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China's military-run space station in Argentina is a 'black box' (1 Viewer)


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Dec 3, 2017
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LAS LAJAS, Argentina - When China built a military-run space station in Argentina’s Patagonian region it promised to include a visitors’ center to explain the purpose of its powerful 16-story antenna.

The center is now built - behind the 8-foot barbed wire fence that surrounds the entire space station compound. Visits are by appointment only.
Shrouded in secrecy & with little oversight by the Argentine government, the huge microwave communications or radio astronomy facility has raised concerns among the U.S. military.
I wonder what happens if Argentina just says, no.... no more space station....
I wonder what happens if Argentina just says, no.... no more space station....

That may not be an option. You & I don't know the full back story here. While it looks like a radio telescope, the fact that it is run by the Chinese military is disturbing. It may have offensive anti-space capabilities, like jamming or destroying our GPS satellites for example.
It is the station that will be the link to any Moon shot when China is on the other side of the earth.

Wot? Where is the problem?
That may not be an option. You & I don't know the full back story here. While it looks like a radio telescope, the fact that it is run by the Chinese military is disturbing. It may have offensive anti-space capabilities, like jamming or destroying our GPS satellites for example.

To do jamming you need lots of power. Spot any large power stations?
Mr Bond, you are nothing but a stupid policeman...

Earth-moon-Earth communications (EME) is as good an explanation as any lacking any additional facts.

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