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'China launched huge cyber attack against Ukraine before invasion' (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
Reaction score
Political Leaning
I've been posting about how China's government has supported Putin, while trying to appear like they aren't and avoiding being punished. So it's only a modest surprise it's now reported they launched a huge cyber attack on Ukraine just before Russia invaded, worsening their involvement.

One enemy at at time Ukraine. You need to get the guys bombing your cities off your necks at this point. Where do they think the Chinese likely got the software code from to conduct the hack....flew in from Mars????? NOT LIKELY!!!!!!!
Ukraine doesn't know that the liberal western order will happily sacrifice them if it is the will of China. China is their one and only consistent principle, not the constitution, treaties, or anything else. What Xi says, goes.

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