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China puts a small plant/silkworm/potato biome on the moon (1 Viewer)


King of Videos
DP Veteran
Jan 11, 2008
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Political Leaning

[FONT=&quot]China's Chang'e-4 lander [/FONT]touched down[FONT=&quot] on the far side of the moon (Jan. 3 Beijing time, Jan. 2 US), and it's got some living things on board.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
A small "tin" in the lander contains seeds of potatoes and rockcress (Arabidopsis thaliana, a flowering plant related to cabbage and mustard, as well as a model organismfor plant biology), as well as silkworm eggs. The idea, according to a report in The Telegraph earlier this year, is that the plants will support the silkworms with oxygen, and the silkworms will in turn provide the plants with necessary carbon dioxide and nutrients through their waste. The researchers will watch the plants carefully to see whether the plants successfully perform photosynthesis, and grow and bloom in the lunar environment.[/FONT]

Thats pretty ****in' cool but what I dont get is how the small biome is gonna get light on the dark side of the moon?

Thats pretty ****in' cool but what I dont get is how the small biome is gonna get light on the dark side of the moon?

Just because it’s dark to earth..........

There is a permanent far side of the moon. But there is no permanent dark side of the moon, because any given lunar location experiences night for about two weeks, followed by about two weeks of daylight.’


Google repairman is on his way, right?
Good one!
Maybe the Chinese should have consulted Roger Waters.

He’s tied up with Trump right now, southern border and all........
Good one!
Maybe the Chinese should have consulted Roger Waters.

Somebody needs to charge the Chinese with animal cruelty... this is pretty sick stuff, sending animals into space to probably die.

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