Comrade Brian said:
But he still had many good things to say.
Che was a mentally inbalanced man who by the time he arrived in Cuba, was full of hate and directly ordered the death of thousands....including children and innocent farmers who refused to join his "revolution". Ruthless, cold blooded and calculating he was Fidel Castro's main henchman, who early in the Revolution killed and eliminated everyone who could challenge his Marxist Leninist ideas.
Those who are not aware of his past, need to know the truth by reading more ...not just his quotes.
Guevara’s "admirers" have constructed, manipulated and displayed his image for mainly political and economic ends. The idealization of the Argentine revolutionary portraying him as a romantic hero, intellectual and freedom fighter, contributes to the distortion of Ernesto "Che" Guevara.
During the Cuban missile crisis, he was in favor of a nuclear war because he believed that a better world could be built from the ashes, regardless of the cost in millions of lives.
Since you like quotes, I'm going to give you one of Che's:
"Blind hate against the enemy creates a forceful impulse that cracks the boundaries of natural human limitations, transforming the soldier in an effective, selective and cold killing machine. A people without hate cannot triumph against the adversary."
Guevara’s elevation as symbol of goodness, due to the self-indulgence and frivolity of pampered Western pseudo revolutionaries, speaks clearly of their lack of critical objective analysis, forgetting that the difference between "Che" and Pol Pot was that Guevara never studied in Paris.
Good article: "Killer Chic" (with good sources)