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Chris Wallace Confirms In Interview The Real Reason He Left Fox News -- Tucker Carlson's Fictional "Patriot Purge" Whitewash Documentary about Jan 6 (1 Viewer)

RIP U.S. Democracy

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Jan 17, 2022
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Chris Wallace’s new comments came in an interview with the New York Times. Wallace declared that he “no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox.” In that regard, the key revelation concerns Wallace’s conclusion about the meaning of Carlson’s dominance:

He confirmed reports that he was so alarmed by Mr. Carlson’s documentary “Patriot Purge” — which falsely suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a “false flag” operation intended to demonize conservatives — that he complained directly to Fox News management.

“Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox,” Mr. Wallace said of his time at the network. “And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on.”

In the weeks after the 2020 election, Hemmer noted, right-wing protests that attacked the “liberal media” for its coverage of the election’s aftermath also attacked Fox. As Hemmer put it, a key driver of Fox’s support for Carlson’s Jan. 6 propaganda is the network’s need to “shore up and continue to do maintenance on its reputation with MAGA people.”

What that says about Fox as a journalistic organization is bad enough. What it says about Fox’s low opinion of its audience’s incapacity for exposure to the truth might be even worse.

Fox News is afraid to be truthful to their viewers about Jan 6, because they may leave for more extreme conservative alternatives like OAN and Newsmax.

Fox News has no faith that their Trumpster viewers can handle the truth, so they have to feed them Tucker Carlson's lies instead.
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Chris Wallace’s new comments came in an interview with the New York Times. Wallace declared that he “no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox.” In that regard, the key revelation concerns Wallace’s conclusion about the meaning of Carlson’s dominance:

He confirmed reports that he was so alarmed by Mr. Carlson’s documentary “Patriot Purge” — which falsely suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a “false flag” operation intended to demonize conservatives — that he complained directly to Fox News management.

“Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox,” Mr. Wallace said of his time at the network. “And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on.”

In the weeks after the 2020 election, Hemmer noted, right-wing protests that attacked the “liberal media” for its coverage of the election’s aftermath also attacked Fox. As Hemmer put it, a key driver of Fox’s support for Carlson’s Jan. 6 propaganda is the network’s need to “shore up and continue to do maintenance on its reputation with MAGA people.”

What that says about Fox as a journalistic organization is bad enough. What it says about Fox’s low opinion of its audience’s incapacity for exposure to the truth might be even worse.

Why didn't he just say this when he left? Why did it take him all this time to come up with this bullshit story? And why does he think anyone cares?
Chris Wallace’s new comments came in an interview with the New York Times. Wallace declared that he “no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox.” In that regard, the key revelation concerns Wallace’s conclusion about the meaning of Carlson’s dominance:

He confirmed reports that he was so alarmed by Mr. Carlson’s documentary “Patriot Purge” — which falsely suggested the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a “false flag” operation intended to demonize conservatives — that he complained directly to Fox News management.

“Before, I found it was an environment in which I could do my job and feel good about my involvement at Fox,” Mr. Wallace said of his time at the network. “And since November of 2020, that just became unsustainable, increasingly unsustainable as time went on.”

In the weeks after the 2020 election, Hemmer noted, right-wing protests that attacked the “liberal media” for its coverage of the election’s aftermath also attacked Fox. As Hemmer put it, a key driver of Fox’s support for Carlson’s Jan. 6 propaganda is the network’s need to “shore up and continue to do maintenance on its reputation with MAGA people.”

What that says about Fox as a journalistic organization is bad enough. What it says about Fox’s low opinion of its audience’s incapacity for exposure to the truth might be even worse.

From Wikipedia:

Critics have cited the channel as detrimental to the integrity of news overall.

From the Guardian:

People who watch Fox News with an open mind can find themselves sucked into a destructive and alienating lifestyle.

From CJR.org

Fox News isn't part of the GOP; it has simply (and shamelessly) mastered the are of commercialism........not news.

From Chris Wallace (Former FOX anchor)

"I left FOX news after people started to "question the truth"

Why didn't he just say this when he left? Why did it take him all this time to come up with this bullshit story? And why does he think anyone cares?

It's true. You're exhibit A -- you can't handle the truth. Therefore, Fox News lies to you every day.

They don't want you to run off to OAN or Newsmax or whichever right wing deranged place you go to get your "news".
It's true. You're exhibit A -- you can't handle the truth. Therefore, Fox News lies to you every day.
I don't listen to or watch Fox News.

They don't want you to run off to OAN or Newsmax or whichever right wing deranged place you go to get your "news".
Actually, I get a lot of my news from the left wing Mediaite.

But...once again...you make this about me and not about what was in my post.

And...once again...you are dismissed.
Chris Wallace thinks Chris Wallace is the biggest thing to hit the TV News business since his dad used to do political hit pieces on 60 Minutes. He's gone off to CNN now so maybe he'll just fade away.
Chris Wallace thinks Chris Wallace is the biggest thing to hit the TV News business since his dad used to do political hit pieces on 60 Minutes. He's gone off to CNN now so maybe he'll just fade away.
I don't see how Chris Wallace plays on CNN. He is such NeoCon supporter.
Personally, I had a real problem with Wallace when he moderated the debate. He kept inserting himself into the debate.
I don't listen to or watch Fox News.

Actually, I get a lot of my news from the left wing Mediaite.

But...once again...you make this about me and not about what was in my post.

And...once again...you are dismissed.
What evidence do you have that the story is not true? Because you say so?

Is that just a Trumpster troll reflex that you can't control? My sympathies.
I don't see how Chris Wallace plays on CNN. He is such NeoCon supporter.
Personally, I had a real problem with Wallace when he moderated the debate. He kept inserting himself into the debate.

Maybe because Trump kept making an ass of himself and interrupting Biden a million times.
Maybe because Trump kept making an ass of himself and interrupting Biden a million times.
Yep he interrupted Biden a lot and Biden was going to start crying so Wallace needed to protect him and be the moderator fact checker.
Why didn't he just say this when he left? Why did it take him all this time to come up with this bullshit story? And why does he think anyone cares?
Because Wallace will find no success in his defection, so he has to make it about moral outrage.
Chris Wallace thinks Chris Wallace is the biggest thing to hit the TV News business since his dad used to do political hit pieces on 60 Minutes. He's gone off to CNN now so maybe he'll just fade away.
By definition, going to CNN will do that.
Why didn't he just say this when he left? Why did it take him all this time to come up with this bullshit story? And why does he think anyone cares?

Moreover, what took him so long? It's not like Fox "News" waited until January 2021 to get to disturbing levels of right wing propaganda peddling.
And you are still addicted to the propaganda.

I have never been addicted to propaganda.

And here you are...another one who spouts nonsense in your effort to attack me.

You are dismissed.
My only question to Wallace would be, "What took you so long to realize that Fox deals in BS?"
It's not like it was a secret when he first went to Fox.
Because Wallace will find no success in his defection, so he has to make it about moral outrage.
Wallace didn’t defect from the Trump apologist network. He finally hit his limit for bull shit lies, same as Shepard Smith and others, and moved to more trusted (an easy feat) actual news organizations.
Wallace didn’t defect from the Trump apologist network. He finally hit his limit for bull shit lies, same as Shepard Smith and others, and moved to more trusted (an easy feat) actual news organizations.
… Wallace when he moderated the debate. He kept inserting himself into the debate.
Wallace wasn’t the problem. Loser #45 was. He interrupted Biden and Wallace at total of 128 times.

“At one point, Wallace asked the President: “I think the country would be better served if we allowed both people to speak with fewer interrupters, I’m appealing to you sir to do that.When Trump said Biden needed to follow the debate rules, too, Wallace responded: “Well frankly you’ve been doing more interrupting.”
October 21, 2021 - 02:08 PM EDT

Poll: Voters trust ABC, CNN most, Fox News least among mainstream news outlets​

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