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Cheapest Method for Death Penalty (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jun 2, 2005
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Which method is cheapest?

Just another thing I was wondering lol. I couldn't find a definite answer on google...so yeah.
Hornburger said:
Which method is cheapest?

Just another thing I was wondering lol. I couldn't find a definite answer on google...so yeah.

Dispense with hearings, trials or appeals. Make guilt of a crime determinative based on the label applied to a person. If someone is labelled an "enemy combatant" they have no rights, and can be summarily excuted. Expand the definition of the label "enemy combatant" to domestic "terrorists" (ie anyone that accused of committing a crime that caused terror to a victim) and to those accused of crimes in in the drug war. In fact, by declaring a "war on crime" everyone accused of being a criminal can be labelled and enemy combatant and summarily executed.

That will save a lot of money.
But how about like...firing squad, lethal injection, electrocution, etc etc. Which one costs the least?
Cheapest way to kill someone? Beating someone to death with a rock is pretty cheap.

For more conventional ways, hanging and firing squad are probably the cheapest.
Hornburger said:
But how about like...firing squad, lethal injection, electrocution, etc etc. Which one costs the least?

I would be hanging becuase all you need is 5 to 10 foot pices of rope an "Oak Tree" and a person that know how to tie knotes...and something to for the hangee to stand on and be pushed off...then it would be firing squad because you need at least 5 people and 5 guns...and 5 bullets...that how many people you need to use in a USA firing squad......but hanging wins
oh right, I'm retarded lol.

But yeah, I also think it would save a lot more money and be less expensive than life in prison if we just cut down the appeals process with having the sentence happen in like 2-5 years or something after the conviction, like what NavyPride said.
Hornburger said:
oh right, I'm retarded lol.

But yeah, I also think it would save a lot more money and be less expensive than life in prison if we just cut down the appeals process with having the sentence happen in like 2-5 years or something after the conviction, like what NavyPride said.

You're not a retarded....i personliy don't belive in death penalty like the USA beleives into it....i believe in chain-gangs...the prisoners be paired up into two's....and if they run...shot one or the both of them...let them make there death penalty not us...

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