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Chicago mayor's hypocrisy: Protests are fine anywhere else in the city but just not on my block (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 3, 2018
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north carolina
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
That's the trouble with insensitive God-rejecting unbelievers. They are fine if others suffer, but they have no intention of being subjected to the same suffering themselves.

Report: With Chicago police already stretched thin, Mayor Lightfoot stations over 100 cops outside home, bans protests on her block to protect herself - TheBlaze

"We have a right in our home to live in peace," she added.

Democrats in Congress passed the Obamacare tax on all Americans regardless of what the majority of Americans thought about it, but they exempted themselves from the totalitarian measure. The Seattle mayor and the Chicago mayor praised protests and violence they called love fests, but when those protests came to their neighborhood they screamed bloody murder.

Don't vote for democrats. They promote evil and don't even know it.
I guarantee you that people will stop act so pissy when cops stop assaulting and shooting them.
So this is how it works...Mayor Lightfoot's property deserves to be protected but to hell with the rest of the city that is clearly fair game.
Good job, Chicago! Keep voting these hypocrites into office.
Those 100 police men need to signal the protesters that they are going on a coffee break.
Let's be fair to Her Honor.

All people who are rich or important or famous talk the talk ("Oh, we just love everyone and we do not fear anyone"), but they do not walk the walk.

They all have bodyguards -- including the Speaker of the House when she walked in solidarity with some protesters.

Even the organizers of BLM no doubt have their bodyguards.

I live near Beverly Hills, California. Those rich liberals (who tell us ordinary people to love the protesters) went berserk when BLM threatened to march in their neighborhood. They got the police to step in and stop it.

Is there any wonder why vocal liberals are held in contempt by so many people?
Let's be fair to Her Honor.

All people who are rich or important or famous talk the talk ("Oh, we just love everyone and we do not fear anyone"), but they do not walk the walk.

They all have bodyguards -- including the Speaker of the House when she walked in solidarity with some protesters.

Even the organizers of BLM no doubt have their bodyguards.

I live near Beverly Hills, California. Those rich liberals (who tell us ordinary people to love the protesters) went berserk when BLM threatened to march in their neighborhood. They got the police to step in and stop it.

Is there any wonder why vocal liberals are held in contempt by so many people?
There is a great deal of truth in this post.
Lori Lightfootinmouth is a disaster, just like Rahm Emanuel.
"All animals are equal. Some animals are more equal than others"
There's no excuse for the rioting.

There's no excuse for you still supporting Trump, so we don't all get to have what we want.
There's no excuse for you still supporting Trump, so we don't all get to have what we want.

I'm excercising my fundamental rights. Rioting? Yeah, that isn't a fundamental right. :lamo
5 killed, 67 wounded over the weekend.....but at least the mayor's house was safe!

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