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China and Covid-19 (1 Viewer)

Which of the following do you think is true? Check all that apply.

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DP Veteran
Jan 21, 2009
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MULTIPLE CHOICE - pick all you think is true

A Chinese virologist has stated as fact that covid-19 was created by the Chinese military by using a bat virus non-harmful to humans and somehow altering using monkeys to make it lethal to humans. She also claims this was released upon the world by the Chinese military. This could have many positive effects for China.

1. China is increasingly being overwhelmed with non-productive elderly Chinese due to China's One Child Policy - covering a whooping 1979 until 2015 (some allowed to have 2). The eliminated 400 million new young people being born. One-child policy - Wikipedia
Covid-19 most kills the elderly, while essentially harmless to children and young adults. Eliminating old people is worth trillions to the Chinese government.

2. Shattering other countries economies and shutting down nearly all their dwindling factories - shifting even more then to Chinese sweatshops - and crippling the economy also hampers military development of other countries.

3. Instantly stopping Hong Kong protests.

4. Reversing the rise of conservatism in the USA and Europe

5. Defeating Trump - thus eliminating hundreds of billions and then trillions on tariffs on imported Chinese sweatshop products.

China and the WHO grotesquely lied over and over, falsely claiming covid-19 is harmless. So even if you do not believe the virologist, it seems FACT that the Chinese government lied for weeks to insure it spread throughout the world.

Which of the following do you think is true? Check all that apply.
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MULTIPLE CHOICE - pick all you think is true

A virologist has stated as fact that covid-19 was created by the Chinese military by using a bat virus non-harmful to humans and somehow altering using monkeys to make it lethal to humans. She also claims this was released upon the world by the Chinese military. This could have two positive effects for China.

1. China is increasingly being overwhelmed with non-productive elderly Chinese due to China's One Child Policy - covering a whooping 1979 until 2015 (some allowed to have 2). The eliminated 400 million new young people being born. One-child policy - Wikipedia
Covid-19 most kills the elderly, while essentially harmless to children and young adults. Eliminating old people is worth trillions to the Chinese government.

2. Shattering other countries economies and shutting down nearly all their dwindling factories - shifting even more then to Chinese sweatshops - and crippling the economy also hampers military development of other countries.

3. Instantly preventing Honk Kong protests.

China and the WHO grotesquely lied over and over, falsely claiming covid-19 is harmless. So even if you do not believe the virologist, it seems FACT that the Chinese government lied for weeks to insure it spread throughout the world.

Which of the following do you think is true? Check all that apply.

Yes. Trump has teamed up with the Chinese to kill old whites, blacks and hispanics. This would solve the social security going insolvent issue. It would also lead to less money being spent on medicaid and the undocumented immigrant issue would be solved. trump is employing the chinese strategy in killing his own citizens. I am glad you brought this to our attention.
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Yes. Trump has teamed up with the Chinese to kill old whites, blacks and hispanics. This would solve the social security going insolvent issue. It would also lead to less money being spend on medicaid and the undocumented immigrant issue would be solved. trump is employing the chinese strategy in killing his own citizens. I am glad you brought this to our attention.

Given you state your lean is very conservative, I read all your messages as just satire, nothing else.
Given you state your lean is very conservative, I read all your messages as just satire, nothing else.

Wake up. Why else would trump deliberately lie to the American people about the severity of the virus? He wants to solve our welfare issues. The covid response is exactly what trump wanted. That's why he is disappointed in the states not reopening. The more people die, the more secure our safety net will be. He is a genius if you think about it.
Re point 1

Given the low level of deaths in China, if if was meant to kill the elderly why would China have gone through the most extreme methods to contain the virus?

Why not let it run its course?

Re defeating Trump,

That would make sense only if China would think the US would do a worse job handling the virus than China would, given the US was rated as the most prepared that would be a poor assumption
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As for lying about the disease

On Jan 22 China quarantined Wuhan and Hubei province. No one in and no one out unless they were going home out of country.

No matter what was said after that should shout out loud that China considered it a threat
Wake up. Why else would trump deliberately lie to the American people about the severity of the virus? He wants to solve our welfare issues. The covid response is exactly what trump wanted. That's why he is disappointed in the states not reopening. The more people die, the more secure our safety net will be. He is a genius if you think about it.

:lamo Great satire!
I voted for the top two choices. All evidence suggests that COVID-19 evolved naturally and made a natural jump to humans. I cannot rule out that it was discovered and isolated in secret and then escaped from a lab.
Re point 1

Given the low level of deaths in China, if if was meant to kill the elderly why would China have gone through the most extreme methods to contain the virus?

Why not let it run its course?

Re defeating Trump,

That would make sense only if China would think the US would do a worse job handling the virus than China would, given the US was rated as the most prepared that would be a poor assumption

We have NO way to know what happened in China with covid-19 since China banned all foreign reporters and Chinese scientists going on the Internet giving warning were killed, arrests or have disappeared. HUNDREDS of people in Wuhan were posting on YouTube - the Chinese government getting those removed within hours, if not minutes.

50,000,000 could have died in China and we'd never know. Why do you assume China would not want old Chinese to die? People in the USA can be made hysterical by the MSM of the richest corporations and people on earth over one black man - who had already stabbed 4 people including a child - being shot while attacking the police with a knife. 10,000,000 could die in China and no one cares.

Do you even know how China handles criminals like that black man? They give him a sign to hold with his name on it - and then shoot him in the head. Crickets. But if some Russian dies? Blame Putin and demand another Trillion dollars for the Cold War against the extinct USSR.

You don't know a damn thing about what is going on in China. Nor do I. But, then, the Democratic Party does hate free speech, so banning all reporters from China by the Chinese government is a good thing, right? Only the Chinese government can tell the world the truth - not the NYT or London Times.
We have NO way to know what happened in China with covid-19 since China banned all foreign reporters and Chinese scientists going on the Internet giving warning were killed, arrests or have disappeared. HUNDREDS of people in Wuhan were posting on YouTube - the Chinese government getting those removed within hours, if not minutes.

50,000,000 could have died in China and we'd never know. Why do you assume China would not want old Chinese to die? People in the USA can be made hysterical by the MSM of the richest corporations and people on earth over one black man - who had already stabbed 4 people including a child - being shot while attacking the police with a knife. 10,000,000 could die in China and no one cares.

Do you even know how China handles criminals like that black man? They give him a sign to hold with his name on it - and then shoot him in the head. Crickets. But if some Russian dies? Blame Putin and demand another Trillion dollars for the Cold War against the extinct USSR.

You don't know a damn thing about what is going on in China. Nor do I. But, then, the Democratic Party does hate free speech, so banning all reporters from China by the Chinese government is a good thing, right? Only the Chinese government can tell the world the truth - not the NYT or London Times.

The Chinese people have phones, there are tens of thousands of expats living in China, the Chinese use Wechat and VPNs to get around and blocking of communication. If millions died the world would know. The Chinese living in the west would have heard about it and told the world. That has not happened, life in China has resumed to go back to normal more than the US.

So yes I would know if millions died in China from Covid 19. So would the world. It can’t hide deaths like it did 70 years ago. It can hide a few thousand but not millions

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