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Chinese General Threatens Nuke attack on US (1 Viewer)


Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Richmond, Va
Political Leaning
Very Conservative

Top Chinese general warns US over attack
By Alexandra Harney in Beijing and Demetri Sevastopulo and Edward Alden in Washington
Published: July 14 2005 21:59 | Last updated: July 15 2005 00:03

China is prepared to use nuclear weapons against the US if it is attacked by Washington during a confrontation over Taiwan, a Chinese general said on Thursday.

“If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” said General Zhu Chenghu.
“If the Americans draw their missiles and position-guided ammunition on to the target zone on China's territory, I think we will have to respond with nuclear weapons,” said General Zhu Chenghu.

Just by the article, I can't tell if this is official Chinese policy or just one man's opinion.

There are some US Generals who think, and probably have said, that the US should just blow up the Middle East and make it a parking lot, but that doesn't make it official US policy.
He overtly said that it was his personal belief not China's official policy. He was saying what he thought would happen. It was on the News yesterday.
The Chinese government is not insane. They know that we have missles that would completely destroy their country if they were ever to attack us. Moreover, the NATO missles woudl then be next coming into attack China. Can you say 1 billion dead? [yoda voice]Lunatic this man is. [/yoda voice]
Given the climate of 'free speech' in China, especially in the military, can anyone imagine that this pronouncement was not scripted and orchestrated by the boys in Beijing?

The Chinese know that a little saber rattling now and then helps them get attention when things begin to get a little dull.

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