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Cheney Resigning after Elections? Maybe Yes. (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
There are reports of a growing rift between Bush and Cheney that will lead to Cheney's resignation. According to GOP sources, Cheney is now becoming a liability to both Bush and the Republican Party. The hunting accident, although pretty much a non-issue, is hurting the administraton, and the fact that Cheney is becoming a target for Patrick Fitzgerald, as Libby's testimony and accusations will require that he will have to defend himself vigorously against the Plame grand jury. GOP sources say that Cheney will be here through this year's elections, but he will be gone soon after that.

Article is here.
The story talks about sources. Who is the person named Sources?
I doubt it'll happen....

Bush is nothing without Dick:lol:
KCConservative said:
The ones without names. :lol:
Actually, I was referring to Kandahar's calling the source "Raw Story" not credible.

Kandahar - You show quite a bit of ignorance here, since Raw Story only reprinted excerpts from Insight Magazine, which is run by..........

The Washington Times.

Instead of making some pretty dumb comments about sources, you would do well to read the article closely. If you had done that, then you would have known that the article was created by a different news organization than the one you are referring to as "not credible".

I sincerely hope that I do not see a post like the following from you in the future:

Kandahar said:
FOX News is really owned by Al-Jazeera. You heard it from me.

Seriously, that was a pretty dumb gaffe on your part, but I recognize the fact that you are no different than anyone else. I have made stupid statements in the past too, and so has everyone else on this board. Its no big deal, and you can go a long way towards correcting your error by speaking to the issue at hand, instead of looking for excuses not to.

With that all out of the way, lets start with a fresh slate. Why dont you believe that Cheney is resigning after the elections?
Well if it comes out that he ordered his underlings to out Plame I don't think he'd have to resign. If that happens he should get arrested and charged with treason.
Cassapolis said:
Well if it comes out that he ordered his underlings to out Plame I don't think he'd have to resign. If that happens he should get arrested and charged with treason.

lmfao, um, Plame was never outted because she was never covert to begin with.
If she wasn't covert why is this turning out to be such a big deal? I bet ya dollars to doughnuts that when it is all said and done that it will be revealed that she was in fact a covert agent. It just seems to me that if she wasn't covert then this is all a big waste of time. But then again basically these same people decided it was a good idea to waste millions of dollars to establish that Clinton like to get BJ's in the oval office.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
lmfao, um, Plame was never outted because she was never covert to begin with.
Court papers show she was covert.
time to put that old and rusty :spin: to rest. Court papers show Plame WAS covert. Time for you to try another :spin:. This one is already worn out, and untrue to boot.
danarhea said:
Court papers show she was covert.
time to put that old and rusty :spin: to rest. Court papers show Plame WAS covert. Time for you to try another :spin:. This one is already worn out, and untrue to boot.

lol that article proves absolutely nothing, Fitzgerald himself has said that Plame was not covert.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
lol that article proves absolutely nothing, Fitzgerald himself has said that Plame was not covert.
Got a link to back up that statement, and rebut this?

Patrick Fitzgerald found that Plame had indeed done "covert work overseas" on counterproliferation matters in the past five years, and the CIA "was making specific efforts to conceal" her identity, according to newly released portions of a judge's opinion.
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danarhea said:
Got a link to back up that statement, and rebut this?

Rebutt a judges opinion? That might be difficult.

Fitzgerald: "Let me say two things," Fitzgerald told reporters. "I am not speaking [in this indictment] to whether or not Valerie Wilson was covert . . . And we have not made any allegation that Mr. Libby knowingly or intentionally outed a covert agent."
Cheyney resign after the elections? That's laughable at best, and probably far reaching. But then again, most of politics is laughable and far reaching.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Rebutt a judges opinion? That might be difficult.

Fitzgerald: "Let me say two things," Fitzgerald told reporters. "I am not speaking [in this indictment] to whether or not Valerie Wilson was covert . . . And we have not made any allegation that Mr. Libby knowingly or intentionally outed a covert agent."
1) First of all, you dont even provide a link to back up what you are saying.

2) If you had provided a link, my bet is that it would be out of date. Out of date information is no good, if there is more recent information which contradicts it. You just cant use something that has been later proven wrong.

3) In your own words, Fitzgerald did not know at the time. He did not say she was not covert, according to what you showed. He said he could not speak as to whether or not she was. This is quite different from what you are trying to :spin:

4) What Fitzgerald is now saying is that she is covert, which trumps tbe out of date information you are still attempting :spin: here.

5) Do you know what a judge's opinion is? There is one on each and every ruling, and the prevailing judicial opinion is the final arbiter of law. Are you saying that you do not respect the law? What is your :spin:eek:n that?

6) You did not provide any links to back up what you are trying to :spin:. Oops, already said that one. :)
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I didn't think this was a secret. I recall hearing many times that he's done after this. Here's an interview with his wife that says:
BLITZER: Do you think he would like to be president of the United States and run in 2008?

CHENEY: I think he has said very firmly that his plans are to leave politics in 2008, after having spent -- oh my goodness, I'm just trying to do the math in my head, here -- more than 30 years in politics.

And I think he's made an amazing contribution to our country and I certainly support him in the idea that it's time to find some other things to do.

BLITZER: So I guess he's not going to run for president in 2008?

CHENEY: That's a no!
danarhea said:
Actually, I was referring to Kandahar's calling the source "Raw Story" not credible.

Kandahar - You show quite a bit of ignorance here, since Raw Story only reprinted excerpts from Insight Magazine, which is run by..........

The Washington Times.

Instead of making some pretty dumb comments about sources, you would do well to read the article closely. If you had done that, then you would have known that the article was created by a different news organization than the one you are referring to as "not credible".

I sincerely hope that I do not see a post like the following from you in the future:


Seriously, that was a pretty dumb gaffe on your part, but I recognize the fact that you are no different than anyone else. I have made stupid statements in the past too, and so has everyone else on this board. Its no big deal, and you can go a long way towards correcting your error by speaking to the issue at hand, instead of looking for excuses not to.

With that all out of the way, lets start with a fresh slate. Why dont you believe that Cheney is resigning after the elections?

It's owned by the owner of the Washington Times. I see nothing to suggest that it's run by the Washington Times.

The following is an excerpt from your own article, and was what I was referring to when I said it lacks credibility:

The publication is owned by the owner of the Washington Times and has a rocky track record, but occasionally nails breaking scoops.

Washington insiders who speak with Cheney's staff tell RAW STORY the claim is likely unfounded.
Kandahar said:
It's owned by the owner of the Washington Times. I see nothing to suggest that it's run by the Washington Times.

The following is an excerpt from your own article, and was what I was referring to when I said it lacks credibility:

1) Actually, you said the source was not credible. The source I provided was Raw Story.

2) However, you do make a point that Washington Times does not run Insight mag. I stand corrected. Washington Times and Insight Magazine are both owned and published by the same Conservative publishing company, News World Communications.

3) Raw Story claims that Insight has a rocky track record stem from politics more than anything else. When the article is useful, they will, of course, say that it has had some breaking scoops.

4) The above reasons are why I titled this thread with a question mark, and used the word "Maybe". It is a possibility, so what I would like to see from you is something related to that possibility. What do you think? Will Cheney be leaving and, if not, why do you think he might be staying?
Cheney would have to be pried from office in my opinion, the man just does not seem the type of person to quit anything, just look at what happened when that old man got between him and his bird!:lol:
shuamort said:
I didn't think this was a secret. I recall hearing many times that he's done after this. Here's an interview with his wife that says:

I thought the discussion was whether or not he might step aside after the mid-term elections? As in resign, he can't resign in '08. His term will simply expire, right?
I don't think George will go Dickless. :lol:
However, it would also be a good opportunity for the reps to place the person they have in office that they want to run for Pres next in second seat. That may have something to do with the story.
Blue Collar Joe said:
I don't think George will go Dickless. :lol:
However, it would also be a good opportunity for the reps to place the person they have in office that they want to run for Pres next in second seat. That may have something to do with the story.

Maybe they could talk Rice into the position? Would give her a leg up and and way out of her comments about not ever running.
Pacridge said:
I thought the discussion was whether or not he might step aside after the mid-term elections? As in resign, he can't resign in '08. His term will simply expire, right?
:doh Missed that part. I remember there was a rumor in the '04 elections that Cheney would step aside then and Bush would get a different running mate. I would think that Cheney stepping down would be a HUGE faux pas and I can't see the GOP doing that to themselves.
Rice isn't electable. The only likely electable candidates (John McCain, Rudy Giuliani) are ones that have been critical of George W Bush. So I don't think he'll replace Cheney for the purpose of priming a successor.

I doubt Cheney will leave before his term is up unless his health deteriorates.

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