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China’s H-20 Stealth Bomber Conducts Maiden Flight (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Nov 22, 2015
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Political Leaning

Strange that all these new Chinese warplanes are being showcased at the same time.

Is Emperor Xi suffering a crisis of confidence, or something?
I wonder which of our Defense companies they stole info from to build that.
I wonder which of our Defense companies they stole info from to build that.
Because Chinese are incapable of cutting-edge engineering?
We’ve been doing flights of our newest B21 bombers for a little over a year now?

Countries do tend to flaunt when they’ve come up with new war toys.
Because Chinese are incapable of cutting-edge engineering?

More because they and companies there regularly rip off whatever IP they can get their hands on. Like any world power they do a ton of spying. Our military tech would be an obvious target.

Strange that all these new Chinese warplanes are being showcased at the same time.

Is Emperor Xi suffering a crisis of confidence, or something?

I hear they were working on building the new Air Force 1 for us since we are turning all our manufacturing over to them.
We’ve been doing flights of our newest B21 bombers for a little over a year now?

Countries do tend to flaunt when they’ve come up with new war toys.

Yes and no.

"The first production F-117 was delivered in 1982, and its initial operating capability was achieved in October 1983....

The F-117's secrecy ended in 1988 when the Air Force publicly acknowledged the aircraft's existence. The F-117 first made a formal public appearance in 1990."
China is a huge arms exporter. Foreign powers are going to be shopping for a new bomber. Countries can now choose between the USA's B21 and China's H-20.

China is a huge arms exporter. Foreign powers are going to be shopping for a new bomber. Countries can now choose between the USA's B21 and China's H-20.
But the US won't be exporting the B-21
China is a huge arms exporter. Foreign powers are going to be shopping for a new bomber. Countries can now choose between the USA's B21 and China's H-20.

No one other than the US will buy the B21, and no one other than China will buy the H20.

Far to expensive to purchase and operate
Based on the video it seems much smaller than I would have expected.

The chase plane looks to be a Su 27( f15 sized)
I wonder which of our Defense companies they stole info from to build that.

The plans are meaningless without the means to manufacture the materials required to build it.

The stealth coating, the aesa radar, the turbine blades etc.

I think the more significant plane is the J36
China is a huge arms exporter. Foreign powers are going to be shopping for a new bomber. Countries can now choose between the USA's B21 and China's H-20.

Exactly who is going to buy a stealth bomber from China ?
Exactly who is going to buy a stealth bomber from China ?
Potential customers of the B21 will use the H20 as a tool to negotiate a lower price. Especially so since the H20 will be substantially cheaper in price.
Potential customers of the B21 will use the H20 as a tool to negotiate a lower price. Especially so since the H20 will be substantially cheaper in price.

No, potential customers the the supposed Chine stealth bomber.

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