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Chinese plot to smear US Congress hopeful unveiled (1 Viewer)


Eco**Social Marketeer
DP Veteran
Mar 6, 2019
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Chinese plot to smear US Congress hopeful unveiled (BBC)​

Unsealed files have revealed a plot by five people working on behalf of Chinese secret police to stalk and harass a US military veteran running for Congress, and to spy on an artist.
It is the first time, they say, a federal election campaign has been undermined in this way in America.
The perpetrators went to "outrageous and dangerous" lengths to do so, the Department of Justice said.
Three of the accused have been arrested, but two are at large.
According to court documents, they are accused of "transnational repression schemes" to target American residents whose political views and actions were "disfavoured by the People's Republic of China (PRC) government".
The co-conspirators allegedly tried to "interfere with federal elections" by orchestrating a campaign to undermine the US congressional candidacy of a military veteran who was once a leader of the 1989 pro-democracy demonstrations in Beijing.
Wow. Imagine a foreign country orchestrating a scheme to interfere with a US election....
only democrat voters think their politicians aren't working at the behest of the chinese.
Why do you people bother posting such obvious, moronic projecting nonsense?

Everything republicans stand is all about the uber wealthy. They give them tax breaks, they fight UHC, wage increases, fight against regulations, all at the behest of the companies. The ones that bring in insane profits, while they shipped all the manufacturing to China so they can take more profits and take jobs away from Americans? At least democrat voters want to bring jobs home, want healthcare, want workers to be paid better, have paid leave, not allow companies to rob, cheat and steal, want consumer protections, want environmental protections becuase companies only care about their profits and their stock price. And you people do nothing but shit on liberals who want all those things, who the hell do you think you are fooling? nobody, that's who.

Granted, they may be just as guilty hiding behind never having a full majority to get anything done, but who the hell are you kidding pretending repubilcans are anti China, other than to play into the nonsense to whip up their moronic base? You people worship greedy scum that put profits off all else, and constantly cheer their greed on

Just stop with your stupid trolling.

And to add further, the stupid conservative SCOTUS, in Citizen's United, were the ones that allowed companies to bribe people, even foreign money, and not have to disclose. Democrats want finance reform to get over this atrocity, republcans would never support that, they love their foreign interference and money flooding. So you aren't kidding anybody
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So looking into this, it looks like this person may be the victim of the harassment and attempts in Brooklyn, as they match the info we have.

He's from Queens NY, was in Beijing as a student Tiananmen Square in 1989, and a US military veteran after.
What does your post have to do with the article?
Nothing he ever posts relates to any thread he posts in. He lives in his own, twisted, dark world. You don't want to visit. It's like a Chernobyl of the mind.
Why do you people bother posting such obvious, moronic projecting nonsense?

Everything republicans stand is all about the uber wealthy.
The IRS data shows that the Democratic Party is the party of the wealthy - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democrats-party-wealthy-irs-salt-tax-trump

65 percent of taxpayer households that earn more than $500,000 per year are now in Democratic districts; 74 percent of the households in Republican districts earn less than $100,00 per year. Add to this what we knew already, namely that the 10 richest congressional districts in the country all have Democratic representatives in Congress. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/democrats-rich-party-obama/ and https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07...ty-wont-admit-its-become-the-party-of-wealth/

It's been this way for years - https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2016/6/3/11843780/democrats-wealthy-party and https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/12/whos-really-the-party-of-the-rich/

Democrats don't do shit for the poor and they do less than shit for the middle class, other than to scorn them for being racist, gun nuts, and religious idiots.
Why do you people bother posting such obvious, moronic projecting nonsense?
because it's true.
Everything republicans stand is all about the uber wealthy. They give them tax breaks, they fight UHC, wage increases, fight against regulations, all at the behest of the companies. The ones that bring in insane profits, while they shipped all the manufacturing to China so they can take more profits and take jobs away from Americans? At least democrat voters want to bring jobs home, want healthcare, want workers to be paid better, have paid leave, not allow companies to rob, cheat and steal, want consumer protections, want environmental protections becuase companies only care about their profits and their stock price. And you people do nothing but shit on liberals who want all those things, who the hell do you think you are fooling? nobody, that's who.
had you LISTENED to republicans, you'd know this isn't true. You are merely building your own arguments from the previously flawed arguments of democrats before. Basically, it's a strawman. Try listening to an actual republican position on these points before going "oh, it's all about the uber wealthy(who always donate to democrats, ironically).
Granted, they may be just as guilty hiding behind never having a full majority to get anything done, but who the hell are you kidding pretending repubilcans are anti China, other than to play into the nonsense to whip up their moronic base? You people worship greedy scum that put profits off all else, and constantly cheer their greed on
Not all republicans are anti-china, but all people who are anti-china are republican. You will NEVER see a democrat call out china, and all their spies that we have recently learned inhabit the pants of democrat congressmen.
Just stop with your stupid trolling.
I'll stop trolling when democrats give me a reason to take them seriously. How about, quit being an easy target?
And to add further, the stupid conservative SCOTUS, in Citizen's United, were the ones that allowed companies to bribe people, even foreign money, and not have to disclose. Democrats want finance reform to get over this atrocity, republcans would never support that, they love their foreign interference and money flooding. So you aren't kidding anybody
Again, false. Just utterly false and strawmanning. Idk what to tell you, except to just actually listen to a republican argument instead of something you got from Rachel Maddow.
Z the 1969 movie begins at the top of the hour on TCM, as does the ncaa wrestling tournament, and of course more March madness.
The IRS data shows that the Democratic Party is the party of the wealthy - https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/democrats-party-wealthy-irs-salt-tax-trump

65 percent of taxpayer households that earn more than $500,000 per year are now in Democratic districts; 74 percent of the households in Republican districts earn less than $100,00 per year. Add to this what we knew already, namely that the 10 richest congressional districts in the country all have Democratic representatives in Congress. https://www.thenation.com/article/society/democrats-rich-party-obama/ and https://www.mercurynews.com/2021/07...ty-wont-admit-its-become-the-party-of-wealth/

It's been this way for years - https://www.vox.com/polyarchy/2016/6/3/11843780/democrats-wealthy-party and https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/12/whos-really-the-party-of-the-rich/

Democrats don't do shit for the poor and they do less than shit for the middle class, other than to scorn them for being racist, gun nuts, and religious idiots.
The thing is though it isn't because they are rich but rather because they are in certain, more liberal leaning (especially socially) careers making their wealth. Most of the rich in the past have been business owners, those with inherited wealth, and investors. Now, you have tech geniuses/company owners, entertainers, and professionals with high end degrees leveraging that added to the mix. (most of this is from a mix of the Vox info and just knowledge)

But like the civil beat article indicates, it shows a change in the view that it really is wealthy vs poor in politics. There are a lot more steps within wealth levels and categories besides wealth that determine political leans. In other words, it is a lot more complicated.

You still have wealthy people, especially those of generational wealth, who are mainly Republican and that likely won't change much any time soon but those families are not a significant number right now, as compared to the past. But wealth (or lack of), demographics (age, race, religion, etc) and where a person lives definitely do play a part in how most vote too. More rural areas and poor people, particularly white and/or older, will be much more likely to vote GOP while if you change any of these characteristics, they move closer to voting Dem.

Christianity plays a role too, although it isn't always how people think and this can be different even within certain groups of Christians. For example, there are at least 2 distinct types of Catholic voters in the US. One is the Republican Catholic, and they tend to be the ones who believe abortion should be illegal for everyone (want RvW gone), homosexuality is a sin and should be illegal, BC should be illegal, and many other parts of their religious beliefs should be legally enforced against others. Whereas there are also the more socially liberal Catholics, who feel religion is personal, support abortion, BC, and same sex marriage being legal even if they personally feel they are a sin (I was raised by this type of Catholic).

Nothing is sadder or more disgusting than Red China's ingratitude toward this nation.

Before and during World War II, China's only friend was this nation.

Americans loved the Chinese (so long as they did not emigrate here!), and the Chinese people loved Americans and the American way of life.

When the Reds took over, they turned against their erstwhile friend.

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