glory to God" over it. There will not be preachers from coast to coast calling the family members "martyrs." There will not be an American government looking the other way for fear of antagonizing this family. There will not be some grand crusade to export these bombs to foreign lands to destroy other people in other civilizations.

Is this the case in the Middle East?

It would seem that you have this great anger built up, but you also seem to be projecting it in the wrong direction. If I were a Muslim, I would be angry at the millions of Radicals who are doing their damnest to destroy my religion and cast horrible shadows on my beliefs as they paint their perversions on the world canvas. I certainly wouldn't seek out another religion and whine about how people are reacting to this diseased culture in the Middle East.

You would have the American media ignore illegal Mexican immigration across the southern border, because a family from Madagascar smuggled themselves into the country through New York.
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You would have the American media ignore illegal Mexican immigration across the southern border,
Your right, they should report on the guy who collected 1000 baseball caps and the Grandma who grew a 34 lb. tomato--yea, they don't have room or time to put it in the media. I would like me and you to go up in a tower on the border and we would have a M2 and a sniper rifle--any damn illegal--plug 'em and bury them where they drop.

You want a challenge how about this. Any group be it Muslim family plotting bombings or Christian family plotting bombings deserve one thing
A round thru the head!
Agreed. But you didn't include Jews or Asians. I'm going to investigate if any Christian families own bomb plants that are given to the US Armed forces and relay your message to them; for if a bomb drops on a Iraqi house and the bomb was dropped by the USA and made in the USA and all victims were civilians--it was a terrorist attack. Agreed.

to continually defend Islam while attacking Christianity
Stereotypes, I have no problem on nuking all of the middle east--including Israel, though Christians do abound there; is that wrong? So your saying that Islam is just for the insurgency?

There will not be preachers from coast to coast calling the family members "martyrs."
Your right, no mainstream denominaton had anything to say about Waco or Ruby Ridge; I guess the Govt. was right and the Church was just following public opinion just like Jesus would--yea right. Mainstream denominations are no more than Cults of State accepted doctrine.

So it wasn’t a suicide bombing? Huh….
Agreed. Let's not have the media report anything of this sort unless it's a suicide bombing. Do you think they will listen?
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Your right, they should report on the guy who collected 1000 baseball caps and the Grandma who grew a 34 lb. tomato--yea, they don't have room or time to put it in the media. I would like me and you to go up in a tower on the border and we would have a M2 and a sniper rifle--any damn illegal--plug 'em and bury them where they drop.

Agreed. But you didn't include Jews or Asians. I'm going to investigate if any Christian families own bomb plants that are given to the US Armed forces and relay your message to them; for if a bomb drops on a Iraqi house and the bomb was dropped by the USA and made in the USA and all victims were civilians--it was a terrorist attack. Agreed.

Stereotypes, I have no problem on nuking all of the middle east--including Israel, though Christians do abound there; is that wrong? So your saying that Islam is just for the insurgency?

Your right, no mainstream denominaton had anything to say about Waco or Ruby Ridge; I guess the Govt. was right and the Church was just following public opinion just like Jesus would--yea right. Mainstream denominations are no more than Cults of State accepted doctrine.

Agreed. Let's not have the media report anything of this sort unless it's a suicide bombing. Do you think they will listen?

It's hard to follow what your points are, but I gather you just want everyone dead? Is there anyone on earth worthy of living? Shall we just drop nuclear bombs all over, shoot everyone dead, and overthrow our government?

Is this towards what you are getting at?


"It's a little too early to draw any conclusions about that," Roverud said. "From what I've gathered so far — and I haven't seen everything — there wasn't any type of literature that raised any red flags about plans."

Gormley said the search of the home didn't turn up any anti-government screeds, signs of radical religious fundamentalism, ties to terrorist groups or anything else that hinted at violence.

....This was a part of the article also. I guess you just forgot to quote that part..huh?
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GySgt said:
It's hard to follow what your points are,

Grow up... You want beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c to make a point?
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justone said:
Grow up... You want beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c to make a point?

I know, but I keep trying. It's hard to tell what his point is through the hate and anger.
Extremists are found in every walk of like....is it really so important to keep labelling people for what they 'appear' to be? Jews, Muslims, Christians, Methodists, Communist etc?:confused:
Evil is evil no matter what 'title' a person hides behind. To set out to deliberately harm others is wrong, period. Glad they were caught but to label them Christian just because they had some Bibles in their home or that they were even reading them does not necessarily make them Christian.
I hope I am addressing this from the beginning thread...just catching on.
I'll have to sort thru the rest of the posts to keep on track.
GySgt said:
If I were a Muslim, I would be angry at the millions of Radicals who are doing their damnest to destroy my religion and cast horrible shadows on my beliefs as they paint their perversions on the world canvas.

I wouldnt say "millions" thats a pretty big number....I'd say more like...thousands....There's of course the couple of wackos(Bin Laden, Khomeini etc etc) and then there are the followers...max I'd say....200,300 thousand...excluding the Talibans...
It's hard to tell what his point is through the hate and anger.
Your telling me what? Those for the war don't have hate and anger? Your telling me the troops are without emotion? Your telling me I should believe a ordinary Gunny Sgt vs. a General with 2 medal of honors?

War is just a racket. . . . It has its 'finger men' to point out enemies, its 'muscle men' to destroy enemies, its 'brain men' to plan war preparations, and a 'Big Boss' Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. . . .
I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912 (where have I heard that name before?). I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested.
General Butler was one of the few Americans to be twice awarded the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor.

Before you disgrace the name of this man Gunny or for anyone to disgrace him and call him a liar or wrong--you then set yourself up as any General as a being a potential liar---what's your next move? Better do your research, for I'm set.
Davo said:
I wouldnt say "millions" thats a pretty big number....I'd say more like...thousands....There's of course the couple of wackos(Bin Laden, Khomeini etc etc) and then there are the followers...max I'd say....200,300 thousand...excluding the Talibans...

Then you'd be wrong....

1 out of every 5 people in the world are Muslim.
That means there are 1.2 Billion Muslims Worldwide.
Muslims are the majority in 63 countries.
Over 80% of worlds current conflicts involve Muslim countries.

Radical Muslims account for between 1% to 20% of Islam, which equals between 12 and 150 million people.

Not all Radical Muslims carry guns or strap bombs to themselves….the majority are the "sea within which the Radical Islamist terrorists swim." If done the study...you will find a plethora of international scholars, professors, and experts of religion, economics, and the Middle East who have studies that hover in the numbers between 1% and 20%. The reason this number shows such a large room for error is that it is almost impossible to exactly delineate who our enemies are. Percentages can be taken from each of the 63 countries where Muslims are the majority.

Arnaud de Borchgrave - Senior Adviser and Director
Center for Strategic and International Studies...."One percent of 1.2 billion is 12 million Muslim fanatics who believe America is the Great Satan, fount of all evil, to be attacked and demolished. Moderate Islam has yet to find a voice that will roll back the extremists, a sort of Islamic Martin Luther [the original, not the one who misappropriated his name] or a Mohandas Gandhi."


Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld is an international business strategist who has been a consultant to governments, international agencies, and boards of some of the world's largest corporations. Among his nine books are....
"Among the close to one million Dutch Muslims, about 95 percent are moderates. This implies that there are up to 50,000 potential radicals." That means 5 percent in the Netherlands are Radical.


Though I agree with many of his views, I do not subscribe to his naive views on what a moderate Muslim is. However, Dr. Daniel Pipes is a leading nationally published Commentary and Analysis on Militant Islam and a renowned Middle East expert. He is the author of 12 books...."Militant Islam derives from Islam but is a misanthropic, misogynist, triumphalist, millenarian, anti-modern, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, terroristic, jihadistic, and suicidal version of it. Fortunately, it appeals to only about 10 percent to 15 percent of Muslims, meaning that a substantial majority would prefer a more moderate version."


Jonathan Schanzer is a Soref fellow at The Washington Institute, specializing in radical Islamic movements. Mr. Schanzer holds a bachelor's degree in international relations from Emory University and a master's degree in Middle East studies from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he wrote his master's thesis on the modern history of militant Islam. More recently he studied at the Arabic Language Institute of the American University in Cairo......"Consider bin Laden's own words. "We have seen in the last decade the decline of the American government and the weakness of the American soldier. He is ready to wage cold wars but unprepared to fight hot wars...We are ready for all occasions, we rely on God." Adherents of militant Islam account for some 15-20 percent of the Muslim world."


For more on the reality of this growing threat:

David F. Forte is a Professor of Law at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in Cleveland, Ohio and the author of Islamic Studies: Classical and Contemporary Applications..........


Danielle Pletka is the vice president for foreign and defense policy studies at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington. "Yet the commitment of the enemy is hardly matched by the American commitment to counter him. True, the U.S. is engaged in Iraq. Yes, an unprecedented effort has gone into public diplomacy. But how does the West combat Islamic extremism? U.S. officials confronted with the question hem and haw uncomfortably. They mention the "freedom agenda" and the spread of democracy; and while democracy is indeed the long-term solution to the problem of radical Islam and the appeal of Islamic extremist groups, the problem faces us now. A short-term solution is needed to partner with the long term one. The U.S. remains oddly reluctant to fight Islamic extremism at one of its most important sources: Saudi Arabia."

http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article....cle_id=21 056
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Can't you read, let me put it into simpler words for you: MUSLIMS don't have a monopoly on Terrorism--go tell your media that and tell them to start reporting it if you want it equal.

Or else what?

Its not a monopoly its a majority.
beyondtherim55008@yahoo.c said:
Your telling me what? Those for the war don't have hate and anger? Your telling me the troops are without emotion? Your telling me I should believe a ordinary Gunny Sgt vs. a General with 2 medal of honors?

General Butler was one of the few Americans to be twice awarded the U.S. Congressional Medal of Honor.

Before you disgrace the name of this man Gunny or for anyone to disgrace him and call him a liar or wrong--you then set yourself up as any General as a being a potential liar---what's your next move? Better do your research, for I'm set.

I'll try hard not to insult you here...

General Smedley D. Butler was a Marine General and a base in Okinawa is named after him. He was a great leader and he is the object of study at the elementary level in Boot Camp. Try not to tell me my own history, son.

That being said, what the hell does it have to do with your crazed rants? You are still not making a clear point.
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