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Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has decided to sell the club and will donate all net proceeds ‘for the benefit of all victims of the war in Ukraine.’ (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 2, 2017
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Political Leaning

😆 the rats start to escape from the pootrer´s boat , and its only 7 day of war
He is just one of the many of Putin's oligarch pals that for some reason are not under sanctions. The whole going after the Oligarchs thing is a joke.
There are over a hundred Oligarchs with Kreml connections, we're sanctioning a handful of them. People like Abramovich with a long history of being a Kreml ally are left alone (meaning they are selling their properties for good money right now and move that money somewhere else).
There are over a hundred Oligarchs with Kreml connections, we're sanctioning a handful of them.
I SEE your point, if we attack all close to pootler Oligarchs , will it work ?
I SEE your point, if we attack all close to pootler Oligarchs , will it work ?
It would for sure make many of them pissed at Putin for causing this ruckus.
It would for sure make many of them pissed at Putin for causing this ruckus.
The yachts of oligarchs have been seized in France and Germany.


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