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China and Russia (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Apr 22, 2019
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This is a channel by two men who lived in China for over a decade and provide a lot of information about China. This is their podcast from yesterday, which includes an accidentally leaked document from China's government showing it's lying about being neutral on the Ukraine invasion while censoring any negative media about Russia.

I posted about how China can look one way to the world while privately siding with Russia. Here is an important video with evidence of what that looks like. They only allow what they want to get posted, and they are allowing Chinese people cheering the invasion, calling for the use of nuclear weapons and seizure of Taiwan.

China is a much bigger threat than Russia and there's not one response to these videos that anyone even looked at them.
China is a much bigger threat than Russia and there's not one response to these videos that anyone even looked at them.
I completely agree with you on this. China has been walking a tightrope since the world's overwhelmingly negative response to the invasion became apparent, privately supporting Russia and its dictatorial and expansionist/imperialist ambitions, obviously loving this as a proxy challenge/confrontation of the West and its primary geopolitical foe, the United States in particular. Moreover, it finds this assult to be in solidarity with its own expansionist ambitions with regards to the South China Sea, Taiwan and certain Japanese and Indian territories. However, China is simultaneously trying not to earn the collective ire of the world bearing down so powerfully upon Russia. Accordingly, it has feigned interest in talks and dialogue and an end to the war; in so far as these desires are genuine, it's solely because they feel Russia is getting the worst of it and should quit while it's behind.

China fears, and rightly so, that once Putin fails and Russia is crippled, the business end of the West's overwhelming solidarity in the face of this criminal invasion may well turn on it next (as well it should), particularly if it's too openly and brazenly supportive of Russia.
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My opinion before the invasion was that it was likely to happen just after the Olympics because Putin was waiting as a favor to China. Now evidence says China asked him to.

The first video to watch is the second one 15 minutes. Here's another, documenting China's backing of the invasion behind the scenes. It's quite amateur but not wrong.

Whuddaya want? Propaganda is propaganda. No rational person believes most of what comes out of either China or Russia and, frankly, the US government isn't far behind in that. If you assume that 75% of what you hear, politically, is propaganda in one form or another you're probably not too far off.

Putin wants oil dominance. Xi wants tech dominance. Biden wants ice cream and a comfy pillow for his nap. At this rate they're all going to get what they want and the rest of us, well, we get what we deserve for handing our independence to globalists.
At this rate they're all going to get what they want and the rest of us, well, we get what we deserve for handing our independence to globalists.
'Globalists' meaning multi-national corporations and the mobile wealth of billionaires whose influence have demonstrably saturated both 'sides' of politics in the USA and elsewhere?

It's funny how some words can mean whatever someone wants them to mean; I gather that there's some right-wing defenders of billionaire/corporate power who use the term 'globalist' as a reference to the inevitable brute fact of increasing interconnectedness of communications, transport and trade, as if the real problem were advances in science in technology rather than the exploitation (and lack of regulation) of those advances by self-interested parties. Others use the term 'globalist' as an inaccurate term for internationalism such as calls to strengthen and more importantly democratize international institutions like the UN, World Trade Organization and so on.
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'Globalists' meaning multi-national corporations and the mobile wealth of billionaires whose influence have demonstrably saturated both 'sides' of politics in the USA and elsewhere?
The corporations, certainly, but more than that the political alliances that facilitate, encourage and gain from the global corporate enterprise.
And so why is the Right in this country fighting for spots to purse their lips on Putin's asscheeks and so opposed to Xi? Because Putin is white and Xi isn't.
I don't tend to pay much attention to random YouTube videos.
I think China is actually playing a straddle here so far. They do not need Putin. They don't need Russia for that matter. Given the utter brutality and inhumanity of the war crimes Putin and Russia are committing in Ukraine I do not think China will be a reliable ally for Putin. In the first place nobody but nobody wants a nuclear showdown less than China and they are going to get tired of Putin pushing that line. The only people lining up with Putin now are other known world pariahs, MBS and other scumbags of the ilk. Does Xi really want to be in that company?

IMO as expressed many times here, Ukraine is going to be Putin's undoing just as Czechoslovakia in 1968 was ultimately the Soviet Union's undoing. I just don't think it will take as much time to take down Putin as it took to take down the Soviet Union after 1968.
China's government has the Chinese people whipped into a frenzy supporting Putin. Now they idolize Putin. Read some of the Chinese social media quotes the government has sanctioned in this video at 1:42:00.

"China stand with the Russians for they are superior than American and European from Chinese point of view. Justice and Morality are highly valued in Chinesese traditional culture and philosophy for thousands of years. We can't let Anglo-Saxon raider strangle this world from its future."

"This is what a president should do! Unlike that bunker boy (zelensky) who can do nothing other than making phone calls, taking selfie or tweeting videos."

"I love him [Putin] more than my husband"

Xi is stuck now with the meeting between him and Putin during the Olympics which culminated in a joint cooperations agreement of sorts including military. Both men thought Ukraine would be a walkover at a that point and both were obviously wrong. Besides, Putin invading another country took some of the heat off Xi for abuses within his own borders. Now Putin is stuck in a quagmire are and he has stuck Xi on the horns of a dilemma. How does Xi change course publicly without appearing to change course publicly.

Xi does not need Putin. Does not need him at all. Putin needs Xi and if Putin is routed in Ukraine (which strategically he will be) Putin needs Xi even more. In other words this fiasco leaves Xi in a win situation for him regardless of what happens to Putin's Ukraine adventure as long as Xi can extricate himself from the horns of this dilemma.
This is a channel by two men who lived in China for over a decade and provide a lot of information about China. This is their podcast from yesterday, which includes an accidentally leaked document from China's government showing it's lying about being neutral on the Ukraine invasion while censoring any negative media about Russia.

Two dictatorial and ruthless Communist regimes hold sympathies for each other?

Go figure.
Average Chinese person living in Ukraine posts videos telling the truth. They're called a traitor to China and the government banned them from social media.

The CCP does what it does.

The CCP is not the friend of anyone or anything that is not the CCP.

This guy is grist in that mill.

Ever American Company and every American that is fooled by this deceitful and self serving gang of thugs will suffer as they are used up and discarded or consumed.

LeBron James is at the front of the line of the individual sheep with Nike at the front of the line of companies leading others to the slaughter.

Anything that is not the CCP is a threat to the CCP and will be dealt with as the opportunity is found.

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