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Chavez Turns the other Cheek (1 Viewer)

Arch Enemy

DP Veteran
Mar 27, 2005
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North Carolina
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Slightly Conservative
Chavez Turns the other Cheek: Offers Oil to the Poor of the US

Posted by: nikelbee
On: Wed August, 24 2005 @ 23:24 GMT
Huge Chavez, President of the Republic of Venezuela, has replied to televangelist Pat Roberston's death threats by offering the US cheap oil for its poor communities.

Pat Roberston remarked a few days ago that Chavez should be assassinated as it would be cheaper and easier than going to war.

Chavez, a former military officer is not one to cower however. He made it very clear that he would use Venezuela's oil as a political bargaining tool in dealings with the US.

Venezuela is currently the world's 5th largest importer of crude oil, supplying 1.3m to the US per day.

Roberston aplogized for the off the remarks he made regarding President Chavez and added this: "I said our special forces could take him out. Take him out could be a number of things, including kidnapping."


Turning the other cheek and giving cheap oil to America.. why can't our Presidents be more like him!?
Once again, proving God's cruel joke of putting oil under
the places with the worst people...
cnredd said:
Once again, proving God's cruel joke of putting oil under
the places with the worst people...

According to the Oil and Gas Journal, the United States had 21.9 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2005, eleventh highest in the world.

So, we're only the eleventh worst people? :lol:
BWG said:
According to the Oil and Gas Journal, the United States had 21.9 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2005, eleventh highest in the world.

So, we're only the eleventh worst people? :lol:

We got EVEN worse worst...the majority of the oil can't be drilled because it would violate environmental regulations...stupid, huh?

The Alaskan reserve is, almost literally, a drop in the bucket...Off-shore drilling was prevented a few years ago in Florida, and other places are being protected by "nature people"...

It's there...we just get stopped from getting it....
cnredd said:
Once again, proving God's cruel joke of putting oil under
the places with the worst people...

Hey, Chavez rocks. Try not to let your jealousy show through so much.
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cnredd said:
We got EVEN worse worst...the majority of the oil can't be drilled because it would violate environmental regulations...stupid, huh?

The Alaskan reserve is, almost literally, a drop in the bucket...Off-shore drilling was prevented a few years ago in Florida, and other places are being protected by "nature people"...

It's there...we just get stopped from getting it....

Tut tut. It's all a drop in the bucket.

"According to the EIA, the United States has 21 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2000. The U.S. uses about 6.6 billion barrels per year. That is only enough oil to last the U.S. about three and a half years without importing oil from other countries. 84% of the reserves are concentrated in four states. Texas has 25%, both onshore, and offshore. Alaska has 24%, California has 21%, and Louisiana has 14% onshore, and offshore. Since 1990, U.S. oil reserves have dropped about 20%. New oil discoveries made in 1999 were made almost entirely in the Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska. (321 million barrels). All other discoveries were extensions of existing oil fields, or new reservoirs discovered in old fields. (404 million barrels)."

Kelzie said:
Tut tut. It's all a drop in the bucket.

"According to the EIA, the United States has 21 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2000. The U.S. uses about 6.6 billion barrels per year. That is only enough oil to last the U.S. about three and a half years without importing oil from other countries. 84% of the reserves are concentrated in four states. Texas has 25%, both onshore, and offshore. Alaska has 24%, California has 21%, and Louisiana has 14% onshore, and offshore. Since 1990, U.S. oil reserves have dropped about 20%. New oil discoveries made in 1999 were made almost entirely in the Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska. (321 million barrels). All other discoveries were extensions of existing oil fields, or new reservoirs discovered in old fields. (404 million barrels)."


Does this mean BWG's statement is false?

According to the Oil and Gas Journal, the United States had 21.9 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2005, eleventh highest in the world

If it's only a drop in the bucket, then that means there are only 10 countries with MORE than a drop in the bucket...
cnredd said:
Does this mean BWG's statement is false?

According to the Oil and Gas Journal, the United States had 21.9 billion barrels of proved oil reserves as of January 1, 2005, eleventh highest in the world

If it's only a drop in the bucket, then that means there are only 10 countries with MORE than a drop in the bucket...

No it's just all the other countries have so much more:

1. Saudi Arabia 261.9
2. Canada 178.81
3. Iran 125.8
4. Iraq 115.0
5. Kuwait 101.5
6. United Arab Emirates 97.8
7. Venezuela 77.2
8. Russia 60.0
9. Libya 39.0
10. Nigeria 35.3
Kelzie said:
No it's just all the other countries have so much more:

1. Saudi Arabia 261.9
2. Canada 178.81
3. Iran 125.8
4. Iraq 115.0
5. Kuwait 101.5
6. United Arab Emirates 97.8
7. Venezuela 77.2
8. Russia 60.0
9. Libya 39.0
10. Nigeria 35.3

This still doesn't seem like the best bunch of campers a Western society could hope for...
cnredd said:
This still doesn't seem like the best bunch of campers a Western society could hope for...

We don't really have a choice. Three years isn't very long.
Kelzie said:
We don't really have a choice. Three years isn't very long.

You haven't met my ex-fiance...
cnredd said:
You haven't met my ex-fiance...

Hey! I have an ex-fiance too! Is there some sort of club we should join?
Kelzie said:
Hey! I have an ex-fiance too! Is there some sort of club we should join?

MY house...6 AM...I get done work at 5:15...wear something nice...:2wave:
cnredd said:
MY house...6 AM...I get done work at 5:15...wear something nice...:2wave:

Wow, that's too bad...I leave for school at six.

Damn, I never get to join the cool clubs. :mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
Wow, that's too bad...I leave for school at six.

Damn, I never get to join the cool clubs. :mrgreen:

Shame...I'll be thinking of you...I'll order my sausage, egg, and cheese without the sausage.:2wave:
cnredd said:
Shame...I'll be thinking of you...I'll order my sausage, egg, and cheese without the sausage.:2wave:

And umm the egg and cheese right? Cause I don't eat those either...
Kelzie said:
And umm the egg and cheese right? Cause I don't eat those either...

JESUSCHRIST woman can you meet me halfway?!?!?!?!?!?
cnredd said:
JESUSCHRIST woman can you meet me halfway?!?!?!?!?!?

What?!? I am...you can have the biscuit...:mrgreen:
Kelzie said:
What?!? I am...you can have the biscuit...:mrgreen:

Are we still talking "food"?:twisted:
cnredd said:
Are we still talking "food"?:twisted:

Is there a reason you just highlight the bis in biscuit? Cause if it's some sort of pun, I'm not getting it...Maybe it's biz like business? 'Cept that still doesn't make sense....:lol:
Kelzie said:
Is there a reason you just highlight the bis in biscuit? Cause if it's some sort of pun, I'm not getting it...Maybe it's biz like business? 'Cept that still doesn't make sense....:lol:
I editedededt it!

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