Fried Rice said:
Dear ludahai
I do not think you are Chinese right ? No doubt your short time in China has made you expert far more than our thousands of years of Chinese culture ever could.
I never claimed to be Chinese. However, being Chinese doesn't mean you understand the four thousand years of Chinese culture and history. There is no such thing as a culture gene. Sadly, the ChiCom government has done away with much of what made Chinese culture a truly beautiful culture. Some of it has been revived in recent years, but only a fraction of what was practiced before. In fact, in day to day life, more traditional culture is practiced in Taiwan than it is in China. [/quote]
This "journalist" has now been charged and will go to court so world can see the evidence and judge accordingly. We Chinese believe in checking all facts even thought you seem to have already made up your mind.
First of all, I don't trust the ChiCom government. Chinese trials are not open, but are in reality little more than Kangaroo courts. They don't look at the evidence, they look at what the ChiCom government says and make a verdict based solely upon that. Allow reporters (unbiased reporters, not ChiCom mouthpieces) and allow the family of the reporter into the courtroom. The ChiCom government doesn't allow that either. I wonder why.....*hmmm*
You have learnt a few Chinese words (which is very good achievement) but you must not confuse that with some form of cultural understanding.
I actually know more than a few words. I speak Mandarin rather well. I use it every day as few of my neighbors speak any English beyond the very basics.
1 The Falun Gong in China and the Falun Gong outside of China are two different organisations. You only see one side of picture. I do not say all Chinese F.G. are bad as they are not, however the group has other motives that do not benefit the Chinese people.
Most Chinese only see one side of the picture, the slanted picture provided them by the ChiCom government controlled news media. You obviously don't trust your own people enough to make their own decisions in matters of religion or other matters.
2 Taiwan - the world recognises (inculding the USA) that Taiwan is part of China. It is for Chinese to decide if / when Taiwan ever become independant. You talk nonsense earlier about SARS / hunger. You may not know but it is Taiwan who will not allow direct cross strait communications etc and not China. If Taiwan chooses to voilate UN resolutions etc then there has to be some price to pay.
Many countries do NOT recognize Taiwan as a part of China. The U.S., Canada and Japan (among many others) craft language that appeases Beijing, but in reality does not amount any more than acknowledgeing that the Chinese believe that there is one China and that Taiwan is a part of it, but the reality is that these governments don't officially recognize Taiwan as a part of China. Furthermore, from the standpoint of international law, it is quite irrelevant. There is no legally-binding treaty following World War II that transfers Taiwan from Japanese control to Chinese control. Treaties, NOT recognition, form the backbone of international law. A treaty is required to transfer sovereignty of a territory from one state to another, not recognition by other states.
As for UN resolutions, there ARE NO UN resolutions pertaining to Taiwan. Taiwan is not a UN member and was never a UN member. There is no UN resolution that says Taiwan is a part of China. Thus, there are no UN resolutions to violate. Being that your country violates any number of UN resolutions, not the least of which is the Universal Declaration of Human RIghts, you shouldn't be speaking of abiding by UN resolutions.
3 You say you love China and Chinese people but hate the Govt. Yet the Govt is the will of the Chinese people. We are peace loving nation, no terrorism, improving standards of living, and give open and free access to all, even those with disenting views such as your self. I doubt even USA so open these days as i hear it is hard to enter if you are muslim etc.
If the Chiense government is the will of the Chinese people and the government trusts the Chinese people, why not elections? The fact is that the Chinese government gained power through violence, NOT the will of the people. It maintains power through its control of the military and of the media, NOT through the will of the people.
As for China being peace loving, remove the 700 missiles that are pointed at the truly peaceful country of Taiwan. If China were a peace loving nation, the Chinese people wouldn't have attacked American diplomatic installations in 1999. If the Chinese were peace loving people, they wouldn't have attacked Japanese fans and diplomatic vehicles last year at the finals of the Asian Cup. The fact is that the Chinese people have become pawns of an unelected government who has no desire for peace, but would rather take what does not belong to them. Taiwan does not belong to them. The Senkaku (Diaoyu) Islands to not belong to them. The SOuth China Sea doesn't belong to them. THe Gulf of Tonkin (Beibu) doesn't belong to them. Tibet doesn't belong to them. For a country that is supposedly peaceful, they seem to want an awful lot of what doesn't belong to them.
4 China is recognised as the new world super power yet we do not abuse our position. we seek peaceful resolution to Taiwan issue, support war on terror, have floated the yuan and many other measures on global stage. It is USA that is shrinking back like isolationist country.
China is at most a regional superpower. And that is only on land at this point. China has limited power projection capability at this point, not that the French don't want to help you to improve that. Fortunately, the rest of the EU has woken up to the true nature of the Chinese threat.
China has certainly abused its position on the Security Council, on matters ranging from Liberia to Haiti and Macedonia, China has used its veto power to influence the internal politics of those countries relating to their recognition of Taiwan.
The yuan is NOT being floated, it is fixed to a basket of foreign currencies. This basket has not even been released by the Central Bank. No transparency there.
China will resort to force regarding Taiwan once it feels like it can actually take over the country. If China were devoted to peacefully settling the situation, take away the missiles and let Taiwan determine its own future. Remember, you have no legal claim to this island. It belongs to the Taiwanese people, and no one else.
Fried Rice is Proud to be Chinese
And you should be. The Chinese have a proud and glorious history and have the potential to have a glorious future. Once China's government begins to democratize and respect the rights of its own people, I will be happy to welcome them as a responsible member of the international community, and as a friend both to Taiwan and to the United States. Until that happens, Taiwan, Japan, the United States and the rest of the free world should be wary.
BTW, I prefer fried noodles to fried rice, but to each his/her own...