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Charles Krauthammer: Where is Ted Cruz now? (1 Viewer)

While I don't have a particular problem with Krauthammer, he's an establishment republican. Democrats and establishment republicans are the reason that our government is dysfunctional, wasteful, bloated and incompetent.
And yet this latest bout of dysfunction and incompetence was spearheaded and cheered on by the anti-establishment movement that is the Tea Party. Perhaps your theory isn't as foolproof as thought.
And yet this latest bout of dysfunction and incompetence was spearheaded and cheered on by the anti-establishment movement that is the Tea Party. Perhaps your theory isn't as foolproof as thought.

Nonsense. Nice statist talking point though. Feel free to turn your life over to an all powerful federal government. Watch out for the cliff though and don't follow the other lemmings too close. At the top of the cliff you accelerate at 16 ft per second. You stop really fast at the end though.

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