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China reportedly will send nuclear-armed submarines to patrol Pacific (1 Viewer)


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China reportedly will send nuclear-armed submarines to patrol Pacific | Fox News

The Chinese military plan to send submarines armed with nuclear weapons to patrol the Pacific Ocean for the first time, according to a published report.
The Guardian, citing Chinese military officials, reports that while the timing for a maiden patrol has not yet been determined, Beijing insists that such an action is inevitable.
The report comes days after U.S. President Barack Obama announced that he had lifted a decades-long arms embargo against Vietnam. Chinese officials publicly praised the move, but an opinion piece in a state-run newspaper warned that any attempt to enlist Vietnam in an effort to contain China "bodes ill for regional peace and stability, as it would further complicate the situation in the South China Sea, and risk turning the region into a tinderbox of conflicts."
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry responded Monday by saying that it was China's actions in the South and East China Seas that could create a tinderbox.
China desperately wants respect.
OH MY GOD!!!! Some other country wants to do what the USofA has been doing for decades!!!!????

Man good thing the United States doesn't flex their military might like China does...


China is going to be a problem for the whole region and a danger for us all. There can be no doubt in anyone's mind about that. They want to topple the world order as they do not think their position is grand enough and feel that the present system is illegitimate. Which is true, as legitimacy is a feeling. Nonetheless, breaking the old structure is always dangerous and the probability of war looms large.
OH MY GOD!!!! Some other country wants to do what the USofA has been doing for decades!!!!????


That is not a very constructive approach to the danger that is very real. As a matter of fact, this is one of the single most virulent problems that the next President will face and which the present one just let grow worse.
That is not a very constructive approach to the danger that is very real. As a matter of fact, this is one of the single most virulent problems that the next President will face and which the present one just let grow worse.

Why? What are you so afraid of? Why is China such a perceived threat to you?
Cold War tit for tat. USA nuke armend subs all over China near shores. Maybe you'll be able to take pictures of Chinese subs from offshore LA. "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander," eh?

The problem with this Cold War will be that it is not bipolar and that increasingly MAD will no longer work. This will mean that the real danger will not necessarily be between the USA and another country, but will explode out of clashes between new centers of power playing a merry-go-round of shifting alliances. As the new powers will be armed with nuclear devises this will threaten us existentially. This has nothing to do with gooses and ganders. We are running into a much more interesting time.
Why? What are you so afraid of? Why is China such a perceived threat to you?

China is a definite part of the problem, which is much wider and intractable. What we see happening is an extremely interesting shift in the structure of power world wide. It is interesting, because we are moving from a game with a stable solution based first one bipolar MAD to one with multiple centers and without a stable solution. That means that there will be world war in this century, unless we are able to change the structure of the game.

Think of Germany as an example. Over centuries the German states fought wars continuously. The only way to prevent it was by internalizing security at a higher level than the independent states. Bismarck did this and there was never again a war between the German centers of power. The wars would have gone on, without this internalization.

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