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China rejects Hong Kong port call by US carrier: Pentagon (1 Viewer)

I think it's likely more so due to China instigating problems in the South China Sea with their artificial islands hosting Chinese military and a passive protest against the US, not "drunken" sailors. I think it's their way of trying to tell the US to butt out.
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I personally seen them causing problems here when the aircraft carriers anchor here.
I personally seen them causing problems here when the aircraft carriers anchor here.

Ah, now your OP comment makes sense. Carry on.
Money spinner for hookers though.
It's a power play by China.

China is becoming a dangerous foe, allied with Russia, and allied North Korea who is allied with Iran. The chess pieces are moving while Obama fiddles.
Good move by China. Spend like a drunken sailor and cause social problems.

Obviously, the OP was written by someone who has precisely zero clue at all about overseas port calls by Navy ships.

Tell me, guy, in you opinion, what are the reasons we (and note the word "we") make port calls? Also, note that the use of the word "reasons", plural - because there are quite a few very, very good reasons.
I think it's likely more so due to China instigating problems in the South China Sea with their artificial islands hosting Chinese military and a passive protest against the US, not "drunken" sailors. I think it's their way of trying to tell the US to butt out.

For me I wouldn't say it's a passive protest more than it is a directive or "suggestion" from the Central Government.

Hong Kong folk probably identify more with the West than with Beijing.

But yeah you're right :)
Money spinner for hookers though.

No kidding. I remember when the USS Ranger stopped in Vancouver, every hooker between Anchorage and Portland converged. Fights were spilling out onto the sidewalks and the price of pot nearly doubled.
Damn those ships are big. Sucker seemed to fill the harbour.
China and Putin treats USA as pawn. US sanctions on Iran did now workout and what made Obama think sanctions will work out with Russia?
It's a power play by China.

China is becoming a dangerous foe, allied with Russia, and allied North Korea who is allied with Iran. The chess pieces are moving while Obama fiddles.

While Obama fiddles and the Congress continues implementing policies that are hostile to China and Russia and most of the rest of the world.
Like turning the China sea into it's own personal lake, so the world's markets can be divided up into "Mine and ours"?

Regarding NATO, I guess you approve of Russia's neighbors becoming satellite nations again, living under the boot of Russia's modern brand of communism - state level corruption, and a crony economy?

We are the worlds best hope for freedom. As the vice closes in on Asia, freedom will vanish, and so will our access to those markets. China is not capturing that waterway just to go water skiing.

I think we have a different view of the world. The USA is not a predator nation, nor a mercantile trader.

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