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Child brides vs Rape (1 Viewer)


Lie Detector
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Upper Midwest
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Very Liberal

FALLS CITY, Neb., Aug. 29 - On Sunday evening, Matthew Koso tipped three ounces of formula into his 5-day-old daughter's mouth, then hoisted her atop his shoulder in hope of a burp. On Tuesday morning, he is scheduled to be arraigned on charges for which the newborn is the state's prime piece of evidence.

Mr. Koso is 22. The baby's mother, Crystal, is 14. He is charged with statutory rape, even though they were wed with their parents' blessing in May, crossing into Kansas because their own state prohibits marriages of people under 17.

The Nebraska attorney general accuses Mr. Koso of being a pedophile; they say it is true love.....

Raped before marriage and then off to Kansas for marriage. What's going on with Kansas that this is OK? Child brides, creationism...

Oz never looked so normal.
Breeding at 14?! :shock:

Huh. And people think I'm crazy when I say I'd get married at 18...
I saw their story on the news the other night. I don't think it's right for him to be prosecuted for rape. They are married, she obviously is consenting and they are both taking the responsibility of caring for their child like adults. I know the age difference is kind of weird, but it's not like he "raped" her. When I saw there story I felt sorry for them. But who really knows. From what it looks like on TV anyways, they look like a normal couple taking care of thier child.

By the way, Hi steen! Wow, you're everywhere. :)
Um, the dude is sick in the head. Any 22 year old that is attracted to a 14 year old is twisted. The parents are equally to blame. They should be in prison. Sick ***** man.
It is pretty sick. But what is going to be accomplished by putting the father in prison so the child will be raised by a single mom and have a convicted rapist for a father? I don't think the courts are keeping the best interest for the child in mind.
That is shocking. I agree that a 22-year-old man who finds a 14-year-old appealing has the appearance of being a pedophile. Yuck. But her parents consented to the marriage, which means that they are free to be intimate. And I agree--what parent would let their 14-year-old daughter get married. I wonder if he paid them money.

Don't these prosecutors have anything better to do? WTF?
They ARE married. You can debate the morality of the age difference all you want, but the point is that it's not like he's a random older guy who took advantage of this girl and moved on. He shouldn't be prosecuted; she's his wife. Whether or not he's a pedophile is beside the point, as that is not a crime last I checked.
I agree with the guy above me.

Is it disgusting by our standards? Yes.
Is it wrong? Um. No.. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a wedded couple reproducing. Don't forget our GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT GREAT Grandmother could have been 13 who was impregnated by a 30 Year Old man.
Kandahar said:
They ARE married. You can debate the morality of the age difference all you want, but the point is that it's not like he's a random older guy who took advantage of this girl and moved on. He shouldn't be prosecuted; she's his wife. Whether or not he's a pedophile is beside the point, as that is not a crime last I checked.

The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children

I suppose if they do not act on it, it is not a crime. He acted on it. The parents allowed it. They are all sick fuc*s. And what state do you live in where sex between a 14 and 22 year old, consentual or not, is permitted?

He should be in jail with the parents. I'd rather see the child raised in the system than by these sick fuc*s.
It wasn't so long ago that it was perfectly legal everywhere for a 14 year old girl to be married. Usually to a much older man than 22. I think our law enforcement resources could be put to much better use.
Once upon a time, The average life expectancy in Athens was 14. It's safe to say that people were trying to procreate at this age.

However, I think in today's society a 14 year old lover is definitely taboo, as society expects a relationship to be based on some sort of intellectual equality. That doesn't stop old men such as Rupert Murdoch from marrying very young women. Granted, he didn't marry a 14 year old. But if it wasn't taboo and illegal who knows, maybe he would have gone younger.
ban.the.electoral.college said:
Once upon a time, The average life expectancy in Athens was 14. It's safe to say that people were trying to procreate at this age.

However, I think in today's society a 14 year old lover is definitely taboo, as society expects a relationship to be based on some sort of intellectual equality. That doesn't stop old men such as Rupert Murdoch from marrying very young women. Granted, he didn't marry a 14 year old. But if it wasn't taboo and illegal who knows, maybe he would have gone younger.

It's not even that its taboo. I am a 25 year old man. I have never had any attraction to any woman younger than me, especially to a 14 year old (what I consider to be a little girl). Maybe I am in the minority, but I see it as molestation, as does the law in every state I have ever lived in. It is truly sick to me.
mistermain said:
It's not even that its taboo. I am a 25 year old man. I have never had any attraction to any woman younger than me, especially to a 14 year old (what I consider to be a little girl). Maybe I am in the minority, but I see it as molestation, as does the law in every state I have ever lived in. It is truly sick to me.

Yes, but given the proliferation of child sexual abuse, don't you think time and resources could be used more effectively than against this particular case or others like it? Whether you are attracted to 14 year olds is hardly relevant. People never know who they will fall in love and want to start a committed life with. Would I let my 14 year old marry a 22 man? Hell, no. But I feel much more comfortable knowing that law enforcement is protecting my children from predators than from Doolittle Lynn.
mixedmedia said:
Yes, but given the proliferation of child sexual abuse, don't you think time and resources could be used more effectively than against this particular case or others like it? Whether you are attracted to 14 year olds is hardly relevant. People never know who they will fall in love and want to start a committed life with. Would I let my 14 year old marry a 22 man? Hell, no. But I feel much more comfortable knowing that law enforcement is protecting my children from predators than from Doolittle Lynn.

I agree. If it was between keeping tabs on some guy who is know for sexually assaulting kids, and this dude I am going to say watch the guy with the record. That is another problem in itself though. In my humble opinion all people convicted of child rape should be casterated and thrown in gen. pop. so that we would not have to worry about keeping tabs on them.

While this case may not be along the lines of murder, or child molestation it still deserves attention.
mistermain said:
The act or fantasy on the part of an adult of engaging in sexual activity with a child or children

I suppose if they do not act on it, it is not a crime. He acted on it. The parents allowed it. They are all sick fuc*s. And what state do you live in where sex between a 14 and 22 year old, consentual or not, is permitted?

He should be in jail with the parents. I'd rather see the child raised in the system than by these sick fuc*s.

Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old girl. Such marriages were common in the South. Has nothing to do with being a sick **** at all. In much of Southern culture, a girl is considered a woman at an earlier age.

What do I think? I could care less. We have 2 people who got married, with the blessing of the parents. Was the girl abused? No. Was she forcibly raped? No. Were the parents coerced? No. I have no problem with it. It is not the government's business. What the government is doing is creating a criminal, not locking one up.

What will the government do next, imprison a 40 year old woman for marrying a 90 year old man? LOL.
danarhea said:
Jerry Lee Lewis married a 13 year old girl. Such marriages were common in the South. Has nothing to do with being a sick **** at all. In much of Southern culture, a girl is considered a woman at an earlier age.

What do I think? I could care less. We have 2 people who got married, with the blessing of the parents. Was the girl abused? No. Was she forcibly raped? No. Were the parents coerced? No. I have no problem with it. It is not the government's business. What the government is doing is creating a criminal, not locking one up.

What will the government do next, imprison a 40 year old woman for marrying a 90 year old man? LOL.

Are you saying Jerry Lee Lewis wasn't a sick ****. He did marry a 13 year old girl, who happened to be his cousin, so not only was he was a pedophile, but he practiced incest as well. Nice example wackjob.
mistermain said:
Are you saying Jerry Lee Lewis wasn't a sick ****. He did marry a 13 year old girl, who happened to be his cousin, so not only was he was a pedophile, but he practiced incest as well. Nice example wackjob.

No he wasn't a pedophile. Pedophilia is a distinct mental disorder resulting in the obsessive sexual objectification of pre-pubescent children.
mixedmedia said:
No he wasn't a pedophile. Pedophilia is a distinct mental disorder resulting in the obsessive sexual objectification of pre-pubescent children.

Wait a minute, are you saying that once a child begins puberty they are of consentual age? Many girls begin puberty before their tenth birthday.

I got my definition from websters. Says a pedophile is any person attracted to a child. Seems pretty cut and dry.
mistermain said:
Wait a minute, are you saying that once a child begins puberty they are of consentual age? Many girls begin puberty before their tenth birthday.

I got my definition from websters. Says a pedophile is any person attracted to a child. Seems pretty cut and dry.

Psychiatric definitions vary from pedestrian definitions of the term. Pedophilia relates to an obssessive tendency as any other "philia" disorder.

Pedophilia (American English) or pædophilia/paedophilia (British English), from the Greek παιδοφιλια (paidophilia) < παις (pais) "boy, child" and φιλια (philia) "friendship", (ICD-10 F65.4) is the condition of people (either adult or adolescent) whose primary sexual attraction is toward prepubescent children. Pedosexuality is used as a synonym. The term is sometimes used informally (and incorrectly) to describe sex offenders or child pornographers. It is one form of Paraphilia, a mental health term recently used to indicate a sexual condition that is considered "abnormal".
In the United States and some other countries, the term is also sometimes used (incorrectly) to describe people attracted to adolescents, and usually reflects the age at which a minor becomes an adult legally — especially in regards to sexual activies. In cultures or countries where love relationships or dates between adults and adolescents are socially or legally accepted (at least with parental consent) or are viewed with tolerance, such as France or Brazil, the word pedophilia is almost never used in this sense, either formally or informally.
In most countries of the world, adolescents above a certain age can be legally emancipated through marriage, economic self-sufficiency, pregnancy or by other means. The marriageable age is generally below the age of majority and in some cases below the legal age of consent. Having sexual relations with emancipated minors is not considered pedophilia.

The term Paedophilia erotica was coined in 1896 by the Vienna psychiatrist Richard von Krafft-Ebing in his writing Psychopathia sexualis. The following characteristics are given:
the sexual interest is toward children, either prepubescent or at the beginning of puberty
the sexual interest is the primary one, i. e. exclusively or mainly toward children
the sexual interest remains over time
Occasionally definitions additionally require an age difference of at least five years. On the other hand, a pedophilic sexual inclination often develops during puberty or childhood. See causes of sexual orientation; note, however, that while some individuals assert sexual attraction to children to be a sexual orientation, this is very much a minority view. In fact, it is diametrically opposed to the standard (conservative) definition of sexual orientation as solely a question of sexual attraction between individuals based upon the characteristic sexes (or physical genders) of the parties.

Some sexologists such as Dr. John Money assert that not only adults but also any postpubescent adolescents may qualify as possible pedophiles.

A person is not necessarily a pedophile simply because he can be sexually aroused by children; rather, a pedophile is defined as someone whose primary sexual attraction is toward children, however this is mostly ignored in any such matters, and usually someone is classified as a Pedophile if they are found to be sexually aroused by children. There is evidence that at least a quarter of all adult men may have feelings of sexual arousal in connection with children (Freund & Costell 1970, Hall et al. 1995, Quinsey et al. 1975). Note that pedophilia can be diagnosed solely in the presence of fantasies or sexual urges on the subject's part — it need not involve sexual acts with children, and indeed "Pedophilia" is not a legal term, it describes no act.

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th edition, Text Revision, American Psychiatric Association includes a Diagnostic criteria for 302.2 Pedophilia:

* A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children (generally age 13 years or younger).
* B. The person has acted on these urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.* C. The person is at least age 16 years and at least 5 years older than the child or children in Criterion A.
Note: Do not include an individual in late adolescence involved in an ongoing sexual relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old.
The actual boundaries between childhood and adolescence may vary in individual cases and are difficult to define in rigid terms of age. The World Health Organization, for instance, defines adolescence as the period of life between 10 and 20 years of age.

Pedophiles often refer to themselves as boylovers or girllovers, though most of them are not both; collectively they are sometimes referred to as childlovers. The term childlover however is an affront to some who are attracted to adolescents, or attracted to girls and boys undergoing puberty - and therefore the term "Minor Attracted Adult" can be preferred.

Now I'm not saying that pedophiles are the only danger there is in the world to our children. Far from it. I just find that accuracy and a clear picture of what is going on out there to be helpful.
mistermain said:
I suppose if they do not act on it, it is not a crime. He acted on it. The parents allowed it. They are all sick fuc*s. And what state do you live in where sex between a 14 and 22 year old, consentual or not, is permitted?

He should be in jail with the parents. I'd rather see the child raised in the system than by these sick fuc*s.

How ethnocentric. As other people have said, this used to be considered perfectly normal. In many parts of the world even today, it is perfectly normal. Who are you to say that they should be locked up, when there's nothing in the story to suggest that anyone was harmed or taken advantage of?

What exactly is your objection to this situation other than "they're sick fuc*s"?
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Kandahar said:
How ethnocentric. As other people have said, this used to be considered perfectly normal. In many parts of the world even today, it is perfectly normal. Who are you to say that they should be locked up, when there's nothing in the story to suggest that anyone was harmed or taken advantage of?

What exactly is your objection to this situation other than "they're sick fuc*s"?

If it were my world they would be locked up. If they were in any state outside of the South or Kansas they would be locked up. I said it was my opinion that this is sick. A lot of things were considered normal at one time including homosexuality, and incest. Once again, in my opinion these things are not normal. I really cannot do anything about it, because they didn't break any laws. I can have the opinion that they are sick fuc*s. I just don't see how anybody can see a child in a sexual manner, and that's what she is... a child.
I am nobody to say they should be locked up. If any 22 year old ever came around my 14 year old daughter (which I have two), he would wish he was in prison. I feel bad for the girl. She will grow up someday and realize the man she loved is sick for falling in love with a child. I've seen it a million times.
mistermain said:
I am nobody to say they should be locked up. If any 22 year old ever came around my 14 year old daughter (which I have two), he would wish he was in prison. I feel bad for the girl. She will grow up someday and realize the man she loved is sick for falling in love with a child. I've seen it a million times.

Well then I feel sorry for your daughters as they live in a city where prostitution is flourishing. Not to mention strippers are all too plentiful there. I think you have bigger problems on your hands other than some 20yr old falling in love with your teenage daughters.
What exactly is your objection to this situation other than "they're sick fuc*s"?

Well for starters its lawfully wrong. Hows that? Not to mention shes not an adult yet. WHICH MEANS SHE BY LAW CANT GET MARRIED . And by law she cant make those kinds of consenting decisions.

Can she make those kinds of decisions? Of course she can. I think mentally girls at that age are able to decide whether or not they like the guy or not. Besides marrage rates arent getting better anyway so who are we to say that your not old enough? On the other hand if your like 9or some rediculous age like that then of course that is totally wrong.

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