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Charges Against Sheehan Dropped - DC Police Apologize (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
DP Veteran
Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
Political Leaning
And an apology was necessary. What Sheehan did was tacky, thats for sure, but not illegal.

Now let me make something clear. This was not about Conservative ideologues attempting to stifle freedom of speech of Liberals, but about boneheaded cops. A man was also arrested, and his t-shirt said something different:

Support the Troops — Defending Our Freedom

DC police are reviewing policy so that arrests like these dont happen again. Liberals, please dont try and make a conspiracy theory out of this, because there was really no conspiracy.

Article is here.
At least the cops were sort of bipartisan. I think they shouldn't have been bothering anybody over those t-shirts.
Sheehan thread #5. Come on, folks. Read before starting new threads.

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