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Chinese coronavirus vaccine ready by November, top scientist says (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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Coronavirus: Chinese vaccine ready for use in November, top scientist says | South China Morning Post

Clinical trials have been progressing smoothly and preparations are being made to go into mass production, CDC’s chief biosafety expert Wu Guizhen says.

Chinese people will have access to locally developed coronavirus vaccines as early as November or December, according to a top scientist from the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Clinical trials of several vaccine candidates had been progressing smoothly and preparations were being made to go into mass production, Wu Guizhen, the CDC’s chief biosafety expert, said in a programme shown on Monday night by state broadcaster CCTV.

“I joined the experimental group and had a coronavirus shot in April,” Wu said. “I’ve felt quite good in the past few months, nothing abnormal. The process of inoculation did not cause any localised pain.”
There are 1.4 billion Chinese. The logistics of distributing & vaccinating the vaccine will take quite a while.
Again... I will need someone to explain to me why we can trust the Chinese in one instance and question them in another.

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