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Cheney is told to go **** himself on CNN (1 Viewer)

FinnMacCool said:

The look on his face. . .:rofl

Obviously there is some explicit language but I think we are all mature here.

So what do you think about that. Here is one of the top officials of the Federal Government which is there to bring rescue and recovery and this ahole walks by and makes that statement. What do you make of it.
Stinger said:
So what do you think about that. Here is one of the top officials of the Federal Government which is there to bring rescue and recovery and this ahole walks by and makes that statement. What do you make of it.

Well unfortunatly we can't shoot him, or put him in prison. Personally I think the guys a raving smacked ass. Maybe someone will recognize him and give him a private attitude adjustment. But I don't see a whole lot of recourse other then that. You don't have to like the man but you should have some respect for the office. I notice this is lacking in a lot of what I hear from some people.
Calm2Chaos said:
Well unfortunatly we can't shoot him, or put him in prison. Personally I think the guys a raving smacked ass. Maybe someone will recognize him and give him a private attitude adjustment. But I don't see a whole lot of recourse other then that.

Well of course not and that's not what I was asking.

You don't have to like the man but you should have some respect for the office. I notice this is lacking in a lot of what I hear from some people.

And I Imagine there are quite a few even some around here who think of the guy as a hero of some sorts. "Yeah that got Cheney didn't it!!!"
It was funny!

And the Vice President handled himself wonderfully! Even made a joke of it.

Without a teleprompter no less.

Way to go Mr Vice President!!!!!!
Hey cool a Harry Potter fan. I'm actually pretty obsessive myself

<ahem> anyways, yeah. I can definatly give credit to Cheney. very good under pressure.
FinnMacCool said:
Aw Stinger. . .don't hurt my feelings.

I dunno. I thought it was funny. sheesh.

Really that's funny? Here we are trying to help the people down there as much as we can and this imbecile walks by the VP making such a childish remark and it's funny? What was funny about it?
Stinger said:
Really that's funny? Here we are trying to help the people down there as much as we can and this imbecile walks by the VP making such a childish remark and it's funny? What was funny about it?

Yes but didn't he sort of bring it on himself when a few months ago he told a senatore to the floor of the senate to perfom the same immoral act. It's kind of what comes around....Anyway Cheney can take it after all he has been dishing it out for years.
The guy that walked by and said that was a genius. I would have said something much worse. But then, Cheney is such an asshole that he even makes the shrub look good. I just hope nothing happens to the shrub or we would have this blooming idiot running the country.
Inuyasha said:
Yes but didn't he sort of bring it on himself when a few months ago he told a senatore to the floor of the senate to perfom the same immoral act. It's kind of what comes around....Anyway Cheney can take it after all he has been dishing it out for years.

I think that was a private matter between to men. I don't see the coralation with someone saying that to the VP while inspecting the recovery efforts and the relief the government was bringing in, and no one has yet to explain why it was funny.
Old and wise said:
The guy that walked by and said that was a genius.

So one of the leaders of the country is down there in those harsh conditions, inspecting the efforts being made to bring relief and recovery to people in dire need someone walks by and yells an obsenity and you think that that takes a genius to do so? Amazing.

I would have said something much worse.

And you think that yelling an even worse obsenity would make you a genius?

Has anyone every instructed you in proper decorum?

Do you know it's usually not a very good idea to bite the hand that is feeding you?

But then, Cheney is such an asshole that he even makes the shrub look good.

Now your debate is really reach high intellectual levels.

I just hope nothing happens to the shrub or we would have this blooming idiot running the country.

And I guess you believe you are of a higher intelligence and your post is suppose to demonstrate that? Yep calling other people names is certainly the way to achieve your objectives and win people over.
Stinger said:
I think that was a private matter between to men. I don't see the coralation with someone saying that to the VP while inspecting the recovery efforts and the relief the government was bringing in, and no one has yet to explain why it was funny.

What I heard, from the news of course (for what the hell that's worth) is that there were several people around who heard it. IMO it was in bad taste anyway, I mean for saying it where others could hear it. Once upon a time our politicians had "decorum". I guess that's in the toilet along with a lot of other good stuff.

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